pssst, I see dead people
i need the blonde guy dead idgaf
my eyebrow muscles will never go back to normal after being pressed together and elevated on my forehead for an entire 19 chapters
Best comment pls and so real
I'm stealing this ong
wow so bros disease just never got cured? what a fuckass ending
nah bro that was crazy
literally sat up in my bed and screamed WHAT THE FAWWWK
everytime i read this story my blood pressure shoots up because i get so angry.
The way my eyes widened jaw dropped neck craned forward sat up straight while reading this chapter.
every time i come back to this story i want to jump in the panel and beat the shit out of do hyeok. like what the fuck is he doing.
i just knew that piss stank like crazy bro
Shit wasn't even yellow
It was orange
early stage liver failure
pssst, I see dead people