Nommy Ommi June 1, 2016 1:54 am

Anyone remember this yaoi about these student right? and this guy had a crush on another guy and like they had sex a couple times but the bottom never really enjoyed it and he finally blew up on the top and that all i remember because it was a while ago

Nommy Ommi March 31, 2016 11:51 pm

There's this yaoi and there was guy, I guess he had a scary face and no one really talked to him but he worked for like a costume company and he liked dressing up and one of his classmates found out and promised not to tell. Then the guy started to become friendly with the class and mr. i can keep it a secret, told every one about it out of envy i think.
It's pretty blurry so sorry if it sounds like a mess.

Nommy Ommi January 7, 2016 4:58 am

and some kid ran away from home and his abusive father found him one day and pretty wrecked him .

Nommy Ommi January 2, 2016 8:29 pm

Any yaoi with a rebellious uke? Or any type where a rebellious person falls in love with someone they thought they hated.

Nommy Ommi December 20, 2015 10:47 pm

So its a yaoi, yay. And in highschool or whatever this guy (le seme) got bullied buy another guy (le uke) and the seme works at a hair salon. So one day the uke walks in and is like cut off my hair blah blah. The uke doesn't recognize him and asks him out. The seme sees this as a way to get revenge and takes it too far until he scares the uke and thats all i can remember.

Nommy Ommi June 21, 2015 10:21 pm

There's the yaoi and some random guy is living with these magical beings or whatever. In order to get their power they need to be with the same gender. There is also a girl that lives with them, sorry if I'm unclear about it. I don't remember much.( ̄∇ ̄")

NattKatt December 16, 2014 8:56 am

A guy (the uke) was hired to be sort if a maid for the seme and worked at his house. The seme gave the uke an apron and soneobe from the semes job found out and scolded the uke. I dont remember the name.

    winter16 December 16, 2014 9:07 am

    this one?
    Kibun Wa Joujou

    just me December 16, 2014 5:25 pm

    Okane na gai?

NattKatt December 7, 2014 6:51 pm

It's a yaoi (surprise surprise). So the uke was wearing a dress (i guess to prove something), he was alone. Then the seme comes in and starts teasing him and then the chitty chitty bang bang happens?

    Anonymousikins December 8, 2014 2:34 am

    Hunh? They fly off in a magic car to some pre-WW1 European principality, save a bunch of kids from the Child-Catcher and defeat Baron Von Bomburst?

NattKatt November 29, 2014 5:54 am

Any yaoi where one of the guys in the relationship is really defiant.
And please no viewfinder, koisuru boukun, or junjou romantica

NattKatt November 22, 2014 2:50 am

Its about a highschooler. His dad is a police officer investigating some shady behavior. So he and his friend go there and find out stone of animal club.
Sorry if it's hard to follow.

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