I began to adore Maya when he realized that he wouldn´t forgive any bad action towards Nemugasa and that promise was also for him. Maya is so disgusted with the idea of being a total jerk that he doesn't care if Nemugasa already forgave him, Maya didn't want to be anything other than the ideal man for the man he loves.
Since he fell seriously in love, one of his main priorities has been to be worthy of the love of someone as smart and dedicated as Nemu, the simple thought of being insufficient or unable to understand him made him work on it because he simply wants to be that someone for Nemugasa. That is why it is totally credible that after almost losing him he looks so frantic, terrified. The chapters of the last arc showed who is the one who would really fall apart if they break up, Nemugasa would be destroyed but believing that Maya has other people and things would make him continue with his life as if he had made the best decision for both. Ignorant that the only person who makes the best version of Maya is him.
I simply adore how they complement each other, it´s incredible how each chapter was elementary for these last moments with them. I love it.
I´m getting so annoyed with Yu Yuang and Li Huan since the author keeps giving teasers about their future relationship while postponing the present progression between them: Li Huan just letting time do its job (stopping the percussion of his love in order to give Yu Yang space to think) and Yu Yuang denying everything he feels (being on his head and giving up his own happiness). Basically, there is... No progression.
I might enjoy this kind of problems since I can relate to them but the current interruptions with other couples (especially the blue and pink head dudes) and the nonstopping "future" chapters can only feel rushed and unfitting, it´s almost like the author is trying to delay the climax of the story. Regardless, the recent take on with "Uncle" Pan and Qiu it's so interesting, deserving of their own manhwa. A fuckboy good for nothing falling in love with a hardworking man, who can only hope for a quick "night" since he is so unimpressed with new partners and their takes on life? Sign me up. That´s so cool! It´s not only an obvious evolution for Qiu and the way he behaves, but it´s also an evolution for Uncle Pan. Hope that the author doesn´t do the same treatment with them.
Sometimes I can't understand Nemu... I would have slapped the absolute crap out of Ruka for trying to "test" my relationship because he thought I was a "stopper". Not only he didn't know anything about them, he intentionally put insecurities on someone who clearly lacks self-confidence. Never the less, Nemugasa understood how important is for Maya to do something he enjoys with someone who can follow his flow, even if that comes with jealousy from his part. Man, Nemu is a sweetie... Regardless, I hope that Ruka can never get the same level of trust from Maya since the manga shows that he is aware of Ruka's actions.
This makes me feel on dRuGs-