Someone should spoil pls

Hera is not the real one the dad switched them, mom is going crazy because she doesn’t want the dad to win by choosing Hera, li’on feels useless since her mom keeps comparing her to Hera and she realizes she’ll never live up to her, Hera makes the mom regret her decision but the mom is still iffy and tries to kill Hera then realizes she wants her as her masterpiece even if she didn’t create her and Hera was basically going into depression from all of this. That should be everything so far
She’s so fucking stupid….signed a contract with a fucking demon when she knows he hates themalso she thinks he’s dead so why the actual fuck do you need his body
Her sis is dead too so I think it's a ust a reanimtion type ....just lol
She started seclusive training after she was told Joshua went missing presumed dead so at that point 2 very important people left her and she was helpless to protect them. All she had left was her uncle and we just found out that she stabbed him in the heart for some reason. All I can think of is that she was desperate to find proof of their deaths otherwise she’d go crazy trying to find them. Her training made her mentally worse and the demon took advantage of her.