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Celebration June 13, 2021 10:29 pm

Honestly ruins a perfectly good story. It's unnecessary and annoying to me.

Celebration January 27, 2021 7:48 am

I know. But I am sad that he is pretty much dirtying the new world. Sigh. Still good story though.

    Fudanshi February 6, 2021 10:57 am

    What dirtying he's literally making the standards of living highers and I think thr pollution problem will be solved hopefully

    Celebration February 6, 2021 11:43 am

    I am not holding my breath. Pollution and smog and toxic gases. Sigh. He couldn't have made these things in a greener manner? Even now we have the technology but the wealth's money would be touch so nothing is really changing. That excuse doesn't even exist for this story. There is literally no reason for this.

    Fudanshi February 10, 2021 11:04 am
    I am not holding my breath. Pollution and smog and toxic gases. Sigh. He couldn't have made these things in a greener manner? Even now we have the technology but the wealth's money would be touch so nothing is ... Celebration

    What do u mean by he could make things greener give me an example

    Celebration February 10, 2021 1:47 pm

    Solar power, Wind Power, Water Power. These things can be made with no competition and at little cost to him at this time. There are so many applications just these three can do that are sustainable and are still leaps and bounds over the technology of the world he is in now. It's unnecessary. And no I am not about to sit here and list every possible alternative. That would take all day. Please do some research on your own if you care about it. Reason we as a society haven't moved a way from our destructive technology is frankly plain greed and ignorance. It's too profitable. And ignorant people think that their so called jobs can't be replaced with a green job. It can. Caring more about the profits of now and not the destitute of later. IE Cutting down a forest to make a desert.

    GwapoNgPineda February 11, 2021 6:11 pm
    Solar power, Wind Power, Water Power. These things can be made with no competition and at little cost to him at this time. There are so many applications just these three can do that are sustainable and are sti... Celebration

    The fuck how can you get a solar power without using Gas to manufacture it?

    Celebration February 11, 2021 6:20 pm

    We literally have the technology to make solar power from plants. Agricultural waste. No gas needed. But of course people that own gas companies will say otherwise and have a laundry list of reasons why it's not applicable. MC of this novel doesn't have opposition.

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