So i'm opening up list requests again . Mainly because I haven't had the time to really go though all my lists and update them (though I did update some), so instead I plan to do it during my spring break (which is when I will be closing the requests again). So for now I will be taking request again, just leave a comment on here or my main page, or you can send me a message (at tumblr too if you want). Anyway new list:
http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/26388/ (my type of seme list)

Who sent me:
"kathy, im looking for a yaoi manga that involved the seme being like a school doctor and he like flirting around. The uke is a student and he is bully by the other boys student cause he is to close to the seme please help TT-TT"
Not sure if you saw my respond at my Tumblr, but if you didn't, I believe that the one you are looking for is this one:

This illustration (I believe from a novel or doujinshi since it seems thats what they mostly do, but not too sure) is by Kiri Karou (桐カオル). The artist does doujinshi of the manga Black Jack (i think a scan group has it up in their website).

So for right now, this will be the last request I do since I want to spend some time updating all the other existing list I have, but once I'm done I will be opening up for more requests. Anyway here is the fluff list if anyone wants to check it out:

hello kathy .. this might be disturbing for you but are you a girl or a boy?how old are you?(im a girl , 15 y/o) it's just that recently this question always appear in my mind so im really sorry for this disturbing question . Its up to you if you will answer it or not ..

Heres the uke-like seme/seme-like uke if anyone wants to check it out:

Another list called The BDSM List. It's no where near from finished since it will be containing every thing from just one of them like sadists, to all bondage/discipline/sadist/masochist, and everything in between. But in case you guys want to check it out already here it is:

Here is the middle eastern list if any of you want to check it out (or arabian list i guess you can say):

Out of all Arabic manga I've read I love those two the most
there're so much feeling involved, rather than just rape and sex

I'm gonna go on a rant right now because it is clear that either you are ignorant enough to believe that homosexuality does not exist in the middle east (which is a ridiculous notion since homosexuals are not some exotic species that are just born in certain regions, they are humans who are born everywhere except that in some places they are more oppressed because they are attracted to those in the same sex.) or you are joking(?) though the latter doesn't seem likely. Either way I do take offence to your comment, not because you don't like my list, but because of that notion that they are not in the middle east and how the insinuation that they are offends you.

I agree Kathy. Because I'm obsess with BL (Homosexuality) I've done a lot of research mostly for school projects, or to ease my curiosity... But so far no scientist revealed that gay come from a certain region, while many said that it's genetics defects, hormones disorders.... But it was never proven. Whereas many people hated if for religious aspect, whereas they were never against lying, abortion, divorce, sex before marriage and so on... In the end anti gays, never had a unbiased reason for hating same sex relationship. PEOPLE DON'T CHOSE WHOM THEY FALL IN LOVE WITH OR NEITHER DID YOU DAD FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR MOM BECAUSE SHE'S A WOMAN. IT'S PROBABLY DUE HER CHARACTERISTIC, OR ATTITUDE WITH ATTRACTS HIM TO HER. IT'S JUST COME FROM PREFERENCE OR INEVITABILITY.

Just dropping by to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you (will try to come on tomorrow since i've been busy with family coming over a lot). I guess as a gift here is a new list:
http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/18776/ (the yandere list if anyone wants to check it out :) )

Thanks Kathy!!!!!! Happy holidays! I wish you all the best. Merry Christmas. Thanks fot always being a big help. I wish i could give u a present.

Since i'm done with finals i'll be finishing list requests, and i'll take new ones if anyone wants to request some. So here is the tsundere list if any one wants to check it out:

IMPRESSIVE!!! (*0*)/ can you also make one with S & M? :))
I'm still taking requests for new lists, but I will be closing it during my spring break.Also, two new lists for those that want to check them out:
http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/30004/ (my 2nd fav list that does not contain any yaoi or shounen ai)
http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/30014/ (my type of uke list)
I'm sorry. I accidently clicked the thumbs down button. And I can't type words with space between words. I'm sorry.
Thats fine don't worry about it :).