ashamedtobeonhere's experience ( All 0 )

ashamedtobeonhere's answer ( All 1 )

05 10,2018
dm her. you can just approach her by complimenting her on something!! my crush complimented me the other day and unfortunately im too shy to go talk to her and talk more even though we have lots of classes together but it made me very happy. so go for it :)   1 reply
05 10,2018

ashamedtobeonhere's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did piercings

earlobe, twice. i dont like it anymore but yea

7 minutes
did listen to a song on repeat

ode to the mets. listening to it on repeat isnt enough, i want it up my ass

8 minutes
did listen to a song on repeat

Currently listening to Timeless on repeat, but I’ve repeated so many songs.

11 hours