Hate me if u must, if someone likes a rape plot manhwa or ANYTHING w rape for that matter (as long as it's for lore purposes ONLY), I'm listening and I'm judging tf outta them "well it's my opinion!" Well your opinion sucks COOCHIE WATER. "It's fictional!" I'm gonna tickle you at night. "It's their preference!" Gooner final boss
bet they ask real life gay couples who the is the 'sEmE' and 'uKe' and spit at lesbians because that's 'disgusting'
I'm so sorry you were dropped on your head when you were born.
What’s empowering to women depends on the woman, if u as a straight women find stories about mlm and their sexual relationships empowering good for u ig, but like what was the liberating part for u, I’m curious
I am 42 and I have only one advice: Do not idealise anything! Do not idealise love, marriage, religion, politics, your career, your children etc... We are all humans and everyone will fail at some point. I often see ppl with lofty ideals and when those ideals come crashing down, some never recover and to this day hold grudges. I see parents who pla......
Chile some of yall are some gaslighting betches like I love you but you are. Even had me rethinking my answer defending straight people. Some of yall just bullies and are trying to excuse your bullying because straight people arent oppressed lmao. just because your words have no societal power behind it doesn't mean that straight people cant be dir......
You know what? Just let people say whatever they want. This is the internet. No need to shut anyone down. Let people say "b-but its just fiction. L-let me watch my elf rape hentai" and let people say "ew this is disgusting! I am personally attacked". People have different opinions after all. And now we know briefly both perspectives of this argumen......
Controversial opinions