12Wolves94's feed

12Wolves94 created a topic of Jinx

Why does Dan have to experience the worst with Jaekyung? So many times, unecessary as well. Jaekyung handles Dan very roughly as well. He may have paid for Dan’s grandmother’s hospitall bill, and allowed him to stay at his house, but that’s like no excuse, at all. Also, Dan, why is he starting to go doki doki for Jaekyung when his treatments are still as bad as before? It’s not like he is starting to change for the better. It’s even worse now with all the stress and upcoming match from Jaekyung.

The illustrations and artsyle are top notch though, but Jaekyung makes me frustrated. I hope Dan will show his more rebellious side, and refuse to keep accepting these horrible treatments from Jaekyung. Don’t see how these two can come together, and not blaring out signs of toxic relationship all over, until Jaekyung gets much, much, much, better, and Dan stop being too accepting. Hope it goes better, because one way or another, the webtoon in itself is top-notch, it’s just the problematic characters as usual.