I know. But I am sad that he is pretty much dirtying the new world. Sigh. Still good story though.

I am not holding my breath. Pollution and smog and toxic gases. Sigh. He couldn't have made these things in a greener manner? Even now we have the technology but the wealth's money would be touch so nothing is really changing. That excuse doesn't even exist for this story. There is literally no reason for this.

Solar power, Wind Power, Water Power. These things can be made with no competition and at little cost to him at this time. There are so many applications just these three can do that are sustainable and are still leaps and bounds over the technology of the world he is in now. It's unnecessary. And no I am not about to sit here and list every possible alternative. That would take all day. Please do some research on your own if you care about it. Reason we as a society haven't moved a way from our destructive technology is frankly plain greed and ignorance. It's too profitable. And ignorant people think that their so called jobs can't be replaced with a green job. It can. Caring more about the profits of now and not the destitute of later. IE Cutting down a forest to make a desert.

For me it's a case by case basis. I don't find MD and daddy. So I can confidently say, his looks have nothing to do with how I feel about this particular situation. I dislike it when people judge situation by their own standards. Your own standards means nothing in this relationship. And in all honestly, the way they are handling this, suits them. The slap was a bit much for, but this is a bsdm relationship and all of those relationships are personal and different. And I don't really feel like MD went to far. He treated his sub like he treated all his other subs he didn't care about so he can know the difference. Ya'll are all trippin. This isn't a cup a tea relationship for me but that's why I am not in it. Just saying

I really disagree. Where was the abuse? Except maybe the slap. He literally treats all his subs like that except our main dude. Ya'll just got used to a nicer MD. And mad that he made main boy cry. And I don't find his disregard for Chanwoo's feelings any worse than the disregard Chanwoo had for his feelings.

You don't coerce someone to do something they don't want to by threatening them.
He crossed the boundaries at least three times. Once he continued the play after recording. Although they agreed only to recording.
Strangling someone nearly to death because you were upset after rejection isn't really ok either.
Coercing someone into the play, threatening them that you will abandoned them just after someone was used and rejected...and taking full advantage of that. Is also manipulatative and abusive.
They never agreed to threesome before, they didn't discuss elements of the play. It was clear Chanwoo doesn't want to do that and was uncomfortable AF but only endured that because of MD's conditions.
He was abused both mentally and physically. And it's even sadder when you think about his abusive ex bfs.

I agree with you. They really are judging someone else’s relationship with their own standards relationship outlook. People need to look past what they see and what is being shown for once. I really don’t think this is MD having a revenge on chanwoo. Besides BDSM is already messed up so why is one slap causing an uproar. If you call ONE slap abuse.......then idk bruh

It wasn't a threat. After the recording, I recall Chanwoo wanting that, cause he didn't like the Vanilla play during the recording. And he never said vanilla. Strangling? I admit he let his emotions get the better of him, but he himself said Vanilla cause it was to far. Coercing people to do something is freakin normal in any relationship. Just this is a sexual relationship so ya'll feel it's wrong. Same thing. IT was clear that MD was uncomfortable with their status quo relationship but Chanwoo didn't care, even had the nerve to bring his new beau in front of him. I really don't find what MD did much worse than what Chanwoo did. In fact, Chanwoo was "abusing" MD longer. ANd MD did not abuse Chanwo physically. Mentally I'll agree with, but like I said they did that to each other. Cause when Chanwoo got over his pride he said Vanilla and MD stopped.

How do you know he is mentally unstable. All I see is someone who doesn't like to lose, so he force himself to do something he didn't really want to do. He could say vanilla when he had enough which he did. Abuse would have been MD continuing anyway. People forcing themselves to do what they don't like doesn't always = abuse. Things aren't that black and white.

