I really love how the author portrayed Nogami. Especially juxtaposed against Kume, his life experience and sense of responsibility as an older adult was really pronounced, and their age gap was readily apparent even though I don't remember them actually mentioning Nogami's age.
I do think Kume manipulated Nogami's sense of responsibility, though I don't think he did it intentionally. I think Kume was just young and caught in a confusing undercurrent of emotions that he didn't know how to handle appropriately. And I think Nogami could see that through the lens of his own past experiences and felt a responsibility to help him.
However, I don't think that excuses Kume's behaviors that were definitely far overstepping boundaries in a really inappropriate way.
But I do think the author did a good job of conveying how both characters were feeling; the story felt very human which I liked. And I'm glad for the way they were able to resolve things and grow better together.

This felt incomplete to me.
The uke thought their relationship wouldn't last because the seme was "straight". It still seemed like he was insecure in the relationship, and I don't feel that it was resolved.
Plus the distance thing. I don't think anyone gets into a relationship believing it will be an ldr forever, but they never talked about it or tried to get a work transfer or anything.
It's a sweet story, and I enjoyed the slower pacing, but I think it needs a second volume to feel complete.

Even if you're not a "perfect" woman - if you're not feminine, or you can't have kids, or you were born with different genitalia - it doesn't mean you're not a woman and it doesn't reduce your worth as a human.
I think this manga did a beautiful job at showing the struggle so many of us face in truly accepting ourselves as we are and not as society wants us.
I feel like I've been emotionally blue balled a little bit lol. They went from enemies to friends to enemies to friends to almost-lovers-but-not-quite. I love a slow burn but I need that emotional fulfillment at the end to make it worth it.
Instead, all I feel like we got was some dubcon kissing and a tsundere that still refuses to relinquish his tsun at the critical moments.