Btblimh created a topic of Roses and Champagne

Are you telling me these are the OFFICIAL translations???

This just needed one more chapter to flesh out feelings from both sides. The ending felt a little rushed and unfulfilling. I still liked it but one more chapter would’ve been great.

Btblimh created a topic of Work Love Balance

I thought this one would be more about how they balance their work and love life but this could’ve just been another season for the original.

Also Mr. Ahn is being nonsensical. If this happened during the first season when he was still pretending to be someone he’s not okay I could understand the lying and not talking about things but the fact that this whole thing with the friend and them not talking has been going on THIS long is a little nuts to me.

Then again Mr. Ahn is very young so chalk it up to immaturity? Idk.

Btblimh created a topic of Roses and Champagne

My favorite psycho has returned. All is right in the world.

Btblimh created a topic of Cry Me a River

Why is everybody toxic?! Omg. I thought this story was going one way but I didn’t expect that. Let’s see what happens next.

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Being a virgin employee, Yamashita had dreamed to sleep at least once with his most favorite gay por...

  • Author: Nanami
  • Genres: Comedy / Yaoi
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The popular but arrogant voice actor Renya Okikawa is on top of the world after gaining fame as the ...

  • Author: Hyougo Kijima
  • Genres: Yaoi / Romance / Smut
Btblimh created a topic of 19 Days

I’m actually surprised thy don’t live together lol

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Kudou and Satou meet at a mixer but end up spending the night together.Satou seems to think Kudou is...

  • Author: Usui iroha
  • Genres: Yaoi / Smut
Btblimh created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I get it but at the same time I think it’s a bit much to hold a grudge like that towards your actual blood brother because of something he did in his past life. That’s extreme to me. It would be different if he still acted the same as he did in the past but the fact that he’s basically a different person should be factored in. T got his memories back and reverted to the person he was disregarding everything that happened in his current life. I don’t really like that.

Btblimh created a topic of Omega Complex

But I decided to restart it. I’m at chapter 3 now and I figured out what the thing was that bothered me about Yoonwoo’s character. It’s the fact that he knows (in his mind) that if TG finds out he’s an omega he’ll distance himself from him but that’s literally what Yoonwoo did. You reject/distance yourself from him first to save yourself from being hurt but the whole time you’re miserable? How is that any different? If anything it’s worse to distance yourself from someone as close to you as family with NO EXPLANATION vs someone distancing themselves because of trauma.

Just to be clear I didn’t stop reading this because I didn’t like it, it was just something nagging me about his character that I couldn’t put my finger on it. I’m going to finish it now lol.

Btblimh created a topic of Sunday's Consolation

Just finished chapter 15 and this is what I’m thinking so far:

Rawon’s brother is Editor K.
The ex-girlfriend is going to be a problem that gets solved by Editor K.
Rawon will sleep with the director willingly.
The fiance will find out about Rawon and do something stupid with that information.

These are my thoughts atm.

Btblimh created a topic of Ways of Parting

I’m sorry this doesn’t make any sense. You’re telling me that the person you were dating was in a coma because he got shot and because you’re dating someone else you just don’t care? Like huh lol I get it being a difficult situation to be in but give the guy a break. He was shot and lost 5 years of his life, a little compassion wouldn’t kill you would it?I’ll keep reading but that part is irking me.

Btblimh created a topic of A well known love affair

I think the blonde friend doesn’t have malicious intent. I think he’s one of those go with the flow kind of ppl like if someone isn’t interested in him he doesn’t try to push it, if that makes sense. I think he would be supportive of them being together. His eagerness is more so a “I want to know more about this person I’ve been friends with” vs a “I want to date this person”. I could be wrong though I didn’t write it lol

Min on the other hand…what can I say? Typical manhwa character “I know you don’t have any interest in me but I’m going to try and force you to because that always works out” Another troupe/plot point I’m over.

Btblimh created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I’m so tired of this plot point. The straight girl tries to force the gay person into a straight relationship. It’s utterly ridiculous. There are so many other things that can cause conflict that this one isn’t needed. And honestly it’s weird how she was essentially bullied (?) for being different and now she’s trying to force her will on someone else who’s also different. He’s given the town so much already just leave him alone.

Btblimh created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

Jiho can’t take responsibility for his actions. It’s always someone else’s fault why something turned out bad or whatever. Yeah your friend did go and say that to Inwoo but you’re the one who said it. He couldn’t have repeated it if you never said it in the first place. And I’m even more annoyed with how he’s acting about the mother situation. He was very clearly upset when you sprung the meetup on him and now you’re shocked that he’s upset about the phone call?? If Inwoo had brought your dad to you right after your falling out it would not have gone over well. There’s a difference between trying to be supportive and pushing your will onto somebody else. Someone other than Inwoo needs to set him straight because even by the chapters end I don’t think he fully understood why what he did was a problem and how it’s no one else’s fault aside from his own.

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“Are you running away after sleeping with me?”After reuniting 8 years later, something o...

  • Author: majungji
  • Genres: Adult / Yaoi / Drama
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There’s a late bloomer, and then there’s a *late bloomer.* Doyun may be half Omega, but ...

  • Author: Im Ae-Ju
  • Genres: Yaoi / Webtoons / Smut / Romance

Like there’s no way that’s actually possible. You’re telling me that when Hayato was 15-18 Chihuro was 3-6?? Playing baseball with his elementary friends? That’s nonsensical. If you want to do an age gap at least have the characters doing things that they would actually be doing at their respective ages. A first grader playing baseball with their friends, alone, late enough to be seen by high schoolers walking home is just no lol it’s just a no.

Btblimh created a topic of Cherry Doll Scandal

This is the thing that irritates me the most about Korean manhwas they just don’t make any rational sense. You mean to tell me, this guy you’ve been with everyday for years is acting incredibly weird so you follow him to a restaurant where you see him hand over a thick envelope and follow the guy he’s with to the bathroom and your thought is oh I guess they’re dating now I’m heartbroken?? Since when do people pass documents in a stack like that across the freaking table?! This is a joke.