I hate it when ppl say ''Talk to others, don't be so quiet '' and ''Make some friends, don't be alone''. Is it my problem if I'm not interested in the things they are? Sometimes I'm forced to talk to ppl I have nothing in common with. And then, just bcz I don't talk much I literally heard ppl say ''She thinks to highly of herself '' about me. WTF? ......
As long as I can remember, I've only ever been attracted to the same sex. I had grown up reading comics and I recall becoming head over heels for Emma Frost. Sad to say my first attraction was to an illustrated character, but it be like that sometimes. As I grew up I didn't ever understand my classmates' obsession with boys, wanting to get married,......
Myself. I believe this is true for everyone. If you are insecure about weight, it is you who feels that way. If someone calls you something, it is you who believes it and takes it to heart. It might sound harsh but it is what I think. Pretty much anything will make me super insecure about myself and I have had a lot of difficulties due to this. So......
I'd tell my dad "go to the hospital, you'll die if you dont". nobody can fill the hole he left behind :(
TeniPuri dj - 99% (Yaoi) manga was my ever first read yaoi manga. It was my first time reading online manga too.
I honestly can't help it if I'm being honest...the thought will just randomly come into my mind!! I mean like what?!? I have a crush on this dude he's pretty cute. But in my friends opinion he's also a big BIG uke. He's alwas so shy and stuff. I can see where she'd get that thought from so i start thinking that he would look good with this other gu......
It's not weird at all! I don't think I've ever met someone who enjoys wearing a bra at home lol. If your partner feels uncomfortable with you not wearing a bra in your own home they aren't worth your time. (Psst try braletts if you can! I bought a few and they feel like I'm wearing nothing. I love wearing them when I have to go out but don't want t......
I suffered with severe mental illness for over 10 years and was very suicidal, and now I finally see the light on the other side I wanna help others do the same
I have fibromyalgia. An incurable, for me untreatable, debilitating, horrible medical condition. But they won't let me get disability pension
Okay so here's the thing: A lot of my classmates take the bus while returning the school, and there are three boys from my class. Two of them are incredibly close, like he holds seats for him if he is a little late, tries to talk to him through all the ride. And even, when an old lady shows up he gets up quickly to give her a seat so the other one ......
I used to ship my two best guy friends with each other (I even wrote a fanfiction about them wtf) and now one of them surprisingly came out, but the other one is straight as an arrow. Well at least I can ship the other guy with his boyfriend now hehe
Then im in da school im all red all the time, bc im blushing of thinking ab taht all the time, bc i ship them all and that is sooo awwwwww~~~ so yea *cough cough* i have few friends who know i do that kind of thing and they re like: "really? U did that again didnt u? Tell me wat u thouk ab." And then im like: "amm... Do u really wanna know? " Sooo ......
there is this guy who gives off this "i dont care " vibes. he has a lot of male friends. we call it tropa. and since this guy spends most of his day sleeping. , his friends would come by to his house disturbing and inviting him somewhere. and this guy would be pissed most of the time but later will go there. and since it had become common. ive come......
I have this best friend that is kinda a drama king(?) and had this cute relationship with another of my bff, I say had 'cuz they don't talk anymore like they used to do~ :'v They sometimes by coincidence wore similar clothes, had sleepovers, slept on eachother's lap, shared clothes.. They like joking about their sexuality so.. I asked all of my fri......
one of my friends has done this with me and another friend to the point where people in are friend group think we're dating and it's kinda akward cuz we have explain were not its stressful but is funny as well it would be funny if we started dating becomes of this XD
I remember being shipped with a Korean guy in my high school French class. It was only a passing remark by my friend, but he laughed and I went into nervous overdrive trying to play it down. Especially since I hadn't been on full terms with being gay. Oddly enough, I did begin considering....until he moved to a different school lol Being shipped ......
I've never myself shipped two guys or even just two people irl that I know personally, but it's happened to me a couple times at work through various jobs. And I must say, it feels really weird XD At my first job, I was shipped with the only other Asian guy there and I'm like But we never talk though ???????? This is what fictional characters m......
So, there's these two guys who are really close with each other and they both are pretty handsome and popular with the girls. Daniel is little shorter, makes funny jokes and is a bit clumsy. Miki is the taller one, a gangster, who's quite serious most of the time (except when he's with Daniel). They hang out with each other all the time and Daniel ......
why are you still here?