No, they never talked about marriage. And no, they never imprinted. While Ash had strong feelings for him back when they were together it was over the minute the guy cheated. And Ash never thought to marry or imprint him.
The reason the friends thought it was something so serious was because:
1. Ash never went into details about why they broke up
2. Hazel, everytime he was having a hard time would go to Ash. Ash, feeling guilty because he was his first ever serious relationship, couldn't turn hin away when he needed help.
3. This is only implied, but I think Hazel also maybe let on to their friends that Ash and him were more serious than it really was.
Karlyle feels like shit when he hears the friends conversation about imprinting. His biggest worry was that he is an alpha, Ash will never be able to imprint on him or he won't ever be able to really help Ash with his rut as an alpha himself. He also wonders whether Ash loves him more than Hazel. And having thoughts of wanting to be Ash's first- first love, etc.
Not knowing how to tell Ash all his insecurities and worries, he pushes Ash away. Ash tries to talk to him and explain the whole Hazel situation but Karlyle asks him for time. So they don't talk for 2 days.
2nd day, Karlyle goes out to talk to Ash but finds a note from Ash saying he's at work. Karlyle goes to his office and finds Ash with a guy- Hazel.
After seeing them together, all of Karlyle's worries comes flooding back and he starts thinking Ash would be better off with an omega and left without saying anything.
Then as he was leaving the building, he remembers when Ash mentioned that he was the first person he knotted. That gave him a pause because if Ash did love Hazel to the point of imprinting and wanting to marry him, why has he never knotted him? So he decided to go back to Ash's office to hear Ash's explanation.
Karlyle was waiting for the elevator to go down, once it opened Ash and Hazel stepped out.
Ash to Karlyle: Did you come here just to leave? Are you going to misunderstand things again?
He then goes to introduce Lyle to Hazel by calling Lyle the man he loves (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Basically what follows is Ash, pissed, making Hazel admit to Lyle that no, they never talked about marriage and no we never imprinted. Also made sure Lyle knew nothing has been going on and that he hasn't been in contact with Hazel ever since Ash and Lyle met in New York.
Hazel was crying at this point (this bitch
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸) and he basically thought Ash wasn't serious because why would he be in a serious relationship with an alpha. He really though he had a chance but Ash made sure to confront him and show him that he was serious about Lyle and that he wasn't even in the picture.
So that's how it goes.
Honestly, i hate the friends for the mess they caused. No matter how close friends you are, you have no right to butt into your friends relationship. The fact they couldn't even respect Ash and Lyle's relationship was disgusting. I mean, it was a fucking house warming. They bought a house together. That goes to show how fucking serious they were with each other. Also, they can see how happy Ash is... Why tf would you even ruin a relationship seeing how happy your friend is? Like where is the fucking logic??? But you guys still had the audacity to think it was okay for an ex to show up and ruin shit? Ash needs better friends honestly.... If you can't respect my partner who has been nothing but kind to you, I think I don't want you coming to my house and eating in my dinner table.
Also, you can read the novel in wattpad. Just type in "Dreams Of Love"
2025-03-02 05:47 marked

1. He may be a victim of circumstance but that is not the only thing that shapes your character. He had a shitty childhood, I get that but so did the Charlotte and she turned out great. See your pst is their and to an extent it influences you but it I think a person has control over how they want the circumstance they are in to influence their character and the way they act. The King, just so happens, to have let it consume him and turn him into this person who has am inferiority complex over a brother who cares for him and loves him.
2. The way he is using his power to control and oppress his siblings. I don't know about yall, but the fact that he has his half-sisters life at the palm of his hands and the fact that he is using her to control his brother does not sit well with me. A sick child, your own sister, and you are using them as a tool for your sick obsession/competition with your brother. So no, he aint good, and even with his past sob story, he is evil.
3. He wanted to take control/possession of Charlottes title and land/power... lets not forget that. The asshole forgot about that shit because he fell in love at first sight with her... but lets not forget that he had motives and was scheming shit against her before he saw how beautiful she is. Might I also add, how shallow it is to fall in love with someone based on their appearance only? I can't even be bothered to sympathize with him. Why should I? What has he done to earn it? He has been a constant creep forcing himself on someone who clearly doesn't care about him... and this sick obsession (i aint calling this shit love) started pnly because of her pretty face. Really? He is that shallow??
So I understand the narrative that he is the way he is because of his past... he went through shit and that molded him into the person that he is. But yall forgot that he is not the only perspn with a sob story here. Every character has had a shitty childhood. He had people who hurt him, but he had a brother who clearly loved him. It was not all dark, he had someone who cared for him. But instead of choosing to be better, be something different from those who hurt him, he chose to be just like them.
Yes, he seems funny. He has friends and people loyal to him. He has good relationships. I guess we've all consumed one-dimensional characters in manhwas that we forget characters are supposed to be dynamic. In real life, just because someone is a bitch, or someone is rude or mean, does not mean they cant have friends, or good qualities. The King is just like that. Yeah he is nice, TO THOSE WHO ARE LOYAL TO HIM, but isn't that the way people are? We are good and we care about those who are on our side, but the difference is in how he acts towards those who he sees as a threat or those who do not follow his rule. He oppressed them and harasses them and that is what makes him a villain.
O do wish he has a change of heart. I don't think it's irreversible or irredeemable. Arthur seems like the type of person who will forgive and he seems to still care for his brother. I do hope they don't repeat history and actually become brothers who cate for each other.
2021-06-30 17:11 marked
This is why I hate involving myself with the LGBTQ+ community in general because it’s so toxic to me. I don’t even bother labeling myself under any specific sexuality anymore since it’s just proven to have done more harm than good for me. Now I follow my personal belief that love doesn’t need to be labeled. But that being said, if you want ......
2021-05-18 19:03 marked