Ahem let’s not all forget that the person chanwoo was calling gross what literally the same person he jumped to have sex with only a few days before this thing with MD. They didn’t agree to threesome true but they did discuss having a “BDSM PLAY ALL THREE OF THEM” to see who can be “the better sub” surely he expected as much seeing as he is experienced. And if a person rejected u I don’t see why they should be afraid of u leaving them. I mean what do u expect? String MD along while going around sexing other people knowing full well of MD’s feelings. Now am not saying chanwoo is obligated to MD’s feelings but it’s also tasking on MD’s mind and so if he chooses to choose another sub I don’t see what the problem is. But chanwoo wanted to hold on to MD regardless and he stayed to fight for MD in their own little world way. However if chanwoo has voiced out his feelings and all and also learn how to use safe words all this mess wouldn’t have happened and that is what I think MD was going for. This is not all about revenge

So when you are in a relationship, you've never been coerce in to going somewhere you don't want, watching something you don't want, eating something you don't want? etc etc. Yes that's normal. BDSM is just more sexual in nature, but yes it's normal. As long as you don't pass your own personal boundaries. Which MD did when Chanwoo said VANILLA, than STOPPED. I personally won't be in a bdsm relationship, cause that life isn't for me, but unlike YOU, I won't judge other relationships by my standards unless someone gets hurt. If MD continued afterwards I would be more on ya'll side. He didn't. He even said sorry cause he went to far and made him save Vanilla. In a Vanilla relationship, yeah we all done something that went to far by our standards and regretted it. As long as we don't do it again, it's forgiven. I am an adult. I get that it isn't black and white. You must be 12 or a Karen.

You can’t really be judging SADIST and MASOCHIST under “mentally stable”. No sane person would enjoy pain or enjoy inflicting one. Fix “abnormal” shit the “abonormal” way. U can’t try to start a bicycle with a key cuz it has wheels like a car. U have to do it the bicycle way which is to move the pedals.
Now to anyone into bdsm am not trying to insult u but judging by people’s and general standards of “normal” bdsm is not one of them. But hey it doesn’t mean u are the scum of the earth just cuz u are not classified as “normal”

They didn't agree about going further after recording. The fact that Chanwoo in the end enjoyed that doesn't change the fact that MD overstepped and crossed the rules. And because of personal feelings.
But he nearly hurt him by strangling. It could have serious medical consequences.
Coercing is normal. Clap clap. I have no more questions for you.
Omg he had all the right to reject MD. MD was the one who overstepped by proposing dating when their relationship was purely professional. And Chanwoo even asked if he is ok after rejection and MD said yes. Then Chanwoo was a little bit insensitive -> bringing bf but MD agreed to see him. He wasn't coerced or forced. They didn't charge into his apartment. Chanwoo wanted the clear situation. He wanted to open about his relationship with his dom. Should he hide his relationship and lie?
What MD did is so much worse. Coercion, making Chanwoo do things he didn't want with the guy who just used him (and he fully took advantage of that by threating him that he will abandon him too if he won't participate so he would lose two relationship the same day), humiliating him, abusing both mentally and physically. What are we even comparing. For real.

Ah yes trying to end an argument by infantilizing the other person. Whatever relationship you've been in, no coercion normal and it's even worse if it's sexual. I do not understand how you refuse to see that when you consent (or being coerced) to being strangled, slapped, degraded, this absolutely cannot be compared to going to a park you didn't really want to. If anything, lemme throw your words back at : not everything is black or white, and these situations or not comparable.

Alright my bad for using the word normal (which you used first must I remind you), let me put it into other words ; coercion is abuse. This has absolutely nothing to with vanilla or non vanilla relationships, this is the stupidest (pardon my vocabulary) thingy I've ever read. Bdsm doesn't mean coercion, abuse and even worst stuff are ok, just because it's not vanilla. Again, one more time, coercion, and dubious consent is bad and abusive, in vanilla and non vanilla dynamics.

