I know I am being sour here, I don't even know if this message will actually reaches the author. Here's my 2cents:
1. Too much effort to draw the character. I feel that they should distribute their effort evenly to the background
2.Please just stop with that sudden chibi version popping out of nowhere. It looks like an excuse to not draw an actual expression.
But I kinda like this. Learn and Flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Wow, surprised that there are so many things we could learn from this manga :') The mangaka is awesome, to create something like this.
have you ever read gengoroh's manga other than this? If you haven't you have to prepare your heart...
Forget your heart, you need to prepare your stomach and your eyeballs.
Anyone who falls in love with this story and goes in search of other mangas by Tagame Gengoroh is in for one heck of a shock.
I wonder why he doesn't do more stories like this...
I like the other manga from Tagame sensei too. It's a nice change from all the effeminate, wide eyed-pseudo-guys the other yaoi mangaka make! My heart, stomach and eyeballs can take a bit more than some.
Still, the combination big bear guys <> Yotsubato-like cute little girl sure works! It's fun to see Gengoroh sensei can draw like that too. Isn't Kana-chan's mama lovely?
I keep reading Tagame's stuff, even though it's really upsetting.
But if this is the first story of his you read,
then you go looking for more and find one that involves rape, slavery, feces, etc...
It's going to be a shock to your system.
Personally, I prefer his lighter stuff;
this and Fisherman's Lodge are my favorites.
I guess. I knew the work of Tagame sensei for years, they're supposed to be masochistic fantasies for gay men. It's so over the top you can't take it seriously, it's kink art, and one person's kink is an other one's turnoff. That can't be helped. Still, anyone should know there are such kinks, nobody does all that for real. It's erotic, and for some. I bet there are plenty of people who find those womenlike yaoi-guys revolting.
This is neither erotic nor even a love story, even if it's about love. It is an educational slice of life story.
This is proof that many people who think Tagame sensei is a sadistic perverted monster, are completely wrong.