I- i honestly don't even kno how to feel abt this ( ̄∇ ̄") this pissed me off so much istg if I where Jin ain't no way I would've stayed with Minato. Firstly he says he couldn't get pregnant cuz of what the doctor said but then he never tried to. Secondly he goes sleeping around with strangers cuz he cant get pregnant let alone tell Jin anything. Thirdly he was so worried abt what Jins father thinks knowing Jin said he doesn't give a damn what his father thinks he wants to stay with him like ughhhh... Lastly I thought they would be together but nope Minato runs off (FOR 3YRS) when they were just getting close and I'm sure he knew he was pregnant there was literally no reason as to why he didn't let Jin kno not only was he missing Mina he also missed 3yrs of him bonding with his kid he knew nothing abt I'm just at a loss here. (︶︿︶)

I've read this book before and never thought of it but poor Masayuki you cld literally tell he was hurt when Gino took Keito from him for someone to be straight he switched quickly he shld have taken Masa's feeling into consideration instead of brushing it off Gino took it upon himself to go after Keito by kissing him without consent to me that's messed up how you like someone in less than a week when Masa has had feeling for him for 3yrs I hope Masa finds someone for him.

Second ml syndrome.. the story was average, the ml wasn’t bad/good either, he was alright. People just think the second ml deserves the MC. Some just don’t get that if the other person can’t see you the way you want to see them, then it’s final. Ppl need to understand that EVEN if you try to be considerate and respectful, no matter how nice you are, if the person doesn’t like you then that’s all you’re gonna get. Of course I do feel bad for the second ml but rejection happens?? Some need to realize that ppl’s perspectives change and it doesn’t have to involve w. you. So what if his gay awakening was with the ml?? He never liked the second ml in the first place and it wasn’t that srs bro.. it’s fiction. I agree w. u

To me I feel like 18chp. was a waste of time not only was the book rly short but the seme and uke do fit each other at all. If the seme didn't want to be a Dom it was so many ways to get out of it stop messing if there are no feelings. Now the uke was overly pushy did he not know what he was doing was wrong like if the man don't like you move on why force something that will never be.
I love Minato and Shizuma I cant wait for more to come with there journey.
Rose you are so wonderful I've been reading these books for yrs over and over again that's just how good they are never stop what you are doing as well as the other creators making so many ppl happy.