dreamedtheirlifeaway's feed

Personally I love how it’s taking it’s time for the romance. I’ve read so many of these types of stories where within the 10th chapter they already have feeling and are hit by Cupid’s arrow….somehow?? Even tho they’ve only known each other for a week in-story or something whereas here the time that’s passed does feel real because of the gradual changes in relationships amongst the many members of the family. But I like this. It satisfies my desire for plot (it’s actually a relatively interesting plot and not so convoluted that it makes you wonder if the author even knew what they were going for) + the scenes and the art do such a good job at making the dreadful/heart wrenching events feel that much more heavy.

It’s very realistic in that of course she wouldn’t immediately be swooning, she’s got basically plates full of stuff to worry about. Not to mention the whole him being responsible for her death directly multiple times & albeit indirectly and not his fault, her father’s. Also, her husband has some emotional communication problems (fortunately not in a frustrating way but in a very relatable/within reasonable means). It’s not even that he’s being obvious and she’s stupid (thank god), there just isn’t any sort of sign until recently that he’s viewing her in a rosy light. They’ve had time to get to know each other and how they treat the people around them and /that’s/ why they’re leaning into each other, rather than damn they’re hot/pretty which is great and all, but tiring if that’s the entire plot for 50+ different manga/manhwa…

Anyway, this long ass rant just to say that it’s been a while since I’ve come across a romance manhwa where the characters actually feel like people bc you can empathize/sympathize with their perspective, know their motives and values, and just like average joe people in the real world, struggle with their emotions and past