I hope after this arc, they focus more on the romance (or the magic stuff too y’know)
In other isekai webtoons, the girl usually just focuses on other stuff (like revenge and all) instead of realizing her feelings for the male lead. But since we ALL know that the girl absolutely loves the male lead in this story, I hope their romance story doesn’t get dragged out
I have high hopes for this one please god!!!
Aight so it doesn’t make me feel the same way like when I read a yaoi manga. This one is like “0_0 why am I even reading this again?”
It’s a new thing for me to read Josei (idk if you can even call it josei but you know what I mean) and it never ended well for me whenever I read one, well let’s just say this one is pretty good and I love how it has a plot too. Unlike others...
I wonder who he ends up with tho, omg I kinda hope it’s Lloyd
Honestly there are probably some people here that aren’t mature enough to get a better understanding of this manga, you guys need to stop being immature and look more at the significant parts, whether the relationship is healthy or not.
Let’s say that two 20 year old people are in a toxic and unhealthy relationship, is that still better??
Also there’s already a lot of other age gaps manga here idk why they’re complaining on this one. I like this one though, healthy relationship indeed
At first it started out pretty "light-hearted" you could say, but at the end it's like "( i _ i )why has this happened to me"
All that I could hope is for Marcus's soul to rest in peace and for it to fuse with Graham (since they were both the same person once) so that they can both love the MC without having to worry about anything anymore.
Probably one of the saddest isekai i've read T-T