Aight so in chapter 28 Eris says Helena looks more beautiful in the dress but I feel it suits Eris more. Dark colors look amazing on her and while Helena is very beautiful I don’t think darker colors accentuate her beauty as much. The dress completely over takes Helena. I’m probably looking into this too much but I just wanted to share my observation. Did anyone else feel this way?

Something that really bugs me about this story is that Arthur sleeps with multiple women during the duration of their relationship, but my queen Roxane (I'm already in love with her) can't because the one time she tries he interferes. Don't get me wrong I like the story a lot but the fact that he's allowed to fuck other women but she isn't allowed to fuck another man when lets face their relationship is basically over really irks me because that's all she ever wanted but this crusty vampire looking ass bitch comes in and is like wait that's illegal.
A little bit of spoilers from here on
As they fuck more they start falling in love and I'm just like you neglected her for years, didnt even bother with sex when they actually did it and now that he has had sex with her on her terms he's like "I love you, I cant live without you". Like it feels like he's in love with the sex not her necessarily. I'm not saying relationships based on sex are not valid or not good. They are but in this context it makes mad because like he's dead set on a divorce because of something she literally can not control but a couple of wild nights he's like " I know I literally put you in a very different situation by forcing you to sign the divorce papers despite knowing the fact that you would be forced to go back to your abusive family and be sold to some creep but now I love you". I just want one badass female lead who is like you cheated on me ima go live my best life by myself or with a better man or multiple men. Like put a cheating asshole in his place.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
P.s I'm open to discussion about this. Also I really did like this story Roxanne is amazing and the spicy scenes are good even if Arthur is an asshole who does not deserve Roxanne.

I know it was two years right?, it's just thought that a man who was horny for 6 months would quickly cheat on her in that period of time if he was a cheater, about Roxxane's comment, I would like to know if it's a misunderstanding or in fact he was a cheater, she deserves better non-less. Thank you for answering.

So I've been thinking about Rashta's character. I get that her character is meant to be naïve and uneducated, BUT in what world do you think being the AFFAIR partner of a married man means his ACTUAL wife becomes your sister. Even if (hypothetically speaking) Navier and Souvieshu had a shit relationship and were literally only married for politics I don't think Navier's (or really anyone in that position) would be welcoming to an affair partner. Had Rashta stayed in her fucking lane and left Navier alone I wouldn't hate her as much. Like I fucking hate cheaters, but they are at least bearable when they know they are doing something fucked up. But this bitch views herself as the heroine who deserves everything. She wants her cake and the whole damn bakery too. Yes her being a slave is terrible, no one should ever have to be slave, but that doesn't mean she is entitled to essentially everything Navier owns.
I don't like the argument that if the story was from Rashta's perspective we would be on her side. Like yeah some people would, but I don't think I would. Here's why:
Navier is not a bad person or wife. She is an amazing empress and an amazing person. Yeah she doesn't show her emotions, but that's how she was raised to be. Prior to Rashta showing up Navier and Souvieshu had a solid relationship. So even if we were have Rashta's perspective (and everthing played out the same way) she would still look like homewrecker. In order for at least me to be okay with cheating the relationship has to terrible and separation is not an option or the spouse is like evil. Navier doesn't fall into any of these of these catagories. She is an amazing person who deserves the world.(I may be very biased towards Navier but my point still stands) Navier doesn't do anything bad to Rashta, she follows the rules and just wants to be left alone (which is completely reasonable). Navier has every right to be uncomfortable with her husband having an affair. Navier only treats Rashta badly when she is provoked first.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk have a good night.
I'm sorry about my rant I have so much more to say but I won't subject y'all to all to my ramblings. It's 12am and I don't have anyone I can talk to about the Remarried Empress. I'm open to discussion and different opinions so please reply if you agree or disagree or have something else to add. :)

i agree, i wouldn't support rashta even if the story was from her perspective. i read a manga called Strobe Edge, which has a similar circumstance of the main girl pursuing a guy that is in a relationship, and his current girlfriend is actually a good person. however, the heroine completely disregards that and continues to pursue the guy, which i view as being incredibly selfish. i actually ended up dropping it because the heroine's actions pissed me off so much. the girlfriend didn't deserve that just because the heroine wanted the guy
same with rashta. even though the emperor and navier's relationship wasn't necessarily a passionate one of love, its fair to say they got along well. but once rashta appeared, she put unnecessary strain on the relationship, and became a source of feud as she causes misunderstandings and lies maliciously.
i understand her circumstances of wanting to rise from her status, making the best with what she's got, but when she decides her own desires are more important than other people who are good and innocent, aka navier, she loses my sympathies

She is so manipulative. I won't delve into spoilers, but like every time Navier calls her out on her bullshit or is simply like hey dude you're a concubine stay in your lane and we won't have problems she starts balling to garner sympathy. One example of her manipulation is when she was happy Souvieshu yelled at Navier for telling her to stay away from her things. I really hate her so much.

