I mean, yeah, I read the novel so I know they do get karma but it still doesn't feel enough.
I hate Pina but above all else, I hate the assholes with their fragile egos who went along with whatever Pina said. Like she didn't have fucking power over them from the get go. The only reason they entertained her was to get Emi jealous like are yiu fucking kidding me? Chop off all their dicks gfdi
Getting disowned and socially rejected feels like a walk in the park compared to the hell that Pina goes through.
For those who don't know, she goes to some prison and gets repeatedly SA. And even if she tried to die, she gets healed/revived so the hell cycles on.
Like she's a bitch but why is she the only one going through this type of hell???

Idk I feel like they are equally as bad. I mean, while Pina was a star maiden the onky reason her words had so much weigh was because the assholes backed her up. If they weren't on her side, Emi wouldn't have been ruined so much. It wasn't so much as Pina's plot that drove Emi to break but the fact that the people she loved and trusted turned on her, betrayed her, and were instrument to ruining her all for their sick obsession with her.

I mean sure? It's not like they were slowly bringing the kingdom to ruins like Pina did and I don't want to say that everything they did was becoz they were brainwashed but it's because their ego and pride couldn't handle the fact that Emi was better and almost everything thus they betrayed her, which only amplified the manipulation. They were weak minded and selfish but Pina was just one crazy ****

Hazel is an omega and Ash's first ever serious relationship. They broke up a long time ago because Hazel cheated on Ash and went to chase the other guy- reason why Hazel went to America.
No, they never talked about marriage. And no, they never imprinted. While Ash had strong feelings for him back when they were together it was over the minute the guy cheated. And Ash never thought to marry or imprint him.
The reason the friends thought it was something so serious was because:
1. Ash never went into details about why they broke up
2. Hazel, everytime he was having a hard time would go to Ash. Ash, feeling guilty because he was his first ever serious relationship, couldn't turn hin away when he needed help.
3. This is only implied, but I think Hazel also maybe let on to their friends that Ash and him were more serious than it really was.
Karlyle feels like shit when he hears the friends conversation about imprinting. His biggest worry was that he is an alpha, Ash will never be able to imprint on him or he won't ever be able to really help Ash with his rut as an alpha himself. He also wonders whether Ash loves him more than Hazel. And having thoughts of wanting to be Ash's first- first love, etc.
Not knowing how to tell Ash all his insecurities and worries, he pushes Ash away. Ash tries to talk to him and explain the whole Hazel situation but Karlyle asks him for time. So they don't talk for 2 days.
2nd day, Karlyle goes out to talk to Ash but finds a note from Ash saying he's at work. Karlyle goes to his office and finds Ash with a guy- Hazel.
After seeing them together, all of Karlyle's worries comes flooding back and he starts thinking Ash would be better off with an omega and left without saying anything.
Then as he was leaving the building, he remembers when Ash mentioned that he was the first person he knotted. That gave him a pause because if Ash did love Hazel to the point of imprinting and wanting to marry him, why has he never knotted him? So he decided to go back to Ash's office to hear Ash's explanation.
Karlyle was waiting for the elevator to go down, once it opened Ash and Hazel stepped out.
Ash to Karlyle: Did you come here just to leave? Are you going to misunderstand things again?
He then goes to introduce Lyle to Hazel by calling Lyle the man he loves (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Basically what follows is Ash, pissed, making Hazel admit to Lyle that no, they never talked about marriage and no we never imprinted. Also made sure Lyle knew nothing has been going on and that he hasn't been in contact with Hazel ever since Ash and Lyle met in New York.
Hazel was crying at this point (this bitch
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸) and he basically thought Ash wasn't serious because why would he be in a serious relationship with an alpha. He really though he had a chance but Ash made sure to confront him and show him that he was serious about Lyle and that he wasn't even in the picture.
So that's how it goes.
Honestly, i hate the friends for the mess they caused. No matter how close friends you are, you have no right to butt into your friends relationship. The fact they couldn't even respect Ash and Lyle's relationship was disgusting. I mean, it was a fucking house warming. They bought a house together. That goes to show how fucking serious they were with each other. Also, they can see how happy Ash is... Why tf would you even ruin a relationship seeing how happy your friend is? Like where is the fucking logic??? But you guys still had the audacity to think it was okay for an ex to show up and ruin shit? Ash needs better friends honestly.... If you can't respect my partner who has been nothing but kind to you, I think I don't want you coming to my house and eating in my dinner table.
Also, you can read the novel in wattpad. Just type in "Dreams Of Love"

If you guys have noticed there's a Volume 3. However, the one here only has up to the 3rd volume. I was looking through the other manga sites like MD and BT and no English translation posted so far. In BT, the 3rd volume is up with 6 chapters. It's Indonesian translation though.
I do think English translations will be posted sometime this year... Hopefully. The book 3 is titled, Musunda Koi no Tsutaekata. You guys can try and look for English translations as well. From the looks of the Indonesian translation, I think it's just a cute book/volume and Kaoru will also meet Hara's parents.

Like yeah... Soulmates are great. But imagine someone say, "fuck fate. I love you and I will always choose you. To hell with destiny or fate"... Like??? Don't you just love that?
I especially loved when we finally get to see ml's fated person. While mc was unsure what to do, ml was there just going "cut it" because he's sure he loves him, he knows he won't regret it, and he knows that mc is who he wants to spend his life with.
I am crying It doesn't matter how many times I reread this I fucking love it
Should have waited for chapter 69 or 70 How am I going to survive until the next chapters are uploaded???