This chapter is even worse for Dan. What the heck, he get soda poured on his hair by Jaekyung, and basically being told to get out just for worrying about him in the 1st place. Also, for the soda, why only Dan, huh? And not the potato and the senior member. Jaekyung is so keen to bully doctor Dan, and yet I remember when the actor was there, he got so jealous, he did that pseudo BDSM. Lol.
Basically Jaekyung is a man child with big ego, who not only pull Dan’s imaginary pigtails, he basically suplexed him as well. Jaekyung better be ready to pay for couseling if he goes on like this, lol. Also, Dan, kick Jaekyung in the balls, please. Don’t just keep accepting this shitty tantrums, ‘cause it your job. It’s not.