But aren't they trapped under the surface ? I don't get it. Some people say it's somewhat of a good ending, but that's not how that scene reads to me ? Or is it metaphorical and I'm just taking the image too literally ?
But aren't they trapped under the surface ? I don't get it. Some people say it's somewhat of a good ending, but that's not how that scene reads to me ? Or is it metaphorical and I'm just taking the image too li... AS4
I know this is very much not an important thing, but...this is not how you eat foie gras. It really isn't. This wounds my French heart and sensibilities deeply
I don't often say that, but MAN, this uke's a POS. At this point, I don't even want Hwi to end up with Param, that bastard clearly doesn't deserve him. Mr. Han and Param can go on fucking for all I care, they're clearly more the same type.
I have a completely irrational hatred for this woman.
oh wait, nevermind i remembered
I get strong second hand embarrassment whenever I see her in this manhwa bro she’s got no shame