I’m not looking forward to this chasing arc. I feel like there’s no real reason for it. It’d be one thing if ml actually did something to push mc away but he didn’t. The only reason he left was because of his brother which is insane. I get he’s grieving over his bf but why would you want to tear away your brothers love too? He said it was to protect him but I call bs.

in my honest opinion it's hardly a chasing arc since as you said, there's no real reason. their story is actually a slow burn type but slightly different from the usual kind of slow burn which is why i can't fault readers who say they don't see a chemistry between Zeo and Rawon. i just feel like ppl are way too impulsive when we hadn't really seen any actual progress besides them managing to bed each other. and then there's the matter with Rawon's brother. yeah he overstepped using Rawon's feelings like that and sure he partly did it out of brotherly concern but i just go with his actions as baby steps towards accepting his brother's eventual choice. not that i'm complaining but it doesn't really help that the updates are every 10 days since the story progress and character development takes twice as long

This.why every manhwa they want the top to chase?haha.and beside zeo’s reason not to follow rawon is to protect him too by the chairman…if he follow rawon then the chairman will gonna know where is rawon and maybe he will gonna use to blackmail jiwon(as editor k now) and zeo.and its more complicated.but then this commenters just focus on chasing arc not the plot…

I’m annoyed by the brother as well. His issues are his own and it’s messed up to force his hyung to break up because of it. I know younger bro thinks he’s protecting his hyung, but he’s ultimately protecting himself and projecting his issues into his hyung. You don’t threaten the happiness of the people you love to “protect” them.

I feel like a lot of manhwas are doing the ‘system’ trope and I’m kind of over it? Like don’t get me wrong, it is good, unique and entertaining but the originality that it first had is getting tiresome for me. Idk I want something different and not just the random system screen popups

Yeah, I recently read one where the MC was a regressor so had only ever lived in one historical fantasy setting and she got a system. That's where I draw the line
Cause it's one thing for reincarnators who are familiar with digital interfaces to get a system, it's completely different for someone for whom a carriage is the pinnacle of travel
The system is intuitive when you have grown up with and are familiar with digital interfaces but it is utterly foreign and confusing if you haven't. Like old people don't struggle with modern technology because they're old, but because it is so fundamentally different from the technology they grew up with as to be alien. Yet you are seriously trying to tell me that somebody got whom books are the main source of information is going to intuitively know how to use a glorified gaming system???
There are better ways of giving characters access to information they shouldn't have which aren't grounded in a digital interfaces, such as psychometric abilities, abilities to see qi, having a patron god (although that is now so synonymous with constellations as to feel modern), having a spy network, literally any method that is grounded in the technology and mysticism of the world

Yeah, I recently read one where the MC was a regressor so had only ever lived in one historical fantasy setting and she got a system. That's where I draw the line
Cause it's one thing for reincarnators who are familiar with digital interfaces to get a system, it's completely different for someone for whom a carriage is the pinnacle of travel
The system is intuitive when you have grown up with and are familiar with digital interfaces but it is utterly foreign and confusing if you haven't. Like old people don't struggle with modern technology because they're old, but because it is so fundamentally different from the technology they grew up with as to be alien. Yet you are seriously trying to tell me that somebody for whom books are the main source of information is going to intuitively know how to use a glorified gaming system???
There are better ways of giving characters access to information they shouldn't have which aren't grounded in a digital interfaces, such as psychometric abilities, abilities to see qi, having a patron god (although that is now so synonymous with constellations as to feel modern), having a spy network, literally any method that is grounded in the technology and mysticism of the world

Problem is these bl versions are not made well, as compared to "system" trope shounens like ORV or Solo Levelling or heck... even SSS Suicide Hunter etc etc.
The system can be implemented well, if it isn't used as a plot device every 2 seconds. If they stop destroying the pacing of the story. If they stop trying to shove to force shove the "its a bl remember? Remember??", every 2 seconds.

And it was nonsensical. Nothing about this story made any sense. You’re telling me that for 40+ chapters all you’re doing is lying then you get mad that the person you’ve been lying to believes your lies and acts accordingly? Keith was a bastard and Yeonwoo was manipulative. Wtf was that revenge? And don’t get me started on the divorce plot line. That was so idiotic I can’t even put it into words. I really hope Josh and Chases story is better because this was terrible.
Why is it like that? Lmfao it’s comically big. This makes no sense Lmaoo I haven’t stopped laughing for a while now. Why is his dick SO big
Certified weapon of mass destruction, bro got a baseball bat as a dick