I thought maybe the FL was just pretending to be dumb to escape her brothers abuse, but 10 chapters in and nothing has changed. And the fact that the ML is falling in love with someone who seems to have the mindset of a 3 year old is beyond me.
Damn that director though he’s so hot!
But our actual ML is just some guy who engages in cannibalism like dang hopefully he gets a power up!
Someone let me know who the ML is? If it’s not there yet please let me know when the author has chosen not gonna lie I’m rooting for the fox guy
I started reading the novel up until the ball/banquet/party part and I’m so glad they changed the princess’ perspective of Edith because in the novel the princess never became friends with Edith and was a jerk to her at least up until where I read.
I feel like I’m the only that was actually rooting for the 2nd ML or at least hoping he would find someone too because he was so nice and upfront with his feelings. But I guess she prefers the tsundere type.
I really hope not because that red head girl is so annoying. I’m only on ch 9 but I’m already getting sick of seeing her
Omg this chapter was just so cute. From the imitating cats to Guestella being caught up in that misunderstanding and kaydens dense self
PFP credit: modorinlychee on Instagram/Twitter
Hello~ if you see purplepandabear and purplepanda on credits, it's probably me.
Currently on hiatus from scans~
Can someone please explain the story to me. So what I have so far is that the emperor ML went inside a novel that is about his empire? So does that mean the body he inhabited is the novel version of his actual self? Or is the novel set in a different timeline so he’s actually in a future descendent’s body??
Poor Guestella i had a feeling that’s what happened. I mean come on Kayden is a cutie