San Lang : *being super freaking obvious about who he is*
Xie Lian : you're Hua Cheng
San Lang : How did you know
really San Lang I wonder what gave it away
also another funny thing is Xie Lian having San Lang follow him everywhere and San Lang literally being obvious that he is there bc of Xie Lian and he really thought he was bored
San Lang : Obviously there bc of his Gege and literally having proof of it
Xie Lian : you're definitely just bored
suddenly i have the strong urge to kill someone ( ╹▽╹ )
does someone wanna die?
don't you dare touch him and idc if you're his fated person or smth if you hurt him in any way i will not hesitate to end you
he just needs to say the words and I'll do the deed ( ◉‿◉)-
anyone else gonna join me in this hunt
Where do I sign?
you already are
welcome to the squad
Hehe boi. ಡ ʖ ಡ
I volunteer to bring the weapons
I volunteer to bring the chains and cuffs, and the clean-up materials for after