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aus? October 27, 2023 1:36 am

“I just wanted to call him dad” I’m sobbing rn.

    Mirin November 7, 2023 5:20 am

    Whatt?? Where that line??? Am I missing somethingg

    aus? November 7, 2023 6:18 am
    Whatt?? Where that line??? Am I missing somethingg Mirin

    Near the end of chapter 56! ╥﹏╥

aus? October 18, 2023 5:00 am

Listen man MC was completely in the wrong for what he did, even if he didn’t want them to actually hurt whatshisface it was still messed up. What kloff did? In my opinion, maybe 10x worse. Not only did he physically, verbally, and mentally abuse him, he also raped him and locked him up for years- forcing him to give birth to his kids 5 TIMES all while in insufferable pain (and then refusing to let him see them and even beating him when they accidentally met). Also oh yeah he drugged him to make him be able to get pregnant in the first place, and threw him out on the street right after a pregnancy knowing bad things would happen to him… MC wasn’t even allowed to smile or be happy in any way.. And Kloff calls the MC pretentious and shit when he is constantly misunderstanding him and never bothered to try and understand him (even when they were initially on good terms) and always jumped to conclusions.

We want to talk about evil? There is absolutely no excuse for what Kloff did to the MC. To be able to do that to someone no matter how much you hate them? You have to be sick and twisted. If anyone should suffer it’s him. I feel sorry for his kids.

    TsunTsun27 October 18, 2023 5:08 am

    Based on the spoiler novel,the kids grew up on hating Kloff when they learn the truth.About who they're real mother and how Kloff had been treating him.

    The kids leave the household,leaving only Kloff alone spending his old time there

    BadApplesAreBad October 18, 2023 4:51 pm

    Aeroc did bad things, but yeah, Klopp was really the worst. But honestly, it backfired on him, that whole revenge.

    Reading what happened after Aelock died. Klopp lived really miserable, the twins were born addicted to drugs were late in development. When he realized the pain, he put Aelock in, it tormented him, but it was too late. He would always look at the cabin… with great longing for someone dead.

    His son, Rayfiel finds out the truth and lashes out on him and (martha). He left the estate, saying he doesn’t want to stay in a place his mother suffered.

    Lin October 19, 2023 3:50 pm

    That hypocrite disgusts me so much. He ruined so many people's lives: Raphael, Arok, his children and himself. He can kill Arok or send him to jail but not, he had to keep him to satisfy his lust and torment when he hates him for coveting the enemy.

    MangaSanctuary October 20, 2023 4:49 pm
    Aeroc did bad things, but yeah, Klopp was really the worst. But honestly, it backfired on him, that whole revenge.Reading what happened after Aelock died. Klopp lived really miserable, the twins were born addic... BadApplesAreBad

    Usually I avoid spoilers but here I feel I need to read them, so thanks for your patient explanations.

    I'm someone who truly hated this story, for all the violence, the rape, the repetition of both physical and mental abuse of MC... It was honestly unbearable for me to read, watch past the first two chapters and since I'm not really a fan of Omegaverse, I wouldn't even know what happens after that if it wasn't for the comments. I spent more time in the comment section to understand what's going than reading the actual manhwa, to say you how much I couldn't stomach the abuse throughout the pages. I'm not hating the story for the sake of disliking, but because I feel deeply empathic for Aeroc, despite the fault he's done.
    But in the end, and reading the spoilers, I think everything makes sense...
    And knowing that Klopp will get the retribution he deserves by living the rest of his life miserably, in solitude and regrets, lightens my pain and alleviates my hatred for this Yaoi, and now I feel I can read season 2 and 3...

    Do you know if they'll show his kids lashing on him in the coming chapters?

    MangaSanctuary October 20, 2023 4:56 pm
    Aeroc did bad things, but yeah, Klopp was really the worst. But honestly, it backfired on him, that whole revenge.Reading what happened after Aelock died. Klopp lived really miserable, the twins were born addic... BadApplesAreBad

    He has a son named Rayfiel...? Did he named this son like his wife (the dead Omega)?

