I'm looking for a manga gender bender. The boy falls in love with a girl who is afraid of men and works at a maid cafe. Something like that.

This has a maid cafe in it and she hides her identy?


So here's the meeting point too. HA+ (●'◡'●)ノ
Somehow reminds me of the title of this manga..
-- "Wait for Me at Udagawachou" --

I’m looking for a romantic manga, but not yaoi or yuri neither. It can be a funny shonen with romance! But I want a romance with a strong and nice guy with a girl who is not useless, like on Boku Girl.

I dunno the manga you're talking about, but if the shoujo manga I like, "Black bird" and "Shinobi life" are surely in my top 10, of course both have strong boys and strong-heart girls.
This: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-9/12191536_977506528969509_3265655727048238376_n.jpg?oh=fbf4720b8176d0eab4cc0bc2a5b72f89&oe=56AE4CF7&__gda__=1454251645_ee027f56a7b5daaa5614eed807c27cd4
Thanks!! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