...or at least having sociopathic tendencies. The intense obsession over one particular person/thing, the difficulty in understanding emotions (his and others), easily bored with things and people... I think he got married because it's what "normal " people do (get married, have kids...). Sam doesn't have a great deal of emotional intelligence, so he adapts and does what is expected. Henry was a catalyst for him. Still is. And now that Sam has put a name to those intense feelings, I'm interested to see where it takes him.
Still don't like Henry tho Iol. Wrote an entire book on the psychology of love, and he's making rookie mistake after rock mistake. Smh...

The same people freaking out on this comment thread will probably be back to read the next update...
Rape, blackmail, horrible plots that make us cringe (and make us curious to see how it'll all end)... they've been a part of yaoi since forever and a day. If this is somehow new to you, or you're somehow shocked and by appalled by this, I'm guessing you're relatively new this world. Take it from us veterans: Run while you still can. Close the webpage, turn off your phone or computer, and run faraway. Don't look back, because the world of smutty boy love is rarely unicorns and rainbows. It's dark, dirty, and obviously not for everyone.

He's a mess. Sam is just now realizing his /true/ feelings, and Seth is experiencing his first real crush. This is a recipe for disaster and heartbreak for everyone involved. Personally, I dislike Henry the most He's using Seth to run away from his lingering feelings for Sam, and he doesn't have the self-awareness to recognize it. Maybe if he was Seth's age, I could blame it on youth, lol, but come on! He's a grown ass man. I wish he'd act like it.

Lost baseball, lost the wife, and now he lost Henry. Smh, that man's life has been nothing but losing.

TBH, i think he kinda deserves it, he's just half-assedly doing things. He needs to be more proactive if he wants to get what he want.
I hope it's not too late for him to pursue Henry, or i hope he'll learn and find a better opportunity with someone else.
At this point, i'm not shipping anyone with Henry hahahaha. I just want them to get out of this messy situation and find happiness.

I wouldn't say he deserves it. No one deserves to lose out on their dream, or to experience heartache. Sam's not a bad person, nor the villain of the story, so to say he deserves to lose everything is somewhat cruel.
He deserves his happiness, too. And honestly, it didn't seem like Sam half-assed baseball. It felt like (and this is entirely speculation) Sam's indifference started after his accident. That makes me wonder why...
As for being more proactive... Sam's only just realized what he feels for Henry is /that/ kind of love. A bit late, but better late than never. Perhaps this marks a decided point in Sam's growth as a character?
As for shipping... Henry is a mess. Sam is just now realizing his /true/ feelings, and Seth seems to be experiencing his first real crush. It's a recipe for disaster and heartbreak for everyone involved. Personally, I dislike Henry the most lol. He's using Seth to run away from his lingering feelings for Sam, and he doesn't have the self-awareness to recognize it. Maybe if he was Seth's age, I could blame it on youth, lol, but come on! He's a grown ass man. I wish he'd act like it.

Not sure if you're talking about Sam, but if so, I agree. He does need to be proactive and do better. Will he? I hope so. But even then I think either relationship would be a mistake at this point. Henry is a mess lol. He's pursuing Seth while running away from his lingering feelings for Sam. It's a recipe for disaster and heartbreak all around. Does Sam need to do some major character growth? Yes! But I think Henry does, too.

I expected nothing less than perfect, and the author delivered that from start to finish! Thanks for allowing us to take this literary journey with you, and thanks to the translators for sacrificing your precious time to help share this with us. I look forward to the next work, and I'll be there to support that one as well!
You're crying!