yyuzu_ created a topic of Dore ga Koi Ka ga Wakaranai

somebody knows if there is a novel to read??? ( ̄へ ̄)



yyuzu_ created a topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence

I love them sm aaaaarrgghh (≧∀≦)

yyuzu_ followed a goer

I’m a hater

03 10,2024
yyuzu_ created a topic of Talk Dirty to Me

why ended it?? I will miss them sm please, I need more !!ヽ(゚д゚ヽ)(ノ゚д゚)ノ!! but I'm happy that they have a happy ending, I hope that have soon a chapter of wedding ;p

yyuzu_ created a topic of Snow Thaw & Love Letter


yyuzu_ created a topic of Manipulate my heart

I feel like throwing up... like, that scene was so intense and gross, I hate ibella sm, she messed up with them that were perfect together! I'm really pissed and nauseated grrr I can't!!!!

yyuzu_ created a topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence

oh god, I don't want them to fall apart, but I think they need to calm down and haesol needs to understand herself and try to change her toxic traits, cause if she don't, they will break up and noooo ( >Д<;) I'm rooting for them to be together in the end, cause the both of them deserve to be happy and love each other! oh god, I'm gonna cry, don't make yeonwoo suffer, he needs to understand you too, Haesol ;^;

idk what I'm expecting for, I mean, can possibly turn out in anything, I want Renako to stay with Mai, but this author give the vibes from someone who change the plot in the very end

yyuzu_ created a topic of Jinx

I REALLY HOPE THAT DAN LEAVES THIS PIECE OF SH1T!!! he doesn't deserve him ( ̄へ ̄)goddammit Dan you deserve better!!!!

I loved this manga! I barely like this kinda of story, but I do like triangle couples, like, if they like each other and can't find a way to the 3 of them to be happy why don't the 3 of them to be together?? I admit that I was cheering for Mayuki and Rin to be a couple, but got happy the way it ended, I wish I could more mangas like this one (≧∀≦)

yyuzu_ created a topic of Mato Seihei no Slave

first of all, why this chapter was so short?!?!!? I waited so long for this only? second, what was that position of bell? God, this is going too far... I'm without of words, but I want to read the next chapter!!! also I'm team Kyouka


I just want Rena to date Mai, I like Ajisai, but I'm team Mai and pray for them to be together

yyuzu_ followed a goer
19 01,2024

I know everyone is saying about poly relationship, but I'm team Mai and I feel so bad for her, she is really devoted to Renako and makes she understand that she really loves her!!! I like ajisai too, but I think mai should be together with Renako :(( I love them sm, please author, listen to my thoughts and prayers

yyuzu_ created a topic of Snow Thaw & Love Letter

I thought I was gonna have a heart attack--- I was full of expectations too, Shun... please scan or author, I need more of this manga, it's JUST SO FREAKING CUTE AND PERFECT!!! I need more chapters

yyuzu_ created a topic of Shine on You

IM SO FUCKING HAPPY, THEY FINALLY SAID WHAT WAS GOING ON!!!! I can't believe, I just screamed like hell !!!


why the author take so much time to post? I mean, the art is amazing, without of words, but it took so long to post ;^; how much time will take this and see their growth and they find out about who they truly are :"((

yyuzu_ created a topic of Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman.

I was so tired of those dinamic between jirou and the childhood best friend (I forgot her name) and I was excited for this moment, like finally