Oh please shut it. Don’t even try that move with me. Cuz are u really trying to tell me that just anyone would enjoy loving or inflicting pain and shit? I said it’s not normal and I’d say it again it’s not normal. Then I’d say it again no one is scum of the earth cuz they are not normal. Why I said “no offense” is cuz I knew someone would pull that bitch move and here u are. When u don’t have a point to prove u don’t even have to agree that a person is right just shut it and move on

Literally what about what I’ve said even comes close to that like I can’t lmao y’all are so incredibly ignorant and toxic that it’s draining me. Please do the world a favor and do some research before spouting shit like this. People like you are the reason everyone is so terrified/disgusted with the bdsm community

be ready for the trolls that will scream abuse in the comments while not knowing what it really means ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I doubt MD appearance have anything to do with what we think about him, it is his actions. and he did give Chan the choice to leave, honestly I was hoping MD will get a new sub but I know it won't happen. not that I care since I do enjoy this story cause I don't care for any of them.

Am sorry shouldn’t u be saying that to urself??? I mean u literally ignored some valid points I’ve made up till now cuz uk they can’t be denied and u don’t wanna admit u are wrong that’s why u continued straying ur replies away from the original point of this comment. People like u just wanna argue and win and that’s why u never get anywhere and I never see past what is being shown to u.

Erm let me just say that this is how everything played out:
* Chanwoo rejects MD
* But then he goes “maybe I could have MD as a dom while dating another guy” know damn well how MD feels.
* MD wants to take another sub that presents himself to MD (I mean come on do u expect MD to just take the hurt of seeing chanwoo everyday knowing chanwoo is just going to go back to another guy he “likes”)
* Chanwoo goes “oh but I don’t want MD to have another sub than me, I don’t want MD to leave me.”
* Then chanwoo proceeds to accept the “test” challenge and finally got burned by the fire
Now that I have laid it out plainly for u guys to see. Please do the math urself. And while u are at it please go read those chapters again cuz u guys clearly don’t remember exactly what happened. So please tell me who manipulated who and who coerced who

Oh but I did no? And did u guys respond to it? No. Please point out the flaws. And yes u probably read different comments sections cuz am surprised u don’t see what I said about these comments trolls with the same pattern of approach.
Also here is the problem u guys attack us cuz u think we are hating on chanwoo and since u like chanwoo u quickly hop on the “abuse” wagon to try and defend him cuz it’s what others are doing. But I’d say I don’t hate any of the characters they all make mistakes sure and whatever all I was pointing out is that the “MD is abusive” comments u guys are making is not it.

You can't just keep calling us trolls simply because we disagree with you. As far as I know, my points have ignored by the other party so... Your point is valid for everyone. I did not even mention chanwoo once, so again that's not it either.
So yeah my point still is MD used coercion -> coercion is a toxic and abusive behavior.
We might just never agree on it but stop treating the people you disagree with like they're just dumb trolls

My apologies I didn't see this answer lmao sorry. I understand where you're coming from to be honest, but I don't believe MD was manipulated, he didn't stop their relationship after he confessed, if he wanted to, he could have. And yeah consent must come from both party but forgive me if I'm wrong, I think there's more at "risk" (bad english sorry) when the dom tries to push the sub to do things that might trigger him for his own little revenge (at least that's what I believe this is) than a the sub being clear about not wanting an exclusive relationship and having side friends, because let's not forget that he doesn't owe anything to md

Ugh, fine. Childish...
Chanwoo rejects md - they agreed not to be romantic in the first place
Gets bf knowing how md feels - so? You’re never required to return unrequited feelings. Also, see above. And he introduced him to md out of respect for their “bdsm” relationship.
Md wants different sub - no he doesn’t. He’s stated multiple times that “chanwoo is the only one” for him. He’s never expressed wanting a different sub.
Chanwoo doesn’t want him to leave - uh, yeah. Md gives him an ultimatum but he still respects md and values his relationship w him. He doesn’t want to lose that.
Chanwoo agrees - yes, under the expectation that if he doesn’t agree md will refuse to see him again. Md is holding their relationship over chanwoo’s head as bait for going into the “play”. Coercion = forced persuasion under a threat. The threat is the ending of their relationship.
Got it? Is that good enough for you? That I literally spelled out everything for your “points” which make no sense?

