I'm just tired of another girl being a source of conflict... We already did that can we find something else? I really wouldn't mind them just doing domestic shit as well. Let them argue over something studpid. Let them argue over a movie Akane likes and Yamada can't understand or something.
I really hope Alex will just be a gamer friend that cusses like a sailor and who will become one of Akane's friends once they meet. They don't even have to be friends. I just hope a girl won't be another source of conflict because it is getting repetitive if that is the case
That was something... I really thought she might have had a friend in Seoul who liked the same sex and they were bullied for that and that's why she didn't want him to be in a same-sex relationship. I feel like it was such a reach for her to correlate her being neglected as a child to him being bi...
Her concerns are valid, them being in a small town with most of the population being on the older side paints a picture that they won't be as welcoming of same sex relationship.
But what I find so off-putting is her butting into someone else's business. It's their relationship, you have no say, no right to desrupt that. The disrespect, the AUDACITY, to sign him up to dating services without his concent.
You don't have to support them, they aren't asking for that from you. But as a decent human being, you can RESPECT them and their relationship.
They say love is blind but I think love is also deaf