Idk from all of the other spicy scenes I could tell that there was at least some level of intimacy between the 2 but for these 2 I don’t really get that feeling. I feel like the author wants us to see a relationship in the rough but I just don’t get that vibe from these 2. Hope in later episodes my feelings and idea is proved wrong

I see a lot of people saying they don’t like the story cause the dom is really insensitive but I think a lot of people forget everyone chose to be in this relationship. No one was forced and (as it’s been brought up before) there is a safe word to use when you don’t want to continue. Yeah she may be rough and yeah the boys do get hurt afterward but what people fail to realize is they’re empty complaints coming from the boys. If the boys really wanted the play to stop they should’ve said the safety word and I assume the play would’ve stopped. If she had continued despite that then I’d understand the negative comments but that’s never happened. I’m getting tired of seeing all the comments hating on the dom when (unless you specifically say the safety word) it’s acceptable for her to be as rough as she sees fit. And in most cases her being her is what gets everyone off.

While I do like the story, I don’t really like the trope of the forgotten childhood that some authors use. I feel like with the right set up it can be done well but as of being a reader of this author’s past work, the whole story line just got confusing. Don’t get me wrong I still like the story and will continue reading but I do hope that the author has improved on how they will tell this childhood plot and actually make it flow with the course of the story instead of having random chapters focus on random elements of the childhood.

So I’ve been noticing that Caius has been really bored when they have sex for a few ch. It makes sense though, trying to stick your peener in something that’s that small probably doesn’t feel that good. I hope Caius isn’t sacrificing his sexual needs to make the needs of the kingdom come first. If that’s the case, I think he and his bride are going to fall apart way too quickly. I hope it’s just in my head I really don’t want them to have to break up because of something this important.
So idk if it’s just cause I’m super stoned but beom’s hair tassels kind of bother me like why are they there. Sometimes I want to cut them off but then I think about how he would look without them and it’s a bit worse than what he looks like now. Just an internal struggle of reading I guess.