VankerSabra March 1, 2025 4:54 pm

Pain and agony for everyone! YAY!!!

Só good to see a character move away from a love that will never bear fruit. Usually these stories always paint someone unconditionally chasing after an unriquited love and, honestly? It's always such an irritating drag. This is refreshing.

VankerSabra February 27, 2025 8:11 pm

Did you really think she would wait for you forever? Womp-fucking-womp, darling.

VankerSabra July 12, 2024 6:11 pm

It doesn't count as cheating If you label the relationship as free? If your partner is not on board with it, then IT IS CHEATING! What a putrid human being.

VankerSabra July 11, 2024 4:37 pm

I don't care what the author does... I'll always think on how garbage Kao is being to Kiki right now. Any relationship without trust or loyalty is not worth fighting for... Can someone spoils me how this end, please? I can't bother in sitting through this anymore...

    Jasperstar September 8, 2024 7:26 am

    If you really want to know how it ends I will tell you….however, it is a good read and shows a lot of character development in my opinion. But am willing to tell you

    ShadowKnight September 8, 2024 3:26 pm
    If you really want to know how it ends I will tell you….however, it is a good read and shows a lot of character development in my opinion. But am willing to tell you Jasperstar

    Tell me the spoilers I remember reading the raws but that was a long time ago and I forgot What happened

    Jasperstar September 8, 2024 3:56 pm
    Tell me the spoilers I remember reading the raws but that was a long time ago and I forgot What happened ShadowKnight

    So, the girlfriend confronts Kiki and she is totally heart broken. Kiki then freaks out on Kao. After that Kiki moves out and stays with her friend, and doesn’t talk to Kao for a while. This makes Kao change…she breaks up with girlfriend and realizes her true feelings and tells her long time love she is moving on. A long time passes and eventually Kiki forgives Kao. Kao then goes after Kiki and confesses, making Kiki realize she still loves her. They end up getting together. At the end it fast forwards years later and this was all Kiki remembering the past and now they both have been living together. Then eventually they get married to each other.

VankerSabra July 5, 2024 10:13 pm

All respect I ever had for Kao is gone... For once JUST ONCE, I would like to see a story where the part that was cheated/wronged to leave instead of caving in and taking them back. Have some self respect for f*cks sake! But I've seen this tiresome plot só many times already... Artists need to understand that unconditional love is a myth. Everyone have their limits and no amount of love in the world can endure constant betrayal and disrespect.

    Reaper July 10, 2024 6:16 pm

    From what we have seen on the cover page of webtoon they are definitely getting married but same i wish kao gets some karma

    VankerSabra July 11, 2024 4:34 pm
    From what we have seen on the cover page of webtoon they are definitely getting married but same i wish kao gets some karma Reaper

    Really? Screw that... Once trust is broken is over... Love without trust or loyalty is worthless. Just like everything else without trust is worthless...

VankerSabra July 2, 2024 11:51 pm

Run away Kiki. Run fast. She is not worth it.

VankerSabra June 23, 2024 12:14 pm

Bad Thinking Diary and now this pile of sh#t? I had low expectations for the story given the author, but this set the bar way lower than I thought. Please, just do the drawing, but let someone with actual writting talent in charge of the storyline.This is the last time I ever going to read something from this author...

    cooldude7766 June 23, 2024 12:28 pm

    bad thinking diary was a novel based, it wasn’t written by her

    VankerSabra June 23, 2024 4:23 pm
    bad thinking diary was a novel based, it wasn’t written by her cooldude7766

    But it picked her interest to draw it. That speaks volumes about what kind of trash stories she is into. Of course anything she creates will be the same level of garbage.

VankerSabra May 30, 2024 4:11 am

Well, this is a massive mess. Só I wanna know, how are the readers in the raws reacting to this? I saw people commenting the author lost quite the audience and people are not happy with Juha and Minsung to get back together. Is this true? If It is, then IS the author really this daft to think people would actually get on board with such absurd storyline?