    Lin October 20, 2023 4:58 pm
    He has a son named Rayfiel...? Did he named this son like his wife (the dead Omega)? MangaSanctuary

    He's the first child of Arok and Klopp in the first life, Klopp names him in memory of the omaga wife and tells everyone that the baby survived the attack.

    MangaSanctuary October 20, 2023 5:40 pm
    He's the first child of Arok and Klopp in the first life, Klopp names him in memory of the omaga wife and tells everyone that the baby survived the attack. Lin

    Rahh that rat................!! We can only imagine how much his son will appreciate that once he will know the truth.
    I don't think I hate that much the story now (if anything it's Klopp and his guts that I hate), it's just that as you told, there was no context to understand and evaluate fully what's going on.
    Your explanations are clear and I think fair regarding where is going the plot and the next seasons.

    BadApplesAreBad October 20, 2023 5:44 pm
    Usually I avoid spoilers but here I feel I need to read them, so thanks for your patient explanations.I'm someone who truly hated this story, for all the violence, the rape, the repetition of both physical and ... MangaSanctuary

    I had a hard time reading volume 1 of the novel… so I can understand. It made me feel sick. I mostly took breaks after. It was too cruel. Winterbaum is just really good at writing, so I got hooked. The novel is 10x better than the manhwa.

    If you find out the reason why he was cruel to Aelock, it’s sad and ironic. It was imprinting. Imprinting has this effect on alphas. It makes you do bad things, this is common to elderly alphas who lose their omegas, it drives them crazy. It’s uncommon for young couples, but it happens. It’s about hormonal something…that a pregnant omega produce to ensure their alpha’s care. (I read some parts using google translate, so I’m not sure if it’s correct.)

    Since the relationship didn’t got better. The imprint magnified Klopp’s emotions, his negative emotions. He just became more obsessed with Aeroc, to the point of destroying him. That when Aeroc was gone it left a hole inside him. It drove him insane… Like Klopp said “he made his own hell.”

    Arc 2 and Arc 3 are not tragic. Arc 2 is more sweet and fluffy it will actually make you love this book… aeroc will get all the love and support!

    Arc 3 on the other hand, Klopp’s regression. Starts differently. Spending those years in madness and regret will make him look like mad dog, he will really go hard in pursuing aeroc.

    In the novel, the dreams told bits after Aeroc’s death. Rayfiel finds out about the truth and confront Klopp about it. He’ll leave the mansion and never return. In a state of madness, Klopp blames Aeroc again and tries to destroy his tombstone. But his second son tries to stop him, resulting in Klopp injuring his son. I’m not sure if they can squeeze it all in the manhwa, just like the first dream, they cut a lot of parts. Especially about the twins, being addicted to drugs. And how the estate slowly became empty as all the kids got married. Leaving Klopp to always look at the cabin.

    The book is actually really well written. It was fun to read. Winterbaum is an amazing writer. Just skip volume 1… volume 2 is still sort of toxic, but it does get better afterwards…

    MangaSanctuary October 20, 2023 7:07 pm
    I had a hard time reading volume 1 of the novel… so I can understand. It made me feel sick. I mostly took breaks after. It was too cruel. Winterbaum is just really good at writing, so I got hooked. The novel ... BadApplesAreBad

    OMG, thanks for all the explanations and writing!
    First season is so graphic and heavy it gives me anxiety, I couldn't read it all, though now if you tell volume 1 of novel is also hard to read... then I don't know if I will ever be able to read and know fully the story from all perspectives...
    Which one between novel and manhwa do you think is more readable?

    I see for the imprint, and this actually makes sense in Omegaverse. Plus this can be worsened by the fact that the culprit of his dead wife, of this situation, is also the man he covets secretly and lusts after. Added to that is that Klopp is a sadist and twisted person, because truthfully I don't know if imprinting and the death of your Omega can make one Alpha so violent...

    And when you speak about the relationship not getting better, did you mean Klopp and the Omega, or Klopp and Aeroc?
    As I understand, it's surely ML x MC, after the death of the Omega. Was this aspect explicit in the adaptation, manhwa?

