わくわく answered question about question
Such a confusion opinion overall becauss your whole take comes apart from this statement alone -> "like i'm a girl too and i enjoy bl" yeah so you've never had a fantasy and wanted to write it down? Why is it soooo weird that people want to make AND consume media that they like? You're the one enjoying it but it's weird the same people like you enj......
わくわく created a topic of Nidome ha Shoujiki

One of the times I didnt get a boner reading about an orgy. Sheesh
1. They clearly felt pressured/coerced(?) to do it. Nothing anyone says can convince me otherwise or convince me that foursome was hot. It wasn't. It was uncomfortable to read.
2. They didn't enjoy it (doing their respective partners). Two guys, in love, cucking each other and being absolutely miserable throughout the whole process. Ew.

They really should've just left after the shower. Facepalm.

I actually don't like takane. Sure his involvement is a catalyst for their development but his motive was personal and nasty. (I can acknowledge his character is a necessity AND still dislike him so don't even bother replying with some bs trying to defend him. Idc, I dont like him.)

わくわく answered question about question
Something about brothers without a tomorrow's art style.... I've only read like 3 of their works and dropped one but not only do I not like their story telling, I also kind of don't fw with their art.
わくわく created a topic of Sayonara no Moment

So ghost-kun's idea of a farewell is to act mean and claim he never liked haru, only for that to be pointless because he ends up confessing anyway. Idk that part was rushed imo.

わくわく answered question about question
The greatest part about being "popular" on here is it brands you a loser with no life lmao. More to yalls tho, congrats
わくわく answered question about question
Buy a huge dildo, do anal masturbation for a couple months. Smooth shits guaranteed
わくわく answered question about question
Find something annoying about her. I was once in love with a straight girl then found her outgoing-ness too annoying for my introverted self ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
わくわく answered question about question
Draw that dude jaekyung from Jinx, just his severed head all bruised speared through with a stick and blood dripping. Thanks.
わくわく answered question about question
My culture funerals cost 30k-70k. Who tf has that money laying around to die on a random Tuesday shi
わくわく answered question about question
First to mind is anything by Zariya

Wait until that kid finds out merpeople just gotta do the nasty for the magic to happen.... (⊙…⊙ )

わくわく answered question about question

Here's my take. It's not his fault that he was raped as a child but it is his fault that he cheated. He was very aware of the concept of "boyfriend" and wasn't into the idea, so why would he give the top false hope of a stable relationship? Clearly his past changed how he views sex, but clearly he also has a concept of exclusivity. He was playing with the top and THAT is his own fault.

Imo the rape EXPLAINS his behavior, it doesn't EXCUSE/JUSTIFY it. What he did was shitty. The fact he was already influenced by the top, left and still slept with another man, is his fault as a cheater. The rape excuse only goes so far to excuse his cheating and in this case, I don't think you can use it.

But that's not even the best part. The best part is the top chasing him. Anyone who stays with a cheater is a fucking loser. Overall, everyone sucks.

わくわく created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Is taehyuk gonna remember all his other lifetimes too now or just the one with hyoun? Wait, did taehyuk even have other lifetimes? Lol

わくわく answered question about read 1000 manga or more
This site is full of dumb people, don't think too much into it, you'll cause yourself a migraine. Block, mute, and go. Saved me good time not having to look at dumb takes (●'◡'●)ノ
わくわく created a topic of Mr. Kang's Son-in-law

I rolled my eyes so hard they nearly rolled out my fucking skull. Too little too late you cheater. Even if it is fake, why tf you go and do some dumb ass shit like that? Make it make sense. I love you so let me pretend to cheat on you and leave you to get abused by my abusive father. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.

わくわく created a topic of Plum Love

You know you can just delete the messages and block the number if the intention is to put distance and stop interacting completely, instead of throwing a whole phone away. Bet he walked back to get it out the trash lmao

How do you write 2 volumes of straight up bullshit lol

わくわく created a topic of One Side in Room

Yes the girl was annoying but because top gave her false hope too. wouldnt YOU think a man is at least interested if you expressed your like for him, ask him to hang and shit, and he says yes everytime if you are persistent (because you like him a lot). The fact she kept getting in between them it is truly his own karma for giving her false hope ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