2021-04-05 08:25 marked

In another universe, the second lead would get the guy. But this is bl, and it is predictable, the main character will ALWAYS end up with the male lead.
And in this case, I really want them to end up together. I know Im surprised by my own answer. Why? because honestly, Henry and Sam have dragged their shit thia long they better fucking end up together. Do I like their character? honestly, at this point im not sure. Henry I'm not sure what I feel about more than Sam. Let's stop blaming Sam for all the shit that's going on, we know he was clueless to his romantic feelings (which i still want t smack him for bec HOW CAN U BE BLINS FOR THIS LONG?!?!). When he realized what he felt, he took action in a way. execution? not so good, but hey he was honest and put effort.
Henry... by god is this character pretty complicated. He started off as someone I relate to. He was painted as a martyr in a way, like damn cant believe u were a bestman to the love of ur lifes wedding but u do u bae, and all the heart wrenching shit he has done. really felt sorry for him. understood how important their friendship was for him, and understood why he never made a move. but see here, lets be honest, he never really gave moving on a chance. did he try? i dunno, but when i see henry, i see someone who is stuck loving the same person his whole life, and a part of me can see he doesnt mind it. he puts on this facade, dnt knw if he thinks he's moving on or shit, but that right there is a man who cant let go.
Where was I even going with this rant? So yes. I fucking hate the pain seth has been put through but lets be real, our baby knew it was coming, he signed up for it. did he hope for a better ending? i mean he's human he did, but i think seth knew a HEA was not gonna happen. So whats the best thing to happen? The main couple to talk their shit out, clear every goddamn misunderstansing, kiss, fuck, get together, so they dnt hurt other ppl and bring other ppl nto their shit. and by god get seth a man that will love him for him and shower him with all the love and adoration that he deserves.
2021-04-05 08:25 marked

If you think about it objectively, the manhwa is pretty fascinating because it shows you how love can bring out the ugliest sides to people but also how nothing great can actually come out of it- ex. the mess that was Joowon and Haesoo, and also why Taku can never make Haesoo fall for him. The characters have so much bad in them there is so much room for growth.
I find it disappointing how some readers are so obsessed with their ships that they have gone into this war of this person is toxic while the other is an angel, or this person is toxic and this one isn't, needing to paint someone as evil in order to alleviate the other character. When this could be such a great discussion for what is right and wrong, what can and cannot be done, what is healthy and what is toxic that can be applied to real life situations. Every character in the manhwa needs growth and development because they are messed up.
Honestly I don't care who others ship because that's their right as readers, however the "joowon is toxic, Haesoo is a cheater and a slut, and Taku is the only good one he is the angel" narrative is getting exhausting and frankly dumb. It's disappointing to me that some readers only got that after reading this. How some of you summed up each character into these few words and attached to them definitions that you want that don't do the characters justice. You can feel sorry for a character but you don't need to drag them down. You can love a character without putting them in a pedestal and absolving them of their questionable and toxic traits. I personally like Joowon, does that mean I am blind to his faults? Nope. I actually didn't want him to end up with Haesoo if he didn't straighten his shit out. He was flawed and thank fuck he finally acknowledged it and did something about it. That's the thing though, you can like a character but still acknowledge if they are being an asshole or not.
Also, people might think it's dumb how some of us are fucking tired and ranting about this bs esp since this is just a manhwa but if you actually are in social media and actually follow this manhwa you will know that the author has been hareassed by so many stans that are pissed they didn't get the ending that they want. This to me is too much. You can be disappointed of the outcome but at least be mature enough to respect the author bec frankly yall don't have any right to demand shit from her.
2021-04-05 07:49 marked

