why does people always think it has to be something about drugs??? if he was on drugs wouldn´t he have acted diffrently?
does two have to be brothers right? they look way to alike..
hahahahahahahahahaha C is so funny he is really talking about their child XD now i wish they where alpha and omega XD
anyway so someone really has ordered to kill leewon?? why and who? it´s C´s cousin the darker guy or whatever? i think they where cousins if i don´t remember wrong. btw where the hell is he? i havn´t seen him in a while??
i´m only on ch 3 and this is totally insane like what the hell is going on here, why do something like this to her? please can someone explain?
the hell is he smirking about? omg can that leader and blonde stay the hell away from him please..
when the color of someones pheromones are green, it´s never a good sign.. he is creepy as hell and controlling.
i just want taeha and uke to find each other and the others find someone else good for them or go find HELP! atleast the leader he really needs the help..
now she is suddenly talking about leaving is it jsut because her mother suddenly showed up and started to talk about stupid stuff?? instead of starting to question him you should talk to your daugher and ask her what she wants
omg poor woojo IF HE FORGIVES THAT BASTARD AFTER FINDING OUT ABOUT THIS I´M GOING TO EXPLODE and i don´t even want to imagine what woojos parents would do/think if woojo forgave that asshole for this. what the hell is he even thinking? how hard could it actually be to just simple tell woojo how you feel, that you love him? seriously it can´t be that damn difficult
in the last minute he shows up and crash the car what the hell was he thinking? ?
that felt way to easy... not much action or drama here..
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SHIT OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maxi you should have said something about the troll moving not just go over there,
what just happend? it happend so fast (⊙…⊙ ) he just killed him just like that???
is that deliquent student and that gangster seme brothers?? they look awfully alike except the hair color? and why is that deliquent looking for the gangsters???
when will they sleep together while she is sober so that she can understand that she is sleeping with a very beautiful man and not a woman??