He was giving me ptsd from when my mom tried to teach me anything. I still remember the feeling of crying violently as she told me to, "Shut the fuck up cryin' before I give you somethin' to cry about!" As if her hitting those rock n' rock screaming notes yelling at me because I didn't get something at 6/7 years old wasn't enough of a reason to be bailing my eyes out...
For someone so old he sure does liked to get pushed around by people younger then him he needs to teach the cat girl some damn manners.
While she IS cute she’s also massively annoying. I just really hope she’s not a love interest...
*gag* I hope they don't make her a love interest she's basically his younger sister/granddaughter!!
Well unfortunately it’s a pretty common trope in these isekai reincarnation stories... You know: ‘the childhood friend love interest that the protagonist sees as family’ but because of his maturity and ‘talent’ she on the other hand has long since fallen in love with him. In the end she wins him over with her persistence by fx. following him around everywhere (even on long journeys). This kind of protagonist is also very likely to unwittingly create a harem. <- which I’m also hoping doesn’t happen.