Hachiko77 created a topic of The Selfish Romance

Can someone please send the link for the raws!

I don’t wanna come back until he gets killed or something. I can’t do cliff hangers when poor ruby is hurt and misunderstood

I love the art but idk there’s something about the FL that I just can’t seem to like.

Hachiko77 created a topic of One Husband Is Enough

Dang it I really liked him too why the author gotta do the only green flag like that

At this point everyone is dying

Hachiko77 created a topic of Foam of the Sea

I wanna see their cute date already

How does she keep ending up in a longer and longer relationship with black hair Jaeyoung when she keeps flirting more with short Jaeyoung

Hachiko77 created a topic of Special Civil Servant

Not gonna lie when he lifted his shirt with his mouth in ch 10 that was pretty damn hot

Hachiko77 created a topic of Hanyo no Yashahime

I really wanted to like the sequel because I grew up watching inuyasha but the whole plot is stupid. So correct me if I’m wrong but the whole reason their kids were hunted was because they were half demons that could potentially fulfill a prophecy of killing the main bad guy. But isn’t inuyasha also a half demon??? So couldn’t he technically fulfill the prophecy too

It’s super cute but I wish the FL had a little more charm? Or idk she’s just so timid all she doesn’t is stand there and everyone talks or takes over the situation. Even the maids feel more like female leads than she does. Maybe she can’t pull off the fake villainess aura but at least do something

Hachiko77 created a topic of Lookism

I’m just barely starting to read this (so far at ch4) do they every explain why he now has 2 bodies?

Hachiko77 created a topic of Flavors of Reincarnation

So I actually really liked this story but there was a few things that were just off putting and glossed over.

1. So for the main couple I don’t understand how she feel in love with her friend so quickly just because he saved her from drowning. Like he also saved her as a child and from bullies in school but now she falls in love with him? Also she really broke up the CEO guy from being with his “fated” partner and have a kid with him just so she could turn back time to save her best friend (ML). I get love makes you so crazy things but damn she really said screw everyone else’s life.

2. The CEO’s “fated” partner (glasses girl) was super toxic and savage too! Like is she really his partner cuz damn she was not afraid to get her hands dirty just to be with some guy. She literally paid people to gossip badly about the FL, planted stolen jewelry in the FL’s bag, manipulated the CEO’s mom, stalked the CEO guy, forced her parents to help her get the guy and straight up said if she didn’t have a miscarriage she would’ve purposely gotten an abortion just so she could have a chance with the CEO guy. Instead of “fated” and loving partner she seems more like a psycho.

Pretty much both women said “f them kids.”

Hachiko77 created a topic of The Price of Breaking Up

I only read to chapter 5 but I can already pretty much guess what’s happening and so far everyone looks trashy or annoying.

The crown prince so far seems to obviously still love the FL but because of the oracle puts his duty as the prince first and doesn’t verbally tell her he still loves her but some of his actions say otherwise.

The FL to me is annoying because she doesn’t even let the crown prince finish a sentence before saying something rude or hurtful and then acts like she is hurt internally because of her pride. But idk for someone who says they love the crown prince so much she sure doesn’t act like it, she was real quick to just push him away and move on.

Lastly the pope (actual ML) seems the trashiest of all. Idk if he purposely changed the oracle or he just knew the oracle was wrong but either way he purposely let the FL get hurt just so she could become his. And that is super toxic, red flag trash.

If my guesses are wrong let me know but that’s what it seems like this story is gonna be.

Hachiko77 created a topic of Myst, Might, Mayhem

It’s good and the art is great but idk it just feels kinda flat to me. Like he’s just killing to pass the time.

Hachiko77 created a topic of Free in Dreams

Besides this most recent chapter, the fact that most of the comments were saying they wanted the old psycho/obsessive Siyun back is killing me

At first I hated Xavier, but then when they showed that he was actually on Rainier’s side I was shocked. Like damn Rainier playing the long game


Author expects me to believe the MC is only 13 and in middle school??

She’s just soooo plain and boring! I get it she was too busy trying to appease the duke to actually have a personality but damn you would think once she left the duke to go to school she would have some growth or try new things! And not only that but I’m guessing her and the ML have spoken maybe 10 words to each other yet they are in love with each other??? Talk about only being attracted to someone’s face.

Does he actually become the demon king and die????

Hachiko77 created a topic of The Devil Raises a Lady

Is this on hiatus? Or did they discontinue the translations?