    Like you, I'm impatient to read the coming seasons, not only for a lighter change but we'll understand better their personalities and motivations if there is more background of the story. I'm grateful that you took the time to write all this.
    About the dream, they sure cut a lot if the artist doesn't show the twins in that aspect.
    Actually, I'll need also a bit of clarification... Why and when are the twins addicted to drugs? Just after their birth, or later when they're adults...? I know that the second twin barely survived the assault of their mother :'/

    I'm glad I bumped into your comments, I now have better insights about this story.

    You guys' optimistic view and reviews on Into the Rose Garden makes me think that this plot is a lot deeper than what I first thought it was to be. Thank you.

    BadApplesAreBad October 20, 2023 10:50 pm
    OMG, thanks for all the explanations and writing!First season is so graphic and heavy it gives me anxiety, I couldn't read it all, though now if you tell volume 1 of novel is also hard to read... then I don't k... MangaSanctuary

    I’ll be honest. I had a really hard time reading even the novel, I constantly had to put down my phone. The comment section said the manhwa is more angsty than the novel, but the novel was written really well that it hurts just as much. But I’m really easy to cry… my friend who is also a fan skipped volume 1 and just proceeded to volume 2. It was fine.

    Chapters 9-10, before the Aeroc’s death was really sad. It broke my heart to pieces. It was written really well, but it shows you how bad the misunderstanding was unlike in the manhwa. Klopp in the novel, wanted Aeroc to beg and cry. Seeing that Aeroc was trying to live his best and not ask anything anymore, felt like he wasn’t suffering. By just accepting being beaten, raped or just giving birth at command. It wasn’t human. It’s was like an insult to Klopp… which is sad, because Aeroc just didn’t want to look arrogant by demanding anything. It’s not that he didn’t felt suffering, but couldn’t communicate it. He brainwashed himself that he was contented, that the cabin was better than the bottom place. And was thankful to Klopp… for that mercy.

    Even the talk about their son Rayfiel was riddled with misunderstanding. Aeroc thought that Klopp said “the child looks like his mother.” Meant he looked like rayfiel, he didn’t, he really meant it look like Aeroc. That’s why when Aeroc tried to commit suicide in the earlier chapter. Klopp felt that Aeroc was mocking him.

    What I meant about the relationship as Klopp and Aeroc. To satisfy the imprint, Klopp and Aeroc needed to be together. Klopp mentions in the novel that it brought him comfort and relief just by being beside Aeroc. Klopp was lucky that Aeroc didn’t reject him, because it would have been Aeroc who could had the upper hand. When an omega rejects their alpha it brings them pain.

    Imprinting really sucks. It changes your personality, Klopp of the second arc will be explaining this in a side story.

    About the twins being drug addicted. Aeroc was addicted already to painkillers, because his body was in so much pain because of repeated births. An omega male usually have 2-3 kids, but aeroc had 5 pregnancies. He ate painkillers like candy… and he passed on his children. Klopp said that the twins were late in development because of it.

    The next two arc are really good! In Arc 2, I respect Aeroc for setting things right, he kept his promise to Klopp. It’s just that Klopp realized that it’s Aelock he really likes and was more honest about it. It also explains the power of imprint, because they were imprinted from the start in this world. Klopp will always be irritated by anything Aeroc does or say. He couldn’t understand why his hatred for Aeroc was growing, why he wanted to destroy him. When Aeroc didnt do anything bad to him…
    But when he was with Aeroc, that nightmare and that hatred disappeared. The start of their relationship is a train-wreck because of the imprint. But Klopp did make up for it! He really did!

    Arc 3. Is another crazy ride. Because unlike Aeroc who just acted normally, and didn’t stand out. Klopp thought it was hell, so he was crazy in the beginning. He was really aggressive that it scared Aeroc of that world. But as they got to know each other. Even Klopp admitted that it would have been nice if he knew Aeroc was this funny and cute. That Aeroc was not the arrogant cold hearted he remembers. And they even have fun banters!

    The novel is really deeper. I love how slowly everything made sense. And the writing is beautiful! I’m glad that I read it… I wasnt supposed to because of the manhwa hahahha. Glad that it helped hehehhe!

