It doesn't feel like Subin's feelings for Hyunwoo were at all handled or concluded. Don't get me wrong, i have no issues with Subin X Hyung or Subin X anyone for that matter, as long as everyone is happy, but it doesn't feel like anyone is happy. Subin still seems hung up on Hyunwoo and even looked miserable choosing Hyung, Hyunwoo finally admitted his feelings for Subin only to be left alone and without a best friend and Hyung seems just as insecure in their relationship as ever... Do people realize how much Subin and Hyunwoo lose out on going down the Hyung route? Subin is literally planning on never seeing Hyunwoo again, and he isn't okay with it either. Neither is Hyunwoo. They were best friends for YEARS, it must be like losing an arm. Honestly, the fact that Subin can't face Hyunwoo anymore to the point of needing to cut ties with him entirely for his relationship with Hyung to work is just plain worrying. He literally can't trust himself to be involved to even a casual degree with Hyunwoo and is forcing himself to choose Hyung. I feel like he would've been happier with Hyunwoo, sorry not sorry? He had to let go of a really important person in his life, someone who's presence he'd taken for granted would always be there. I mentioned this in a previous post as well, but i'm really irritated with the state of the Subin X Hyunwoo route too... Subin was pushing SO hard and when his efforts FINALLY bore fruit he had already decided to run away from Hyunwoo, and yes, it was FOR SURE running away in the beginning and in my opinion it is still running away. Hyunwoo had FINALLY been forced to admit his growing feelings, it was a YEARS long build up with Subin fighting hard the entire time only for him to not give Hyunwoo a shot when he'd finally succeeded. Idk, just dissatisfied.
I'm dissatisfied, but that's probably just me.