I can’t believe people who look down on me and made fun of me just because Ive never been in a relationship! Like girl im trying too! Or maybe not!?

I think it's a systematic thing bc those people definitely rush into dating/sex just bc someone also told them "how come you have never done that before" and now when they see a person who didn't to it at a certain age they feel the need to tell them the same thing
Getting into a relationship is smth that happens when it happens, I know people who were never interested in anyone until they were like 27 and got their first partner and that's perfectly fine

Guysss, I’m so stressed! Nursing school is so stressful please recommend me something to lift up my mood (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 and maybe some kind words to share

Cute uplifting BL's:
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/here_and_there_and_us/ (prequel)
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/achira_kochira_bokura_no_are_kara_to_kore_kara/ (sequel)
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/ganbare_nakamura_kun/ (prequel)
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/motto_ganbare_nakamura_kun/ (sequel)
Non romance:
(Sorey I don't have any Sl or GL, but the ones I read aren't very uplifting ) Also, I'm not very good at comforting others, so I'll keep my mouth shut

I’m 19 and I never had a bf tho sometimes some guys would hmu thru chats but I wouldn’t entertain them and eventually they’ll give up. The reason I don’t want a bf yet is cuz I’m sensitive about relationships and I want to find the right guy for me. Then recently there’s this guy that out of nowhere texted me and he seemed nice so I went with the flow and talked to him. Eventually we got to talked for a month. But thru those days I was doubtful and insecure. I have anxiety so I overthink a lot and it stresses me out to the point I make impulsive decisions. He was rlly nice, persistent but strange. He was not sincere and would say nice things to me, make promises but would go against it. So some days I would ignore him and get mad but I wouldn’t tell him, I’ll just simply say that I’m busy. In the end I was tired and exhausted from overthinking what’s gonna happen, is he serious about me? But I’m too afraid to ask so I cut things off with him. I ignored him for one day, left him on read and didn’t reply, then eventually I felt guilty so I straight to the point told him I don’t wanna talk anymore and didn’t tell him the reasons why. And so that’s how he prolly got mad and blocked me on all social medias. But nowwww, I feel sad and kinda misses him. I question myself if what i did was right. Anyway that’s basically all of it. Also, I find out that after 2 days of cutting him off he texted another girls lmao jeez. Any reaction? Opinions? Lolol i still can’t move on send help

Try to contact him again,
Like act like you accidentally click the "hi" button lol.
Then if he reply in an instant, don't let him go again gurl. And try to explain why you did those things so he wouldn't misunderstood you.
But if takes alot of Time for him to reply maybe he's already busy chatting with the new girl.

We're same.I have anxiety and think about "are they talking at my back" and things about insecurity.I've met someone in chat, and he confessed at me.We're still chatting.But I don't wanna have a relationship but he said he'll wait. I just want our friendship not relationship so I always laugh when he confesses to me. He also have anxiety and depression so We cheer each other. But your texted another girl just 2 days off cutting off. Girl don't catch him. Just leave him and find someone else. You need to get to know someone before going out tho. Find someone compatible to you.Like, Someone who'll accept you even if you have anger issue;~;. You still have time for finding your meant to be. He'll just come out when it's your day don't worry too much. Just enjoy your life for now and Read here. Play online games or whatever. Don't think to much about it.If he's not your destiny then so be it.

maybe try to reach out, and say hi and see what happens. Just say hi and if he responds and he doesnt seem angry or doesnt shrug you off, try to explain what you were thinking but if hes over you in two days i dont think its worth it, but then again try not to jump to conclusions too quickly. I have anxiety too, and i know its tough but you gotta at least try to reach out and try explaining. If hes rude or kinda a snob about it, then he isnt that serious about you, but if he accepts the explanation then great! just try not to have too high of expectations or you'll get hurt. im rooting for you~!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

I have a similar situation. I am 20 soon to be 21 and I've never had a bf... I am so insecure about myself and whoever text me on social media I just can't believe them because they havent met me in person so it's difficult to believe their intentions... Whenever someone sends me a message I reply but as you send I wouldnt't keep them entertain so they eventually stopped texting me... Then there was one guy who after months send me a text again, we began to talk and I am not gonna lie I was somewhat excited but then he said something that made me feel super awkward to the point I decided to mute our conversation (I didn't block him).... After some months I noticed that he had sent me some messages asking why I didn't reply to him and If had made some mistake I just could unfriend him... I felt terrible... I was overthinking what I should do because it might was my mistake too just mute him and not telling him why... I wanted to apologize and then unfriend him but the timing wasn't right so I just didn't reply again... After a couple of months I upload a photo on my social media and he saw it (because I hadn't block him) and he texted me again with a casual hello... But because I had our conversation on mute I saw it a couple of days later so I missed my chance once again.... I dont know what to do... I am so awkward in these kind of situations... So I kinda know how you feel ╥﹏╥
(excuse me for the long text and my english... I am not a native speaker)

Thank you so much for the advice and supports!! I rlly appreciate all of u cuz this is the first time i felt this way and I don’t know how to cope with it. All this time there’s a part of me that kept saying it’s my fault. I’m not close with my family and my friends... idk I can’t seem to open up with them either so I rlly appreciate all your responses. Thanks a lot! I feel much better! I hope I move on soon lol I don’t wanna chase after him cuz I know I deserve better (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Can someone please recommend me a wholesome yaoi. Y’know like something fun, no shedding of tears and just happy happy kind of thing lol TY!!

list is a collection of:
• funny
• fluffy
• fluffy x funny
• healthy fluff
• healthy fluff x beautiful art
I recommend these for a quick read
#035 http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/futari_hyakkei_kaze_no_owari_haru_no_hajimari/
#41 http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/my_hero_academia_dj_sweet_metronome/
#043 http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/love_is_blind_kitano_megumi/
Follow the list to be updated. And if you liked the mangas/manhwas I included, please do recommend. Enjoy~ (人 •ᴗ•)


Pls recommend me a yaoi with unrequited love

try reading

this list might help you:

Love or Hate is a series that just started out that you might enjoy. The main character, Haesoo, isn't able to make any of his relationships work because he's still head over heels for a guy that he has a complicated romantic past with named Joowon. Although Joowon is still in Haesoo's life, he's not willing to seriously commit to a relationship with Haesoo, but instead uses Haesoo's feelings to his advantage to manipulate him. It has some of the best writing that I've seen in quite a while, and the art is gorgeous, so I highly recommend it.

Please Vote Pewdiepie
Pls recommend me a shounen action with comedy like something badass but funny too thanksss
I havent read much shounen action but have you reader Killer Peter? It was my first time reading such a genre and frankly I found it hilarious.