    Lin October 21, 2023 3:00 am

    Thank you for all the detailed review. Arc 2 is okay becaus that Klopp didn't anything bad to Arok yet. But in Arc 3, the original Klopp regression should not able to end up with Arok. He’s with that Arok but still remember the original Arok which it’s so unfair for Arok in that timeline. I want at least one universe, Kropp know how good person Arok was, only to have watch Arok be with someone better than him.

    The ending fitting for Klopp of first life would be he ends up alone while Arok happily marries with someone else. For the sake all of that torture and hypocrisy reason for Klopp can't accept his own feeling for another alpha.

    I find that the whole "imprinting" denies Arok the possibility of being with another partner. In all three universes he can only end up with Kropp. The OG Arok paid for his mistake with his own life and suffered several years of inhuman treatments before his death. The OG Kropp should paid with his life too.

    BadApplesAreBad October 21, 2023 4:39 am
    Thank you for all the detailed review. Arc 2 is okay becaus that Klopp didn't anything bad to Arok yet. But in Arc 3, the original Klopp regression should not able to end up with Arok. He’s with that Arok but... Lin

    He does pay for it… when he expresses his faithful love for Aeroc Teiwind of that arc. He is reminded, how badly he ruined him. When Aeroc wears good clothes, he is reminded of him wearing rags. When he smiles brightly at dinner, his is reminded of how hungrily feast on potatoes. Looking at his beautiful face, he remembers the scars he inflicted on him, that fearful trembling eyes. It’s like poison to him… it haunted him…

    The worst part, he can never have the forgiveness from OG Aeroc. He could only hope that if he loves the Aeroc in front of him, maybe one day, the OG Aeroc would at least met him. He will carry that for the rest of his life… he will keep this secret forever because, he will always be afraid that the Aelock in front him wouldn’t be able to handle it.

    Also his kids, especially Rayfiel resented him. Even if he is happy with the family he has in this life. He’ll be constantly reminded of how he deprived his kids of their mother. It’s not mentioned in the novel, but it’s another sin Klopp will also carry on. And that loneliness, guilt, regret and self-hate is his hell…

    That beautiful life will be his punishment. He could only make it up to his Aeroc and give him the best life, he spoils him… Klopp hates statues and other nonsensical expenditures, but even when his buried with all the paper work and receipts because his spouse is a huge spender, he spoils him. He tries to be the husband and father to his family and give the best comfort for them. He even thinks if Aeroc needs a break from the kids, and helps… he is incredibly supportive of his Aeroc.

    As much as Klopp is not really good man. Seeing him try really hard to make up for things… makes me happy and hopeful that they’ll be genuinely happy as a family in that arc.

    The imprinting and fateful pair does close doors for both Aeroc and Klopp, it would be fun to see them end up with different people. But winterbaum did really good in how both arcs played out… for me at least it was satisfying.

    Lin October 21, 2023 5:40 am

    I understand your point of views. Kropp tries his best to make up for Arok but that Arok is not the OG Arok, the one Kropp ruined and destroyed.

    What OG Klopp does in the Arc 3, is what husband should do to their spouse. How much in all he doing is from his love for that universe Arok, and how much stem from his guilty conscience.

    Personally, I don't think the OG Klopp deserves the second change, but to each one's own.

    The 'isekai to alter universe' is a cop out like trying to restart a game, but with this much trauma and abuse involved, I would rather they either never meet each other again or they go back in time and make better choices

    I once thought 'fate mate' and 'imprinting' are romantic but not anymore.

    BadApplesAreBad October 21, 2023 8:03 am
    I understand your point of views. Kropp tries his best to make up for Arok but that Arok is not the OG Arok, the one Kropp ruined and destroyed. What OG Klopp does in the Arc 3, is what husband should do to th... Lin

    Fate mate and imprinting are not romantic, I agree. To be bounded to one person… is not exactly romantic, it’s like a prison sentence.

    You have a point… he is just doing his obligations as a spouse.

    As much as this is a restart, a second chance, but it’s not really… well at least not for Klopp. He can never make it up on the OG Aeroc, and even given the chance, OG Aeroc wouldn’t meet with him or chose to be with him. Because whatever love there was at the first volume, it’s loss. OG Aeroc found happiness is his second chance. Something Klopp will never have.

