See picture7/34. Seonghoe puts two and two together. He recalls how Nakyum said he believes he is a prostitute because his sir told him so. So he has now let himself be handled like one and behaves like one too. But that does not sit well with Seonghoe, because he thought Nakyum was being so willing because he liked having sex with Mr. Hoe. Hoe again feels being next to sir In hun in Nakyum's praise and love. He has been showering Nakyum with so much attention and yet it is one word from In Hun that made Nakyum accept Seonghoe. This shows that Seonghoe's object of desire is not just Nakyum's body but his will and desire for hoe.
I think I will cry. But Seonhoe's deserves it.

I will tell you what I found.
1. There is this calm/angry face with clenched jaw that Seongho makes when he see's that both Injun and Nakyum are gone. And then two times when he sees how Nakyum rejects him/cries when he approaches him for sex(rape). I feel he get really angry when he realises that Nakyum readily accepted Injun as a sexual lover but rejects him. JEALOUS MUCH.
2. In the 31(raws) chapter, you see how he kisses him, then loosens him up, even lubes Nakyum with cum and then inserts. It's like he's desperate to prove that Nakyum will enjoy sex and more specifically sex with him.
3. Also as soon as they enter, his expression is weird when Nakyum holds his hand (or maybe begs him from the looks of it). Its like he is immediately turned on from that platonic touch from him. It as if he's touch starved and nobody has ever touched him that casually or innocently. (I am guessing chidhood traum or parental issues here.)
I wrote so much. Please reply if you want to discuss.

I agree that Seongho is obviously jealous. He seems to have a possessive character. Being an aristocrat, he most probably had an strict education (like you said: “childhood trauma or parental issues”) and was taught that he was superior. He is used to get what he wants and used to people doing and behaving how he likes. Probably, Seongho has never learned how to treat someone equally and how to get something from someone without using brute force.
Na-kyum is quite naïve and seems to have lived a sheltered live under equals, as he seems to have no knowledge of how to act properly with persons of higher status.
From Seongho’s behaviour and obvious curiosity in Na-kyum, I guess he likes him. I remember him being really interested in watching him paint. Then he realises his ability to even visualize situation of things to him.
I am still unable to conceive Injun’s character. At first , he seemed cold an uptight. Now, with him allowing Na-kyum painting, he eased his standards for his own benefit. I cannot believe him that he does not know what Na-kyum had to do. He is described to be quite educated, and he do not seem to be naïve, So he probably knows everything. But what are his motives? Is he only using Na-kyum or does he also has feelings for Na-kyum (and therefore just hopes that his guesses of what Na-kyum has to do are wrong)?
PS: Concerning the hand-holding-thing: I think he is just surprised by the act. Normally his other partner did not do such a romantic gesture, while Na-kyum does easily get touchy if he cries or begs someone to do something. Na-kyum quite 'bold' hand-holding gesture is quite a difference from his usually scardy-cat- behaviours, where Na-kyum is unable to even be slightly touched. Additionally, I think that Seongho is also triggered by the fact that he realises that this ‘bold’ behaviour is because of the ‘learned sir’. So it’s jealousy again.
...... now I wrote to much ......

Yess. Like I think it has to be something similar because he has to be redeemed. But I feel more sure that it is sone kind of rejection he had.
Also, that servant of his. Everybody left the household but that old manservant stayed with seungho. I feel that maybe he raised seungho and knows why he is that way. He stayed maybes because he sympathises Seungho.
Also, this thing might be the weakness that Injun is trying to find about.

I agree with most of parts.
Just that I think Seungho's sense of superiority might be a defense mechanism. Like he hates people and thinks them to be lowly is because they will never accept him or love him. See this is why he prefers to be hated or feared. (He draws a sword when Nakyum said he hated him.)

Also Injun,
Injun does not like Seungho either. But he cannot do anything against Seungho openly. So he is bidding his time learning about Seungho's weakness.
I think the story will progress to a point where Injun will be more close to Nakyum just to spite Seungho and show that he will always be Nakyum first preference.
Will anyone give me the link for the raws?