What are the gummies?!? Why are the mugos so grossed out by them???
Are they the Previous sacrifices?
probably not, he's probably grossed out by them cus their probably ghost or spirit equivalent to rodents
Sunglasses guy really lined up and waited his turn for the swing. He's so cute omfg (≧∀≦)
Frrrr, wanna keep him in my pocket so adorable༎‿༎ also how do I unfollow? I accidentally followed the comment. :<
Why was Black Haze discontinued??T^T waaaee?? bakiit?? wwwhhyy??Do you know the reason?? T^T rason guys kailangan ko ng rason agh T^T ╥﹏╥
What are the gummies?!? Why are the mugos so grossed out by them???
Are they the
Previous sacrifices?
probably not, he's probably grossed out by them cus their probably ghost or spirit equivalent to rodents