( ̄へ ̄)This might actually be all a plan. Jinha might be making him feel special and end up dumping him in the end. Also in the last panel, did anyone else think that Siwon might have gotten angry just to be alone with Jinha? No? Okay... Just me.
Anyone that doesn't appreciate this story is a jerk. There is always a reason why the author puts things in their story. Just watch and see what will happen. Plus, we all know that there will be a happy ending. Becyase thats just the Romane genre.
People might not care about what I day but I just wanted to get that out of my chest.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

yes right like there is a reason Siwon go to drink with someone that he know he is crazy and can harm him. and there is a reason Siwon start to full in love with the chianse asshole for no reason out of no where knowing he is laying. and there is a reason he won't trust his boyfriend over someone that kidnap his best friend, cause you mostly do trust people that kidnap your best friend and tie them up to a chair over your family/boyfriend. that make sense ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

that's fine, just don't call people that rage/angry/hate this comic a jerk. they have a good reason to hate/rage about the mass plot they get here. I actually surpise someone can still like it at all.
but you know, everyone have their own reason to feel how they feel towerd this story and comic, it's okay to feel how you feel to it, no matter what it is.
WHO ARE ALL THEM?? where they be from?
I only know 3 lmao, first, all the way on the left is from back to school, third one from the left (pink hair) is from last paradise, and the fourth from the left (black hair and pale skin) is from unripened expression, they were all really good
Back to school
Wistful summer
Last paradise
Unripened Expression
30 years old