Lol to side with Rashta... no way in hell.
From what we know if your parents are slaves, you become a slave.. she want made a slave she was born one.
She chose to have a sexual relationship with her masters prime son all to try and gain power. She got found out and was given a deal, have a child and get your freedome or stay a slave. She Chose to have the child and ditch it the second she was given her freedome. The only reason she is trying to find that child is because its the spitting image of her so if her new sugardaddy sees the kid he vil know she lied about him taking her first time.

I really like the way you express about Rashta and your views, it might be just be me, but I find uncomfortable to refer to other characters, specially female characters like "bitch trashta deserves to dies while giving birth " you know.
I won't judge harsh other for doing so, since it's fiction, and we are allowed to vent, it's just I don't feel comfortable doing that, it's a line than can be cross easily and the same comments can more easily say to another person in real life.
I do completely agree with you, she is also done to one dimensional for my taste. Her personality is soooo unlikable, of course, to make Navier look good, imo, it's a cheap writing way to make FL to look even better, I like when both characters are flesh out.
I can't find to like her, non-less, my hate is mostly direct to Sovieshu and my despite to Rastha.
What do you think about this character? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xgf44984Uc She is Ann Boleyn from the musical SIX, based on the second wife of Henri VII.
She is in the exact same position as Rashta, as a lover of a king that aims to be main wife, I can not find her but lovable, as she was written in a very fun way.
This is the first wife perspective https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kal8Qrw3oTM she wasn't also write as someone horrible to look Ann look better
If you happen to like both characters, I 100% recommend you to watch the musical starting with this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w111r8DvpeA

Nope, she tried to run away while pregnant was a slave, because she know the master of the house would know the child was his son's aka she seduced the future heir of the househild who was ment to focus on learning his future respocibilities. When she was caught the master of the house told her point blank "i know you slept with my son..that kid has our noble blood, im giving you two choices, 1. keep the child and you will forever be a slave or 2. give the child to me and il give you your freedome" She chose 2. with no hesitation and left. A few months later she "gets saved" by the emperor as a "run away slave"... but she was no longer a slave.. hence it was an act to get a rich looking guy to feel sorry for her.

Hi! I'll definitely check out the videos and share my opinions with you. But I don't think I said "bitch trashta deserves to dies while giving birth ". I also hate Sovieshu as well and have so many opinions on him but I don't voice them because they are fairly obvious. I'm open to having a discussion about this as I have no one to talk about this. I also don't think Rashta isn't just there to make Naiver look better because quiet frankly she doesn't need it.

ohhhhhhhhhh, I read that she did no wanted her first child because she was also scare he would come out to kill the second who will be raised with love at.
I have to re read the first half them, I really remember something along the lines that she thought her firstborn was death before her ex owner told her otherwise. Thank you!

nono, you didn't say that, the way you referred your disgust of Rashta without going there it was what I liked the most in your comment, since English is not my first language I apologize if that was not clear in my comment.
I really enjoy comments that are written the way you do, that can express feelings in such a calm way.
About Navier, I also think she didn't need Rashta to look nice, she is a very good character on her own, I think I did not make it clear what I wrote, language barrier is a bitch, "to make FL look even better" is the thing I was talking about, most of the time characters in the position of Rashta are there to paint a black and white situation where we are put in a position to only support FL, characters like Ann tend to swift that narrative, since you said you do no support the third wheel cheater I wanted to know your opinion on a character like Ann.
I also would enjoy discussing more of this, as I don't have anyone to talk about it, my friends are more into k drama ha.

its not that she stought the kid was dead, its that she thought he would have given it away but he kept it and raised it as a member of the family. She thought that because it was a kid from a slave he would have sold it, but instead the kid is being raised as his own. This is a problem for her as the child is the spitting immage of her = profe she lied to the emperor aka "i gave you my first".