    I really think his arc is more of a punishment than a second chance, like he gets to see Aeroc (but not his Aeroc)… and see that all that misfortune in the first arc is his fault. He’ll love the Aeroc of arc 3. But like a sweet poison, he’ll live in a lie, a beautiful lie that he can be happy, but not really.

    It’s just an opinion… maybe that’s why Winterbaum wrote an arc for Klopp. It’s her punishment to him, a hell wrapped in a beautiful lie.

    Lin October 21, 2023 8:28 am
    Fate mate and imprinting are not romantic, I agree. To be bounded to one person… is not exactly romantic, it’s like a prison sentence.You have a point… he is just doing his obligations as a spouse.As much... BadApplesAreBad

    I saw spoiler on novelupdate about an IF story - the one that follows Volume One, the one where Aeroc didn't die. It's like the author's own AU fanfic, but it's there, and it's exactly that: what happens if Aeroc doesn't die in the end of Volume One.

    Reading that, I was like "OTF, did he just get away with everything with no repercussions"

    I'm in awe of the fact Arok survives after the gang rape, 6 childbirths, years of mental and physical abuses, along with poor living conditions. They literally just 'hold hands and make up'.

    MangaSanctuary October 21, 2023 8:57 am

    This discussion is really interesting (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*

    BadApplesAreBad October 21, 2023 2:20 pm
    I saw spoiler on novelupdate about an IF story - the one that follows Volume One, the one where Aeroc didn't die. It's like the author's own AU fanfic, but it's there, and it's exactly that: what happens if Aer... Lin

    I saw that in the spoilers! He wakes up after 3 months, I was torn about that because what happened was so horrible, like how did he survive? But it’s the author’s AU like you said.

    Aeroc doesn’t remember about that night. And Klopp is taking meds to help him with his issues with hormone. The relationship is awkward, so it’s realistic, it’s not magical fixed

    I haven’t read it, I want to read it but don’t have access to it. I want to see what Aeroc was thinking about all of it, has he recovered enough to think straight and question, why this or that happened? His conversation with Klopp and the kids. How does he react when they talk about the imprint? If the subject of why all the bad things happened because of the effects of the imprint.

    Also the kids, they suddenly met their mom. What do the kids think?

    But from what I saw in the forum, it sounds short. So this AU, is like I’m leaving it to your imagination, on how both Aeroc and Klopp will navigate their relationship after the tragedy… starting a new. They aren’t magically in love, nor ok, just holding on the pieces and moving forward with life.

    As much as I want to say something about Klopp, there isn’t much info about the AU. But I do hope he takes responsibility for all that hurt, as much as imprinting affects your mind, when he gets better… I hope he does the work and make things right.

    BadApplesAreBad October 21, 2023 2:24 pm
    This discussion is really interesting (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚* MangaSanctuary

    It is fun… my friend hasn’t finish the novel, so I’m glad to engage with folks here! The story is interesting so I’m so hyped with the manhwa’s return!ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ and to see Aeroc be happy in this arc! And hugo my next favorite character! Love that butler!

aus?'s questions ( All 1 )

aus? November 13, 2023 4:36 am

Sometimes I feel like I’m the only gay/queer person on this site.. reading some of the comments/feed topics/questions make me wanna cry sometimes

    Nicole November 13, 2023 4:48 am

    I mean we're here, I think its mostly just the quiet queers though. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Yoo joonghyuk lover November 13, 2023 4:49 am

    real hearing ppl on this website talk abt queer ppl like they only exist in books is like…. So gross

    I'm just broke November 13, 2023 4:50 am
    Nope I'm just broke

    WAIT I FORGOT TO ADD "You're not the only queer here"

    hey girlie hold still November 13, 2023 4:52 am

    im trans and the transphobia is astounding at times

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA November 13, 2023 5:17 am

    I’m a gay man!!!!!!

    LazyGoddess November 13, 2023 6:46 am

    The comment sections and feed on some manga/manwha do be wild like actual queer people don't exist and or acting like a sexuality is something you can wear.(I myself lesiban) I just find it funny.

    gizmo November 13, 2023 8:45 am

    i sometimes forget that not everyone here is queer and then i see a fetishizing comment and just have to be like "oh!"

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Sometimes I feel as though I’m the only gay man on this website

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