I kinda.... like Chang quite a lot xd he is fun as a character - there is a lot of happening, he admits to his feelings, the whole story of their childhood, the rape (it was shit but what a step in character development) and now he is still trying to pursue Ed. While in recent chapters McQueen feels just like a "filler". Even Ryan had more impact on the story as of late. I just had to get it out there since everybody is just throwing shit at Chang and glorifying McQueen

Where is this from ?? Plz somebody help

I dont like the doctor right now and its not because he slept with the brother when he was drunk. Its because the doctor doesnt seem to care for him. He just wants to see his reactions, like he doesnt care if it ends if only he can see him cry?? Srsly?? I cant wait for the moment when doc realizes that he truly loves him and i hope the brother wont give in so easily then
Omg what DID he feed charlie?? The suspence.. the thrill.. all for some cat food
Sorry!!! That's meant to be a like, but I agree with u