This is for some of the upcoming chapters and from after chapter 80 of the light novel
He's been in love with Navier since the moment he first saw her. He only pretends to be embarrassed when Souvieshu shows up to prevent him from getting mad at Navier. He is hella jealous of Heinley. At one point he's walking with Navier after having an agruement with Heinley and Souveshu sees them and starts berating Navier. This pisses him off and he punches Souvieshu. After this all talks of trade are off the table and he has to return to his home country. Before he leaves he asks Navier to leave with him. She says no and they hug before he leaves.(This will happen very soon. In like the next few chapters)
(Post divorce)
The potion never wears off even after he tries every possible antidote. Another wizard has to tell him that its probably cuz he loves Navier. He travels to the western empire cuz Navier was like we can do trade with the Rwit continent now. Once their he realizes that yeah he's in love with Navier. He is hella jealous of Heinley, since he can read minds often heard Navier thoughts about Heinley which are a lot of times R-rates if you know what I mean. He decides he cant take it anymore and conspires with Christa, Heinley's sister in law and the former queen, to break up Navier and Heinley. The plan was to have Heinley drink the potion and look at Christa. It works but only for a day. In the midst of all this he also drinks the potion, he drugged both drinks to ensure Heinley drinks the potion, and looks at Rashta. He's nice to Rashta for one night, even giving her his coat, before the effects wear off and he's like fuck off I want my coat back. Navier confronts him when Heinley tells her what happened. She puts two and two together and gets really mad at him. He apologizes and tells her he can hear people's thoughts as collateral. Essentially giving her the power to ruin him. Ima skip some stuff but he essentially abandons Christa and tries to regain Navier's trust. When he hears a noble man's thoughts about killing Navier he jumps in the way and saves Navier but they both end up in a coma. After the both wake up he is able to hide his love for Navier better. So now she thinks the potion wore off but in reality he just doesnt show it. He still loves her.
I've only read up to chapter 218 but I know he ends up marrying princess from a kingdom neighboring the western empire. Him and Navier remain really good friends not sure of he still loves her tho. ╥﹏╥

if you guys dont mind

Shit gets spicy. Proceed with caution. Y'all have been warned.
For the most part it's in chronological order. But some stuff may be all over the place sorry. ╥﹏╥
-Kapman realizes the love potion hasn't worn off because he is actually in love with Navier
-Kapman has the ability to read minds for those of y'all who didn't know (it's important later on)
-He gives Heinley a love potion and has him look at Christa, the former queen. Kapman also drinks the potion, he spiked both drinks to make sure Heinley drinks it, and looks at Trashta.
- Kapman giving Trashta attention inflates her ego and thinks she's the shit. But the next morning Kapman is like get the fuck away from me.
-People see Christa and Heinley, he looks all flustered b/c of the drug and everyone starts gossiping that he's having an affair with Christa.
- The effects are gone by morning but Heinley feels really guilty and tells Navier. She realizes it was a love potion and confronts Kapman.
- Kapman apologizes. Rashta having been humiliated once again and feeling inferior to Navier tells Western nobility that Navier is infertile.
- Souvieshu and Trashta's relationship goes down hill fast.
- At one point Christa asks Heinley to make her his concubine b/c she loves him and doesn't want to "lose" to Navier. He says no, obviously. She's humiliated and leaves the palace to live in another mansion in a different city. She ends up committing suicide.
- Her family believes Navier and Heinley are at fault. And plot against Navier.
-Navier gets pregnant.
- Heinley has a bed made from mana stone that transfers mana into Navier and she becomes a wizard. She's an ice wizard.
-Rashta falls for the Duke and asks him to be he concubine. He says no not unless you give me a port. She signs a contract saying she will.
- She is found guilty and is locked in a towers. Knights give her poison pills. And she kills herself after 3 days locked up. Up until her last breath she claims to have done nothing wrong. Her death is very detailed.
- At the same time a western noble, he's related to Christa, jumps off the palace with plans to land on Navier and kill her. Thanks to Kapman's ability to read minds he jumps in the way and I think Navier with the use of magic slows the noble down. The noble dies, but Navier and Kapman end up in comas.
-News gets to Souvieshu and he just starts drinking like crazy. In a drunken daze he see Trashta about to kill Navier, the same way the noble tried, and falls out of the balcony.
- He loses his memory. During the day he is the crown prince Sovieshu. At night he is present day Souvieshu. Crown prince reads the journals of the past year and calls the emperor stupid and asks one of his advisers to punch him when he is the emperor.
- We also get more insight into his relationship with Navier before Trashta. Crown prince genuinely can not comprehend the fact that Navier and him divorced and she married and fell in love with someone else.
-He travels to the western empire b/c he desperately wants to see Navier. The feeling is not mutual. She avoids as much as she possibly can.
- Crown prince asked to be her concubine.
I left some stuff out if y'all want more spoilers I'm more than happy add more details. Or explain certain plot points.