    NotCool June 5, 2024 5:41 pm

    I wrote that. You can check for yourself in the comments section. Most people are shipping Juha with someone else, and no one likes Minsung—she just keeps getting worse. Plus, her, presumably, regularly sleeping with her mother makes her impossible to like.

    The number of readers has dropped significantly since mid-season 2, mainly because the story is dragging out and some storylines haven't been well received. If you have KakaoTalk, you can check out discussions in Korean about the series. Everyone loves Youngea there, but the series isn't as popular anymore.

    VankerSabra June 6, 2024 5:56 pm
    I wrote that. You can check for yourself in the comments section. Most people are shipping Juha with someone else, and no one likes Minsung—she just keeps getting worse. Plus, her, presumably, regularly sleep... NotCool

    Really? Thanks for the answer. People at 4chan are not happy neither. And, If I'm not asking too much of you, how is the author reacting to it? Are they silent?

    NotCool June 7, 2024 7:33 am
    Really? Thanks for the answer. People at 4chan are not happy neither. And, If I'm not asking too much of you, how is the author reacting to it? Are they silent? VankerSabra

    The author is currently sick, and the story is on hiatus. I think the comments were getting to her, as they were becoming more and more critical, though still respectful.

    When you're almost at 200 chapters and haven't closed a single plot line, with so many needing resolution, it's time to start thinking about an ending. After all, the story started in 2019.

VankerSabra May 24, 2024 11:52 am

I'm Sorry what?! So their solution is to keep Sumika on her unriquited love for Kanoko and unable to move on because "it hurts to break up" and "being in love IS beautiful" even If you are not loved back so let's keep the status quo? Are you serious? That's the most childish philosophy I ever seen.

Yes, it hurts, but one of the aspects of life is hurting. You won't bê able to move on and get over this pain If you keep on poking the wound. Change is necessary for growth. Sumika was doing right in trying to break up. Yes, she was suffering, but that was necessary for her to grow. Nothing good comes in nurturing feelings you know will never be returned.

What happened to the writting in this series lately? It hás been complete garbage these past 10 chapters. It's like It's trying to glorify personal stagnation.

    Cruxie May 24, 2024 4:04 pm

    Are they not like, 16-17 so excuse them for being shit at dealing with their feelings lmao

    VankerSabra May 24, 2024 6:56 pm
    Are they not like, 16-17 so excuse them for being shit at dealing with their feelings lmao Cruxie

    Are you kidding me? This is not an excuse. They
    are not adults yet, but they are not kids neither. At this age, people are suppose to already have the maturity to learn when to disengage. I made my share of mistakes at their age, but I wasn't this stupid nor have I ever met someone like this. All this melodrama is forced as hell.

    Cruxie May 26, 2024 5:31 pm
    Are you kidding me? This is not an excuse. They are not adults yet, but they are not kids neither. At this age, people are suppose to already have the maturity to learn when to disengage. I made my share of mis... VankerSabra

    I guess I understand your perspectives but at this age relationships are MESSY. You're figuring stuff out, you're confused, maybe even lost. It's literally the age where you find and establish yourself. So even if their resolution is messy and head-ache inducing, I think there's a lot of merit to it and it makes these characters less 2 dimensional. I 100% agree that the author could've done it better and if I had the chance to change some things, I would. I can only hope that this leads to a more satisfying ending for both of them (maybe with realizing that this is wrong and trying to help each other become better not as lovers but as friends)

    Crinklecookie June 5, 2024 9:41 am
    Are you kidding me? This is not an excuse. They are not adults yet, but they are not kids neither. At this age, people are suppose to already have the maturity to learn when to disengage. I made my share of mis... VankerSabra

    You do know this is fiction so things are going to be way more exaggerated than real life to get a reaction out of the reader, right?

VankerSabra May 9, 2024 6:37 pm

Remove the yuri tag, you dumb f#ck.

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