Y’all do understand that they died when they were 18 and they were also abused for a while so of course they would act all oblivious like this (╬ ̄皿 ̄)

Not necessarily.... figuring from them being abused they wouldn’t trust others easily since they were once abused... but for some reason in the story they believe everyone that isn’t their family which isn’t normal in the aspect of normal life and abused life.... 18 year olds aren’t that stupid especially if they were abused they wouldn’t be this stupid..

What in the name of holy pedophilia(⊙…⊙ )

it’s not really pedophila ...it was normal back then , also , they don’t get married officially when she’s just this young , they get married after the brides “coming of age” (becoming adult) honestly , marriage at these times are just for power tbh , but knowing the royal family they sure as hell won’t accept

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