Just waiting for the scene after the divorce where Navier and Heinly visit the eastern empire for the sovieshu's wedding and their having a good time being all cute with each other and sovieshu shows up demanding to have a word with Navier and Heinly tells him I'm not gonna leave my wife alone with another man. Like oooof the karma and satisfaction of putting him in his place.
Also their official wedding is adorable and the complete opposite of sovieshu's and Rashta's wedding. And also before their wedding Heinly invited Sovieshu to dinner to thank him. Basically telling him its thanks to him that he was able to marry Navier and live their best lives together.
I love him so much.

Their wedding was very awkward. Rashta wore a very extravagant dress that everyone said it looked like it she was the dresses hanger. Most people except the commoners were not happy with the wedding so it overall has a strange vibe.
Simpvishu wanted to tell Navier that she should come back to him and that he still loves her. Blergh I know. He does mangage to tell her this a couple of times but she always shoots him down despite how sad the whole situation makes her.
So in a healthy relationship, a couple would discuss becoming a sperm donor or surrogate the moment it comes up. Eventually, they would have to come to a comprise or end the relationship. That's why it is important to have conversations about long-term (marriage, children, career goals, pets) early on. Their relationship is toxic. This conversation about children is something that should have happened in the first year of dating. Alex needs to accept that Cole does not want children, which is entirely normal. I don't like that he makes it seem like something is wrong with not wanting children. But at the same time, if being a sperm donor is something Alex wants to do, then there is nothing Cole can do about it because it is his body and, ultimately, his choice. I never want to get married or have children, but if I have a partner who wants that and genuinely believes it will make them happy, then that is the end of the relationship. That is the end of the relationship because I cannot give them what they believe will make them. I want to respect their choices and their beliefs. I'm sorry I went off I literally have no one to discuss this with. Also, I say all of this a lesbian so I get the LGBTQIA+ nuance of this topic in the community.
Well said! (◕ᴗ◕✿)
I totally understand your point but geez.. I don't understand it at the same time.
Like you know I wouldn't like to give up on person I like because them didn't want to have a child. I am a bisexual myself (actually, mostly for girls) but I am quite sure I'd like to have children. I am actually considering an adoption or sperm-donating as well.
But having children isn't the only thing I want. I want to raise them with the person I like the most. And reading your post kinda made me angry. Like why you so determined to end relationship at the point your partner tells you that he wants children... Why don't give it a try? Like going to an adoption center, caring for some children...
I understand that I have to respect my partner's wishes but at that point I am not sure I could. Ugh. Just now you kinda made me hope I will never be in love with childfree. Guess, it's true, you need to discuss that kind of thing from the very beginning.
And sorry for mistakes... I didn't notice them since wrote it really fast...
You’re good sweetie. I understand your perspective and why my perspective may have angered you. I have my reasons for not wanting children that are very personal so I won’t unload on you but essentially the reason I am willing to end a relationship over marriage or children is because I want to my partner to be happy without having to sacrifice things they truly care about for me. If marriage or children is something they want and have dreamt about for large portions of their lives then I want them to have what will make them happy. I cannot give them something that will make them happy and that may lead to resentment down the line and I never want to have them regret what could have been. I hope that my partner and I are able to reach a compromise and have a happy life together regardless of our different values but sometimes that isn’t possible. My post was basically me only dawning out the worst case scenario. I shouldn’t have gone to extremes so quickly. I’m sorry I angered you that was never my intention. I hope I cleared things up a bit.
Being in a relationship with someone who atleast agrees to your goals/desires out of said relationship is important. I understand that you wish to have a child with the person you love most, but if that person does not want a child EVER it creates the possibility that somewhere down the line they may come to resent the child or even blame the co parent for having them.
For some people having children are a hardline (be it in a heterosexual or homosexual relationships), and it's not necessarily something that can be 'tried out' because children are a heavy and concious responsibility since you need to make the effort to put your best into their upbringing. Even the duration allowed to couples to decide whether they want to adopt a child by spending time with said child isn't enough to fully make them confront the reality of adopting that child ya know? and that fact is just something one has to come to terms with. It's difficult, but compatibility in the perceived future of the relationship is really important.
Yes, thanks. I calmed down and accept your perspective from now on (◍•ᴗ•◍)
And now I am sure that essential things like this have to be discussed from the very beginning of a serious relationship.