Every reader in any other BL story is always going on about communication, don't hide things just because you don't want to hurt someone else, talk it out like adults. This whole story was about miscommunication and how frustrating it was they didn't just TALK about it. But here comes Jeongyoon's family and Chaeheon doing the exact opposite and it's supposed to be okay? Not wanting to out Jeongyoon is just a convenient excuse. Pretending this is for his own good, the family cares for him, is just an excuse. If you cared, you'd ask the person directly how they're feeling, not assume their feelings for them because YOU'RE scared. That is how every BL couple miscommunucates and I thought everyone was tired of that.
I guess the bait that the family accepts him, just afraid for his homosexual adventure, is a convinient cover up for their tragic behavior.
Also wanna add that if their intention is to not out him, which I don't think they're even thinking that deep because atp they're just selfishly trying to damage control their own responses, then don't go behind his back meeting his boyfriend. It's easy. How hypocritical. And did any of them stop to think maybe Jeongyoon hasn't bothered coming out is BECAUSE they're all acting secretive and treating him like that? It goes both ways. Like how they're behaving a certain way to not out Jeongyoon, their own behavior resulted in Jy not wanting to come out. To the party that already knows everything, you'd think they'd take the initiative by communicating and subtly easing Jy in. Because reminder, just earlier his mom was still going on about marriage etc. Therefore how is their current behavior at all helping Jeongyoon feel safe. But they chose to do the opposite and isolate him. He's already oblivious, how much more are they intending to disrespect him.

On another topic, notice how Chaeheon perfectly finessed his whole family to allow the move? He won't hurt Jeongyoon but he's definitely red. We all know the connection between psychos and their magical ability to manipulate and turn tides in their favor. Well played. Got the whole family blinded.

im assuming the whole point of their sneak is to check chaeheon out, see if he is good for jeongyoon. but all that overstepping their son to get to the bf only to be fooled by his charms too. this family is truly lost. chaeheon is 2 steps ahead.
when he got jeongyoon with rose glasses, his only other obstacle was the family. now he's got the family down too. he just paved the way to do whatever he wanted with their son. cuz imagine if the family just talked to jeongyoon one-on-one about his thoughts regarding chaeheon, and jy foolishly mentioned all his red flags. now THAT would be something interesting to read about. instead of this....stupidity situation.

Considering the way the story has gone so far, even if Jeongyoon told his family about all of Chaeheon's red flags, I don't think things would be much different. The author does not seem to view this dude as a red flag, and it's pretty clear that they view the whole "doing stuff behind Jeongyoon's back" thing to be something positive that shows that the family is caring, even though it's not actually a good thing. So even if Jeongyoon told his family, I'm sure they'd just be like "oh, Chaeheon's so caring, he loves you so much" Instead of freaking out and seeing him as a red flag.

"The family is giving jeongyoon the chance to come out on his own terms" yeah so dont go behind his back having secret meetings with his boyfriend. You cant have your cake and eat it too. In what world are they giving him the chance to come out on his own terms when he figures out they all already knew and treated him like a dumbass who doesnt deserve to know. Must feel great to know your own coming out means so much to your family that they had already met and built a relationship with your boyfriend PRIOR to you even coming out.

It's so uncomfortable how much they spoonfeed Jeongyoon everything like he is an incompetent who doesn't have a right to join the conversation about HIMSELF. The writing pretends to do all this because they care about Jeongyoon but in reality they don't even trust Jy to make his own informed decisions. It's honestly insane how everyone is praising this family for being so "caring" when all they do is treat Jy like he is a dumbass and leave Jy in the dark.
Maybe the reason he is behaving this way to begin with is because this whole family treats him like that. No child needs to grow up if their family continues to treat them like a child.

This story is just kind of sad. The mom being promiscuous is the direct cause for the son to end up the same way. They're both awful people but more so I feel bad for the son because he was raised to think that way. He's only 24 and already live like that. The mom should have given him up for adoption. She clearly lives a dangerous lifestyle. It wasn't healthy for a child to meet her many different boyfriends all the time.
Are these recent updates like canon extras??