MD told chanwoo “let’s stop being fuck buddies” because he wanted to date chanwoo, so chanwoo rejects MD and MD doesn’t contact chanwoo for a while. Now if it was for “revenge” am pretty sure MD would have done something in that while they didn’t come in contact. But in the end chanwoo went and contacted MD by himself in attempt to introduce his boyfriend.
And he literally jumped to sex the guy just a few moment before the thing with MD. So yea MD saw an opportunity to make chanwoo stop playing with fire and used that chance. And now chanwoo got burned and has not only learned to put a limit on himself but to also use the safe word and voice his opinions. That is what I think MD was after.

Is it really not? Are u telling me it’s perfectly normal to like pain or to even take pleasure from inflicting it on a person. Cuz idk how their pain glands work but oh well and even if u tell me to whip u and use candle or whatever am sorry but I don’t think I would be able to do that. Let’s face the truth bdsm Is pretty messed up. But that is not to say because they are not normal they are the scum of the earth. It’s enjoy what u enjoy.

Huh? Did we not read the same thing?? MD told let's stop being fuckbuddies. Chanwoo said no, because he has a right to not want an exclusive romantic relationship. Then they literally..... Did a scene together.... You make it seem like MD ended things with chanwoo straight up after his rejection, and that is not the case. After MD stop being in contact with Chanwoo, Chan just... Found another potential friend? And what right does MD has to "find opportunities to make him stop play with fire" (having sex with other people)? Also yes you might be correct on the safeword use part but it still doesn't make it ok at all.

So the best method to teach victim of abuse a lesson...is by putting them through another extremely traumatic experience? Which can totally end in serious breakdown and backfired? MD isn't classified psychologist that's a , b never ever you just throw someone in a deep water.... Who MD is to teach Chanwoo a lesson. Who gave him that right?
Also these smirks ( in restaurant and while kissing) show he had some grudge... The same while strangling Chanwoo.
You can't enter play with personal feelings and ulterior motives...

Soooo never once in your life did you try to make someone jealous? And force the safe word?? Chanwoo who on the brink of death didn’t even say the save word and I am to believe MD forced the safe word....am sorry but I don’t follow.
Chan admitted his limit and so used the safe word which is good because he finally admitted to his limit. MD did his thing chanwoo got jealous and used the safe word on his own which is lesson learned if I may conclude

Even if I did it doesn't make it ok? And yeah, that's exactly the point. Thanks for putting it into words yourself, forcing the safe word out of someone by trying the most fucked up things such as strangling him and put on "the brink of death" and psychologically playing with his emotions.
Also, do not tell me that making someone jealous for some small stuff, and making someone jealous in an actual bdsm, degrading scene is the same.

Me saying MD wanted a new sub was a way for me to narrate the story and how it looks on the outside. Since u guys love to only see what’s being shown and never look past it. Yes chanwoo is not obligated to return MD feelings but let’s not forget
Md said “let’s not be fuck buddies” cuz he wanted to date chanwoo and didn’t contact him for a while. But chanwoo went to contact him again. And this is not out of respect, he literally didn’t have anything along the line of “let me introduce him to MD out of respect” he wanted to keep the guy and keep MD. Like oh let me have me a boyfriend and then have me another person on the side has feelings for me to release my pent up fetish. Makes no sense

You call it “potential friend” someone he literally was calling his type and started dating in like a day and even wanted to have sex with him so fast u call the person “potent friend” that’s funny.
And as for the part of “what right do Md have to make him stop playing with fire” now let me ask u if the story progressed in the way that MD let’s chanwoo go, and sees him with other guys and chanwoo with bruises all over and on some alley way they find chanwoo dead wont u guys be the same people that would go around saying “MD knew chanwoo was getting abusive and still let chanwoo go, and he didn’t even say anything when he saw him with those scumbag guys” wouldn’t u say that?

Ahahahaah that’s funny cuz u say it like u could just walk up to chanwoo and say “chanwoo let’s stop seeing these scumbags now. Why don’t we look for better people” and chanwoo would go “ooohh yes you are very right, let’s go” let’s face it Chan has a hard head personality and he wouldn’t listen to normal reasoning. And I wouldn’t pass it off as he is a victim cuz he knows his limits and won’t say anything cuz of his “pride” in which case he is at fault here.

