You're not gonna continue to upload this anymore, but you want other people not to upload it either? How does that make sense lol? If you're dropping it, then that's it. Someone else should pick it up.

I hate discord with every ounce of my being. Even if the link wasn't expired, I wouldn't use it. My 13 yo son uses it, so I only open that God-awful app when I have to checkout who he's talking to and what he's watching. If the team doesn't wanna post here, cool. Let someone else do it. As far as I'm concerned, they dropped it, so NEXT!

So he goes to his ex-boyfriend's house and is so ready to cheat, he strips off his clothes and throws himself at the guy. But then his current boyfriend shows up to stop him, they have sex in his ex-boyfriend's house, and then they live happily ever-after? How do people in this comment section believe that's a "realistic scenario?"
Well, at least the sex scenes were good...

Javier is a terrible fcuking human being, rotten to the core. He doesn't have a single likeable quality. Not one. If this story miraculously ends with them together, I have a feeling we'll all still hate him...
And Jae-won... *insert eye roll here* It's hard to sympathize with him. Honestly, he's weak and wishy-washy. It's like dude, have some self-respect. I'm hoping there was something about his character that was lost in translation, but as it stands, he's one of the worst ukes I've ever stumbled across....
Isabel is a b*tch, the blonde chick is too, and the Count is a rapist a$$hole. The ONLY redeemable character so far is Alfonso, the tatted guy who deserves an award for being such a good friend.
I thought by chaper 15 something other than Jae-won getting treated like trash would happen, but I guess we're gonna jump to the sex part and let their lusty smut plug up the plots and the lack of character development.
...I just find it difficult to sympathize with him. I don't think he's inherently bad, but he was brutal in his rejection of Yoon. I understand regret, resentment, the desire to leave the past in the past, but I remember the feelings I had while reading those first several chapters... I haven’t forgotten the pain Yoon went through; his confusion, his shock, his fear, his wanting to hold on to the one constant in his world while trying to piece back some semblance of a foundation to start over from. But Taejoo left him. He left Yoon to figure it all out alone. No, I don't hate Taejoo. I just haven't forgiven him, and I'm not sure I will.