Guys I'm looking for this manhwa i don't remember much of the detail but I remember the art looking really nice, from what I remember the FMC is supposed to be a villain [I don't remember whether it was regression or reincarnation] but she has a blondie brother who's overly fond of her and is secretly evil [highly obsessive]

Probably not this, but maybe..

Is there a way to search up list? cause it's so hard finding manhwa/ manga recommendations just by title and genres

Here you go darling! You just have to search up which tag/genre you’re looking for, and then you’ll see all the lists containing them https://www.mangago.zone/listtag//

Does anyone have any str8 smut recommendation where the ML is overly fond of the MC? And gets jealous easily [doesn't have to be smut buuuuut......]

Any one of these Enjoy!

I wish I could give you more cute recs but I can only think of this one:
But you can also look up the author Umekoppe on bato, they have really hot straight smut stories but with yandere guys so...

When you reply to a person from messages. why does it ask for a captcha even though it still send when u get it wrong??

altho captcha works only when you answer right, sometimes even if youre answer is wrong in some cases, it will still proceed cos the point is not at how right your answer is. captcha works by actually tracking the way you answer, like mouse pointer movement, typing speed, mistakes, etc. bots are programmed to move at predetermined paths and speed, thus captcha read everything, not just your answer. this is why recent captchas moved from pictures puzzle verification, rather typings, because it gives them more info and signs if its a human.
source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url= https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/bots/how-captchas-work/%23:~:text%3DA%2520computer%2520program%2520%2522passes%2522%2520the,they%27re%2520right%2520or%2520wrong.&ved=2ahUKEwiRnPe4iuGIAxXSqFYBHRYCCSoQFnoECBEQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2OtyIZ5jZFXUH1FkSj8GKR

is there a different English translation for jjk..... I've been TRYING to read this manga for a while now but for some reason the translation here isn't doing it for me, like I have no problem reading long sentences in one bubble yet the one here makes me feel like when reading a book and going back to that sentence over and over cause u keep losing focus on it

Just got logged out of my mangago account yesterday and before I get to log back in, I accidentally clicked on a pop up ad, that says I did something illegal and that my phone ip was traced of child p*rn, and revenge porn [which are fucked]. I couldn't closed the message and it gave me a number that says "call google support" with a number on it, I looked up the actual Google support number and as I thought it wasn't the number for google, thankfully phone kind of lagged and I found the way to closed the tab.
Just bringing this to my attention cause I either ignored a genuine warning or was this a bait to get scammed and if it was a scam there'll be people that'll fall for it.

No company like a bank, Amazon or Google will call you/ask you to call a specific number. If you use this as a rule of thumb you’ll be fine.
- always check email domains (in gmail you can check by hovering over the email to see where it really came from - people can spoof emails to make it appear like it’s coming from a legit site but if you hover you’ll usually be able to see the true domain, and if it looks weird, email customer service fresh to the email listed on the official website)
- never answer calls from unknown numbers unless you’re expecting one.
-if theyre trying to enforce a time limit and stressing you out, it’s almost certainly deliberate scare tactics and thus a scam.
- if they get angry it’s a scam
-if they ask for money it’s a scam
-if it’s the FBI on the phone it’s a scam (they will letter you or knock on your door)
-if you clicked a link and suddenly get a warning not from your firewall or known privacy/safely software, it’s a scam.
If you wanna see any scambusting videos, I recommend Jim Browning and Scammers Payback (Pierogi) - these guys often have great tips to avoid getting caught in these
I don't understanding the restrictions here, how come people trauma dumping counts but when I ask for translations, or a how to, I don't get my comments up, it's so fucking dumb like aren't we supposed to talk about manhwa and manga in here, I can't get a fucking answer bc of this shit