And Joowon might have had his moments of being an asshole who is shit at communicating but I prefer the way he loved Haesoo especially near the end, how selfless his love was. How he was just happy to let him go and be with someone else, cute himself off his life, if it would make him happy. I like how Joowon gave Haesoo a CHOICE, to choose what was best for him what would make him happy.
Joowon could have easily guilt tripped Haesoo to be with him. Especially with how Joowon's acting career was in the rocks bec of something he did to protect Haesoo in the past. But what sets Joowon apart and, for me, a better male lead is that he didn't use that against Haesoo to manipulate him into being with him. And that is why no matter how much some readers trash Joowon's character and paint him out as some bad guy or how he is toxic and all things bad, I can't for the life of me see him that way.
Anyone who can read without bias and rose tinted glasses can see that Joowon is not what people try to depict him as. And from all of the flawed characters in this book, which in my opinion all of them are, Joowon has shown the best character development of them all.
Kudos to him for his self growth and kudos to him for finally saying he loves Haesoo and another kudos to him for finally getting the person he loves.
2020-12-16 15:49 marked

2. If you hate step siblings getting together then this aint for you. Frankly, I don't see what the issue with this is. I don't hate it nor do I like it. If they weren't brought up as siblings as kids, if they weren't conditioned since childhood to see each other as siblings, I don't see why it's an issue. But hey, if that aint for you then don't read it, nobody is forcing you at gun point to read the story and spew hate on it bec it is depicting a trope/dynamic you don't like.
3. Stop hating on Haesoo and saying that he led Taku on. Are we even reading the same manhwa at this point? Or are yall just great at filtering the things you read to support your narrative? Taku has been chasing Haesoo and pressuring him to be in a relationship with him. Yes they used each other for selfish reasons, but I don't see people calling out Taku for that. But I see a lot of people, here and on socmed hating on Haesoo and painting him as someone who used Taku when we can clearly see form the manhwa that it was Taku who pressured Haesoo to give him and them a chance. It was even a 1 month trial period for gods sake... meaning it was obvious that it could end either with them together or them not working out. It's not the writer nor the characters fault you were thinking that was an indication of them being end game.
4. Stop hating on the author and on the story painting it as another story tht glorifies toxic relationships. If that's what you got from this bec your ship didn't sail, that's on you. Don't discredit the whole plot and character development and make it out into some trash story bec you didn't like the ending. This story showed us three flawed characters and how they perceived love, loving someone, and being loved by someone. Yes, it was messed up, and it was definitely a darker read during the first chunk of the story. HOWEVER, it did show us how the characters evolved through out the storyline. We see them grow and develop to who they are now. And although they aren't anywhere near perfect, the author did do a good job of showing their character development and giving them redemption arcs to show us how they have changed and how they have faced their mistakes and taken responsibility for it (esp on Joowon's part).
5. I feel sorry for Taku, HOWEVER, its pretty clear he knew what he was signing up for. He was the one who kept on chasing and pressuring Haesoo. You don't make a person fall in love with you by pressuring them or pushing yourself unto them, esp when they are still clearly not over the person they've loved for more than a decade. Added to that, we all know Haesoo and Joowon has such a messy history and relationship and never got closure. But I do hope he gets his happy ending. Now that he knows what its like to fall in love, I hope he treats his relationships better than he used to and also I hope that whoever he chooses to love the next time around will love him as well bec he does deserve it.
6. All the characters deserve their happy ending, they all deserve to be happy no matter who its with. And that depends on the author not you.
7. It's important to remember that all of you are reading this for free, meaning you arent even helping the creator monetarily by buying her works, the least you can do is be mature enough to drop the story if it aint going the way you want but also not tainting it and painting it in a bad light for those who are just starting to read it. Make the new readers see for themselves and form their own perception of the manhwa by reading it not have them form their perception based on your bias commentaries.
Lastly, if you're throwing the word toxic bec your ship didn't sail then drop the manhwa. Stop being petty. boohoohoo your ship didnt sail, thats the thing with love triangles sweetie, not everyone gets the girl or the guy. We've all experienced that but we thats not a green loght to throw hate on the manhwa or the writer just bec our ship wasnt end game.
damn felt good to get that off bec im so tired of all the hate ive seen from both here and on twitter ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
2020-11-24 03:47 marked