Yes, we are reading on MangaGo for free, that’s why I won’t complain much. I’m saying to future readers, go read on the Webtoon app for the official translation. It’s so much better, and coherent. I feel like I wasted my time reading on MangaGo just now, after enduring whole 77 chapters being confused often with the sentencing, and feeling like I don’t get the whole picture at times. The only plus reading here is that you don’t have to watch 20 second ads everytime you want to read the next chapter, like on the Webtoon platform.
Now, for the main characters, I like Yura and Hyun Seung a lot. They are a nice couple with mature outlook towards their life and know what they want in each other. Though, I feel like some of the chapters could be used to show more struggles with their relationship, and the entertainment industry. This webtoon shows a rosy outlook towards the Korean idol/acting industry, even though the reality is the opposite.
*spoiler below for who haven’t finished reading Daytime Star*
Also, I feel like some characters conflict are resolved too soon, like with Son Jin Ah and Jeon Woo. Suddenly after Son Jin Ah explain her reason for going together with Hyun Seung for buying the b-day necklace, we never see her again. That’s it? Could have shown more of her interactions with the main couple to ease her exit more subtly. Also Jeon Woo, Yura’s ex. He was never shown again after he was punched by Hyun Seung in the police station. It left an unsatisfied feeling with that abrupt end, after all the flashbacks that Jeon Woo was having about Yura when she was still his lover. Should have shown some more of his situation, and reason of becoming such a nasty person, and maybe regret after seeing Yura become even more succesful after leaving him. Remember his reason for slapping Yura? Flashback to his abusive father? The story never touches on this again.
I feel like the author just scrapped Son Jin Ah and Jeon Woo to have a fluffier and easier story. Should have planned more carefully then about the side characters. Never throw them away so suddenly and without any transitioning for their exit. But other than that, the story is quite nice, though the last 1/3 was kinda rushed. This webtoon could have been better, but it’s still a nice read. The art is at least consistent, and quite good as well.

You know I’m glad we got Hayden & Brett as the main couple. They are so interesting together, and I can’t get enough of their chemistry along with their nuanced interactions. I love their expressions as well. Genuine Alpha x Alpha is so rare!
Scott and Martini, and Jung are not as interesting to me. Especially since Scott is kinda annoying, lol. But I’m interested in the beta who is bullied by his peers. This is the case where the main couple dominates the field, and people can’t wait to keep seeing them on screen. Usually the second couple also shines, but I’m glad this time they are not. But, who knows in the future.
To me, Omegaverse are getting stale with all the AlphaxOmega pairs. AlphaxAlpha or AlphaxBeta are untapped gems, c’mon! They are so few, I’m getting desperate. OTL
I have come to dislike an Omega masquerading as an Alpha, or an Alpha turned to an Omega type of stories, because it seems like such a cope out for the authors.

Yes, that’s what the author should have shown in alphaxalpha relationship. Not force them to turn to Omegas. Smh. I feel like it’s just a fetish right now; turning Alpha into Omega.
Fated pairs can be cute, but some of them just plain out copy paste, and boring. Even though fated pair can bring more than just ‘omg i’m in heat because of this alpha.’ Then they proceed to just being horny the whole manga/webtoon. Lol.

Not often I see a webtoon where the art improves along the way, and being consistent in its improvement. Often times its downward spiral, lol. Only good at the beginning, and losing steam along the way. Looks like it will be a good read from everybody’s reaction. I will wait until S2 commences with many chapters have been uploded, will I start to read the webtoon. Not gonna leave myself in a cliffhanger.

I know the main story in the manhwa is focusing on only Jungwoo and Kwonjun, but the side stories could have include more of the side characters like the other members of the idol group. It could have fleshed the world a bit more.
I mean, we have seen how all the members look in the final chapter, so putting them in extras would be reward in itself. Seeing how all the members interact is the essence of an idol group after all. Might as well feel like Jungwoon is a solo artist like this.
Still, it’s a cute, lighthearted webtoon. And both Jungwoo and Kwonjun are likeable as the MC and the ML. So, all in all it’s a nice little read.

Dunno why some people are still confused over who top or bottoms. Ever heard of power bottoms? The bottom is very similar to Under the Greenlight’s. Both are in position of power, with strong characters, and design wise, similar; tall, beefy, and black-haired with sharp eyes. Top is obviously the blonde one. Taller, beefier, and bigger d*ck. Rarely manhwas/mangas/manhuas ever do switch couple with these obvious relationship dynamic, and character designs. I hope more bottoms are like the ones in Frey! and Under the Greenlight tho. They are peak bottom characters.

Actually, with Omegaverse, I find it hard to believe that you can lie about your second gender when applying for jobs, especially with corporate jobs, hospitality, retails, etc. Basically, any job which requires you to present yourself in public. Like, don't you need to submit medical certificate certifying you're A/B/O for the formal documents and such?
It's just better to make the MC a Beta, who was a late bloomer Omega, if Omegas are not allowed to work for stable jobs in public in this manga's setting. Anyway, I'm going to still keep reading it, cause' if the story and characters are decent, for me, it's a yes.

Perhaps, in their world it could have been a requirement but I doubt the writers could think that far to develop the omegaverse society to go into details about laws and requirements when applying to things.
Maybe the writers are set in their minds in keeping it to how our world works, with HIPAA or the ability to deny answering. It may be defined as a medical issue to avoid violating HIPAA and the need to report gender and sex as so
Or its like how our current world allows us to put “deny to answer sex or gender” as an option during applications and work.

