I actually like him a lot, just because he seems genuinely nice and just made an overall way better first impression on the FL. I hope we get to know him a bit more somehow and maybe his view on things.
it's a shame that he isn't the endgame, I like his visuals a lot. I can't really explain it but something just feels right when they are standing together than her with the other ML.

Like an alternative time line, a different dimension where they end up together happily. I loved seeing snippets of how their lives would have been like if Hamin was there and it's everything I needed right now, for this season arc, a really nice spinoff ending to the season. I'm very much looking forward to the next season's arc already ^^

He will think of every one he has killed up to that point and he most likely won't be able to recover from it, especially the ones he did try to befriend but got scared of him and ultimately got killed because of him and by him. And the ones that truly wanted to understand him and genuinely help him.

Just still disturbed about these ''rules'' they have while dating each other. Because no one should be grounded like that. Both of them get so jealous so easily, for Min I guess it's because that Minju used to play with many others besides him, so I understood a bit about why he was so anxious when he saw Hyun with June.
And Hyun is not confident in herself, she constantly put her and every single girl close to Min on a scale, reminded me a bit of My ID is Gangnam Beauty.
I actually thought they'd end up breaking up because there were only misunderstandings on both sides and no one was willing to address it at all.
I can also agree with many comments saying the age got messed up because it seemed like a school romcon.
At some point, I actually liked June even more than Min. But the way the couples ended is totally fine with me.
It kind of seems like this is it? Maybe if there's going to be more or even a second season, it will probably be about the 2nd couple, I'd love to see extras of only them. I might end up liking both of them more than the main couple because they are very honest and direct throughout the whole webtoon.
Else, I kind of expectedly there to be even more drama about her family circumstances, I also still can't accept how her parents, especially the mother's apology, it didn't seem genuine to me, probably because the build up about how she slowly changes wasn't shown and how the father convinced (it's sad that he had to step in, instead of her realizing her faults herself) her. Also, I wanted her sister to maybe make an appearance, I don't know why but she seemed to be the only rational one in her family.
Hyun also measured herself and others by wealth, too. I honestly hoped that we could see how her mindset develops, I have a similar one like hers but it's not so extreme that I worry about it constantly.

I still like him. I'm not really disappointed in him for being that way because it was already clear from the very start what kind of character he was, being painfully direct without holding back. That's what I actually like because there aren't that many MCs that are like that. If it was someone else calling people out for something similar, I always saw people commenting that it was an amazing chapter or moment, so I didn't see any problems here.
If the rookie did bribe his way through the contest which I'm assuming is the case because his writing must have been awful for Jaehwa to call him out like that instead of just not bothering going all his way there. Jaehwa ''gets mean'' for reasons, it's not like he walks to every person and curses at them at any time.
But, well I can agree on wishing that he didn't have said it in public and he should have maybe said that privately to him but I can't agree on people saying he deserves to be cornered like that and being given any kind of threats and getting kidnapped, that's just off.

I have to disagree. Jaehwa goes out of his way to be an ass. His gross response to the cafe owner, who did nothing to provoke him except merely retell a story about being pushed out of the writing field, shows how out of touch he is with his surroundings. The only thing stopping him from being actually getting hurt is that most people swallowed their shock and resentments and acted like adults.
It's no small wonder some people will try to ruin him professionally or hurt him personally. He makes needless enemies and has a narcissistic attitude.

Ah, I ended up forgetting this one because he did apologize in the end, I think... I'm actually not so sure, I'll be sure to reread.
Well, I just hope he doesn't do something similary awful and all these things happened in the past, if he doesn't act up the same way again, I think Jaehwa is still a somewhat tolerable character.

It just doesn't click and I always love female leads that are rather on their own, cold, stern and very serious in their behavior but that is only suitable from the many stories I've read with characters around her that are either similar to her or the opposite of her, very active and cheerful.
Yeonwoo is also an opposite to her but not the kind that would go well with her, and I don't hate him or anything because I know exactly how he feels like because I'm very similar to him. That's also the same reason why I also know that their whole relationship shouldn't be a thing, not until either of them change.
Right now, only Yeonwoo has expectations and succumbs to disappointment and it actually kind of makes me upset with Haesol. She probably has no clue because Yeonwoo doesn't say anything, so I also know I shouldn't be too upset. But the thing with her being busy for more than a couple of days should have been communicated to Yeonwoo. But at the same time, it's both their first relationship, I'm guessing but I don't know how clueless you have to be to not know that it's strange to go on about it by not saying it clearly..
Haesol shouldn't have accepted his confession. I really want to see her point of view and what has been on her mind when she is with Yeonwoo and got confessed to by him, too.
I just really hope it isn't pity that led her to accept him. And also I hope she isn't annoyed with him, she is so expressionless and it makes me worry for Yeonwoo.

That the people at school still badmouthed Hamin. It doesn't have to be but I assume they were even joking about it. There was a similar case in my school, it was someone a grade below me, he didn't commit suicide but he died in an accident at school and someone in my class knew them personally. They were devastated alone from the sudden passing and also shaken by how many people of his class poked fun at his death and even cursed him for being inconsiderate to them for ''ruining the class atmosphere because he was so careless'' and their family when they never cared about him before anyway and only approached him if it was to copy exams or something.
All these people around Hamin were all cold and selfish bastards, so I wouldn't be surprised if they did that, too, unchanged and not feeling an ounce of guilt, even though they were a grand reason for his end.
Well, I guess the season will find its end soon, it's not that I'm unhappy with it, it's probably just me missing Hamin a lot. But that's the process in reality necessary to continue on with the next season without him. Imagining how it would if Hamin was there is making me icnredibly sad. No matter what closure it gets, the feeling of missing him won't go away, for the characters that's especially the case. What would kill me if at the end panels with Hamin appeared standing next to them or something would show..
So I checked the raws because I was curious to see how long Platinum's love holds on to and I'll just say that a new female guest will come who resembles Marianne a lot in the way she carries herself, talks and likes and both, Platinum and Alex are quick to doubt and cast Obsidian aside. I am really curious how this will play out and whether Obsidian manages to regain that spot, though I also don't want her to act as somebody who she isn't comfortable acting as because the only thing she is getting is the short-lived attention and affection of the Marianne crazy guys. It's interesting that their scale just depends on how much the person in front of them ticks on the Marianne list.
I was rooting for Alex but seeing the raws, I mean I can't blame him because Obsidian does keep on choosing and spending more time with Platinum because if she went with Alex, he would easily figure out that she is somebody entirely else. Yet in the end I'd
think while he did and does connect things with Marianne, he did seem to appreciate the FL in a non-Marianne way. But yeah having to be anxious and full of worries around those two makes them both not be the desired ML I personally want as an end game.
I hope that new male guest comes who changes the tides again who might be able to make the FL become upfront in a comfortable way and like her as she is without having Marianne as a goal or I just hope she ends up with the eyepatch guy. They do have funny moments together where they consult about different stuff for example that when her fiancee and she were about to have their first night together, she puked on him and the eyepatch reacted so funnily in shock after hearing why she fears that it could happen again when Platinum keeps edging her on.
Can I have the link to raws?
Sure here https://newtoki319.com/webtoon/30930809?toon=%EC%9D%BC%EB%B0%98%EC%9B%B9%ED%88%B0
Tysm for the spoiler! For real tho- I wish shr end up with Moon Owl. Imho they surely have the best interactions over anyone in this manhwa ( ̄∇ ̄")