Well yeah that's exactly what I meant by potential friend. A fuck buddy. Just another way of saying it, my point still stands.
That literally does not make sense. There are tons of way to worry about someone and let them know about it, like, actual dialogue, than traumatising them in a potentially dangerous play.

Chanwoo needs therapy not another extremely traumatic experience. No psychologist would accept MD's actions. He is not qualified psychologist, he is not god to control the situation to the fullest. It could have backfired and realistically speaking most likely would traumatised the guy even more. It's a perfect start for unbalanced relationship with too much dependency.

If you take out the jealous part you guys are gonna pass it off as jealous part and just a regular bdsm it’s just Chan and MD doing their regular play. Now if u take out the bdsm part u guys are just gonna be like “Oohh md is trying to make Chan jealous” seeing as bdsm is the norm for them i don’t see what bad about the jealous part, we all do it. So I don’t see what the difference is.

My comment disappeared but I was saying :
By potential friend I literally sex buddy and you know it.
And that absolutely doesn't make sense. Why must you go to extreme stuff to prove your point?
There are other way to deal with someone you're worrying about... Like... Dialogue ? And yeah you're gonna say blabla Chan has a tough personality. Like that excuse anything?

I looked at the the article and what I saw is a research on doms and subs and most of the point made is how dom exert absolute control and subs give up all control to their dom. Also about how people don’t find it normal and about how they get pleasure for pain but in no way do I see this proving a point md is not “abusing” Chan as a way of revenge cuz it’s what have been trying to say. If anything it just strengthens the fact that subs give up all control which is funny cuz Chan was still given the option of leaving

U do have a point but why keep going back to a person who literally confessed and said he doesn’t want to be fuck buddies again. And after that he even asked him if he still wants to do the show or the play and Chan agreed. And besides he knows going back is just hurting MD so he could have used that chance to leave MD if he wanted to but he was being a prideful hard head

??? Based on what??? This is very deep subject you should inform yourself on before making any assumptions based on your personal judgment. You'd find it surprising how a lot of bdsm aspects are recommended as a form a therapy. I'm not saying you should become a bdsm expert but... Don't use that kind of judgment in an argument without knowing anything.

But didn’t he already try to have a real discussion with Chan? When he was treating his eyes and even in the bed when Chan was eating macaroons. Contacting Chan is not gonna make chan like him so he didn’t contact him, and b4 u say so Is “abusing” Chan not gonna make him like MD I would say MD is not “abusing” Chan for revenge. And Chan is stubborn does work like that cuz he really would rather get choked to death than say the safe word cuz of his “pride” he did say it himself no?

It’s fine if u don’t understand, in a series of long convo such as this it’s easy to loose track of what a person means but either ways we don’t have the same point of view and so let’s wait for the next chapters maybe MD would narrate why he has done all that he did or maybe he would say “I was abusive sorry”

While the rapist can burn in hell. (f him), I still hope that his daughter can know her grandpa. I do actually feel sorry for him. Some parents are kind and incompetent when it comes to their children, while the rapist can burn in hell, the father, to me is forgiven. He would have to visit her though. Personally I can separate it, and even while see the father, I would completely for get the rapist.

I wanted to see little Kuma cubs, even just one panel. Sad.

Here's the link:
I hope you like it :)

I really hate amnesia tracks. Seriously, they have enough going on without it. Like someone previously said, it's lame.

Nah, I get that. But I think to love someone through all the shit that you remember (especially the terrible memories) Is more real than forgetting it all and just loving a personality/looks. You know, through thick and thin. Better or worse. And frankly it's almost always the female that has to carry the burden of past suffering. But I don't like it when either has it. They should share the burden of the past together. And you can't do that to the same standard if one party forgets. And this is just one reason why I hate amnesia tracks.
Honestly ruins a perfectly good story. It's unnecessary and annoying to me.