Hello, sorry for the late reply. It could be like you said, but the thing is A/B/O has big repercussions if taken lightly. Any small mistake could end up as a big one, and doom the other. Like an Omega forgetting their surpressant then got bitten/raped by a random Alpha at their workplace, or vice versa; as seen in many A/B/O fictions.
So, a person lying about their second gender is endangering their workplace and their colleagues; where individual caution is very much necessary. It can’t be compared as to not putting your first gender/sex on the paper. A/B/O is tied very strongly to their primal instict. Even in a very safe environment, transparency is still very much needed. So, yeah.
I’m just a bit tired of this kind of trope, because a bit of thinking could have strengthen the obvious loophole in the premise. Like I said, for this setting, a Beta being a late bloomer Omega is more logical than an Omega in disguise in a world where A/B/O is already a medical standard like our first gender/sex, and laws are already in place about them. Btw, the authors don’t even need to go into details about laws and such, anyway. It’s just a bit of logical worldbuilding in place.
Sorry, I’m rambling. In the end it’s just a light manga, and I’m not trying to do deep thinking or anything. But, if people are gonna do A/B/O, they better do a bit more woldbuilding than usual for minimum, cause our world are already so complicated about gender and sex, and I can’t imagine A/B/O make anything easier. Lol.

How else will I know how to take care of their needs if they'll lie about it?
Imagine, an omega gets assaulted, but in their resume it says they're beta. Like... Had the company known they were an omega from the beginning then we would have been able to draft out a contract suitable to their gender.
But since they lied, we had no idea and couldn't keep an eye on them.

Only the lack of brothers and their partners at the wedding, make the climax kinda lacking. Like cmon, your bro has a wedding, where the siblings at? It’s just weird for me. No mention of them not attending the ceremony and all as well. Other than that. It is a bit too fast paced for me. It is lighthearded fluff with cliche moments here and there. Not bad, though.

This chapter is even worse for Dan. What the heck, he get soda poured on his hair by Jaekyung, and basically being told to get out just for worrying about him in the 1st place. Also, for the soda, why only Dan, huh? And not the potato and the senior member. Jaekyung is so keen to bully doctor Dan, and yet I remember when the actor was there, he got so jealous, he did that pseudo BDSM. Lol.
Basically Jaekyung is a man child with big ego, who not only pull Dan’s imaginary pigtails, he basically suplexed him as well. Jaekyung better be ready to pay for couseling if he goes on like this, lol. Also, Dan, kick Jaekyung in the balls, please. Don’t just keep accepting this shitty tantrums, ‘cause it your job. It’s not.

Yes, it's kind of....adorable? (=・ω・=)
Oh no! Don't remind me of one of the few, teeny tiny, adorable things about Jaekyung. Be still my heart ~ *swoon*
Pssh, yeah, right. The readers, including me, shan't forget Jaekyung Bullying Dan Agenda 101. It's all ingrained by now. In a way, it is masochistic to kee hoping Jaekyung will improve soonee rather than later. OTL

Why does Dan have to experience the worst with Jaekyung? So many times, unecessary as well. Jaekyung handles Dan very roughly as well. He may have paid for Dan’s grandmother’s hospitall bill, and allowed him to stay at his house, but that’s like no excuse, at all. Also, Dan, why is he starting to go doki doki for Jaekyung when his treatments are still as bad as before? It’s not like he is starting to change for the better. It’s even worse now with all the stress and upcoming match from Jaekyung.
The illustrations and artsyle are top notch though, but Jaekyung makes me frustrated. I hope Dan will show his more rebellious side, and refuse to keep accepting these horrible treatments from Jaekyung. Don’t see how these two can come together, and not blaring out signs of toxic relationship all over, until Jaekyung gets much, much, much, better, and Dan stop being too accepting. Hope it goes better, because one way or another, the webtoon in itself is top-notch, it’s just the problematic characters as usual.

Hah, I know right, if Dan is his only chance at winning the matches but at his peak, shouldn’t Dan be treated well? Cause he can only win all of the matches excellently if he does it with Dan, not anyone else. The author basically wants to see how masochistic we can be if we want to continue reading Jinx. ( ̄∇ ̄")
Guys, I know this is not that important, but don’t you think the timeline got weird or skipped? Hyesung got injured when he was still in school, when he was in his third year od senior high. So he was in hospital for two weeks maybe? Then when he got out, it was told that he go to work as usual, but never go back to senior high. Then suddenly, he was in college.
I think the part when Hyesung went back to school and graduate shouldn’t be skipped willy nilly by the author like that. I got confused for a while there. I mean, Hyesung is an integral part to the story, and reason both of the main characters started to interact with each other. But, eh, I just reached ch. 23, and haven’t read the rest of the chapters, so… I’ll continue the rest and see for myself.
Yeah I also got confused by this,
I just assumed he got accepted in university early but even if that was it he would have to complete highschool first in order to attend university
I just think it was a mistake the author made idk
I think it’s just weird that the author never put some panels to explain that some time has passed or something. The timeline transition is just abrupt at some parts. It could be a mistake, but I think the author must have thought it was not important.
Ultimately the graduation is nothing big, though I would have like to see it happened.