but then this chapter reminded me that he's been fucking around on Minki for YEARS. He's broken baby's heart more times than we can count, and every time Minki forgave him. I just can't sympathize with Wonho anymore. Like, where did you expect all your whoring to lead you? And how many times did Minki give you the chance to start fresh with him? And what kills me more than anything else, is that if Wonho managed to break it off with this guy, he'd probably end up cheating on Minki with someone else! So to Wonho I say, You made your bed, now you have to lie in it. I hope you can extricate yourself from this destructive, abusive relationship, but more than anything, I hope you realize how you ended up here, and get your shit together.

...if you have a problem with the "forced sex" scenes, why are you still reading the webtoon? Is it just to come to the comments and complain? I mean, wouldn't it be easier to stop reading it? If you prefer your BL plots to be all sunshine and rainbows, I think it's fairly obvious that this is not the webtoon for you. Just remove it from your watch list and keep it moving.

Understandable, but it's starting to get ridiculous. This isn't rl. It's a webtoon about a fake relationship, between fake people, in an entirely made-up AU. The fact that it's a work of fiction couldn't be more obvious. Now, I don't condone rape or the romanticism of it, but isn't this just a tangent of the literary world that exploits gay relationships for our entertainment? Let's talk about how effed up that is...

1) Readers are allowed to be critical and voice out their opinions. It's a basic right, to speak.
2) At this point, it's not forced sex anymore considering the uke is actually unfortunately going along with it. The manhwa has an extremely loose plot and no fleshing of characters so on the whole, it's an unlikable story. However, the art is good and we as readers, hope the artist and author will soon get a hold of their story and review their characters.

There are readers who likes a fairytale strory, readers who are lust driven and readers who are adaptive .
Critics have the right to comment based on what they read. But sometimes, its getting overboard that they don't think the effects of their action.
Afterall, If its not into your liking without assessing the other elements for appreciation, then stop reading. This means that this is not into your liking and not meant for you to read

I dont care if only their voicing their opinion, but this type of comment I thought is inappropriate:
they clearly insult other readers and author.

1. I never said it wasn't allowed. Not in my original comment and not in my reply. I merely suggested readers stop reading it if it offended them so much, then compounded that by giving my opinion as well. In this respect, don't I have the same right? I won't deny the hint of sarcasm, but that's because sarcasm is my second language and it's hard to control the older I get... Honestly, I've been a part of this world for so long that it's obvious the forced sex is wrong, but even more obvious that it's fake. Clearly, my jaded level is over 9000...
2. I agree with all points. Though I don't know if I'd feel that way if the webtoon was complete and I read it as a whole. I sometimes feel like it's messy simply because I'm reading it piece by piece. Also, beginnings are often messy, so I always give the author the benefit of the doubt that what he/she will pull it together in the end (it's a strange battle between my jaded attitude and unwavering optimism).
Of note, I'm personally anti-censorship. I don't think creators should be or feel limited when writing/drawing. Sometimes the muse takes you to dark places, and I respect those who aren't afraid to go there.

1. I never said it wasn't allowed. Not in my original comment and not in my reply. I merely suggested readers stop reading it if it offended them so much, then compounded that by giving my opinion as well. In this respect, don't I have the same right? I won't deny the hint of sarcasm, but that's because sarcasm is my second language and it's hard to control the older I get... Honestly, I've been a part of this world for so long that it's obvious the forced sex is wrong, but even more obvious that it's fake. Clearly, my jaded level is over 9000...
2. I agree with all points. Though I don't know if I'd feel that way if the webtoon was complete and I read it as a whole. I sometimes feel like it's messy simply because I'm reading it piece by piece. Also, beginnings are often messy, so I always give the author the benefit of the doubt that what he/she will pull it together in the end (it's a strange battle between my jaded attitude and unwavering optimism).
Of note, I'm personally anti-censorship. I don't think creators should be or feel limited when writing/drawing. Sometimes the muse takes you to dark places, and I respect those who aren't afraid to go there.

Same. It breaks my heart when a creator, and the people taking their time to translate and share these stories, are publicly shamed. True, this not everyone's cup of tea, but from what I've read so far, the Seme has done nothing I /didn't/ expect. He's an Alpha, arrogant with strong pheromones, crazy rich, and has probably never heard the word "no" in his life.... Honestly, I'd have been more shocked if he hadn't pulled the dick move of taking the submissive-Alpha by force. It sounds horrible, but if that's the character, then I'd rather the author stay true to their effed-up personality. Who knows, maybe we'll see some awesome character development!

Thank you for taking your time and pasting the links to those obviously rude comments. Them putting their opinions across like that was uncalled for even if what they state may be true. Like you and I agreed upon earlier, the story so far and its setting and characters are all too loose for the manhwa to be liked. But dismissing it altogether and insulting the author is simply childish from the commenters' part. Offering constructive criticism may have helped than downright insults.
Anyways, let's hope the author is tough and takes all the negative comments as constructive criticism he/she can use to flesh out his/her manwha.

I'm actually looking forward to the end. All writers know that a story can't go on forever, and the author of this incredible webtoon is no different. Anyone can start a story, but what separates the extraordinary from the ordinary, is the ability to lead the readers to a thrilling and satisfying end. This will be a masterpiece enjoyed by yaoi fans for years to come! Many thanks to the author and translators for sharing this wonderful story with us.

Just because one story ends, doesn't mean a new story can't begin. Who knows, maybe the author will start a separate webtoon for the other characters. Either way, endings are bitter-sweet, but we can't forget that they are absolutely necessary. Dragging a story out can sometimes devalue the overall work, and I'd hate to see that in this case.
As for telling their families and such... That would be great to see, but I think the author showed us that whatever the next challenge might be, these two will overcome it together!
Anyhoo, be it a continuation of this webtoon, or a start of a new one, I'll be right here, ready to support the author and translators!

If you're reading these threads, don't be disheartened by the comments. It takes an incredible talent to weave a story like this, and the fact that your webtoon has elicited such dramatic responses (good and bad), speaks to your ability to make your readers empathize with your characters. Keep writing and fighting! I look forward to more it your work!
I've always been a sucker for the dense Seme. The one who's been in love with his baby since forever, but doesn't realize it's THAT kind of love until a plot-defining moment. Don't get me wrong, I love Seth, too! He's a sweetheart, and with him you always know where you stand. But he's so young, and is still sort of finding his way in Iife. Love is great, and passion is grand, but that doesn't keep a couple together forever. Sam and Henry just have that mature, "been thru the fire" feel to them, so I feel like a relationship between them would stand the test of time...
Ugh, love triangles... Why do I do this to myself?!
No you're not alone and I could only agree with what you've said. I'm still team Sam here.
I'm glad I'm not alone!
I like how you put that! ugh this chapter has got me wavering a bit
Same! I'm like a hair's breadth away from being team Seth, but Sam and Henry just make more sense to me. Damn this author for being so good at their job lol! Got me all in my feels!