I’m so confused by Etiennes “plan” if you can even call it that. You have no allies. Well except for the servant, the doctor oh and also the person the King wants to take over and his closest allies but instead of relying on or making a solid plan with them you stick beside the empress who is poisoning you and is also responsible for countless deaths. You don’t want Rishar to be murdered but logic dictates that regardless of whether Rishar takes the throne or not, he’s still a threat and will be murdered. Keeping your relationship secret does nothing but put you at a disadvantage so again: WHAT IS YOUR PLAN?!

thank you for saying it out loud I have been WAITING. the whole situation feels so complex and it feels like etienne's actions and words are genuinely not smart enough for it. your plan can't just be "destroy the house backing you up and helping you maintain the position you have" without actually finding other ppl to back you up. and no, rishar doesn't count. his blind devotion isn't gonna convince nobles OR common ppl that you are a good dude to trust. especially after etienne's literally a dominant omega, which is a taboo to be after the last dominant omega ruler was tyrannic.
sorry for the rant but nothing is as frustrating as a story with good potential but not enough development. that's why king's maker will forever remain my goat

I think the main reason Etienne is pushing Rishar away is bc of the possibility that ppl will think Etienne is using Rishar and Rishar will lose his allies. The Empress and her family is known for being deceitful and cunning, and those who side with Rishar and the emperor dislikes the empress's family. And if it's found out that Rishar and Etienne are in a relationship, those who supports Rishar will hate that he "sided" with his enemies/rivals. And they might see this situation as Etienne using Rishar, causing an argument that Rishar doesn't hold power to be the next ruler and Etienne manipulating Rishar.
Plus, many nobles want Rishar to marry an omega from their family. They'll explode if they find out Rishar is with an omega/beta (Etienne) from the Empress's family. These are royal families after all. If things don't go their way, they can be petty and not want to support Rishar.

And if the empress finds out Rishar and Etienne are seeing each other, who knows what she'll do. She may not be able to hurt Rishar immediately, but she can go after Etienne's doctor and servant (Ben). She could lock up Etienne, as Rishar isn't permitted into the empress's home. And her family would go to any length to kill Rishar. The only reason they haven't done so yet is bc they believe Etienne is on the empress's side and are trying to gain allies for Etienne to take the throne.

I really like this story but this latest chapter just rubbed me the wrong way. Based on the way MC has acted you would THINK that he would stick around to get answers like he did in the past but he just left. Didn’t he already say he was over what happened before and decided to move on with his life now? Not thinking about his accident or his life being “ruined”? His reaction only sets up a chasing arc and Im so tired of those.

I'd say the issue isn't so much about what happened but more the fact that Eunhan lied to him with a straight face their entire relationship and never intended to tell him the truth. He was never scared of hurting Hangyul as much as he was scared of hurting himself. The two things mainly on my mind are 1) putting some distance between yourself and the person who hurt you this bad is genuinely a good decision, whether it's to calm down or cut off the relationship, and 2) when the entire foundation of your relationship has been a lie, moreover one that ruined your life even if you moved on... How are you supposed to trust anything coming out of that person's mouth?
In the past, Eunhan was just an asshole, but now he's also someone who genuinely can't be trusted. If this was real life, this is grounds to ghost (no joke intended) and never look back.

The whole reason ML got back into MCs life is because MC saw the string that was connecting them. It would’ve been different and I could agree that MCs reaction makes sense if ML came back into his life first. He didn’t. MC pursued ML first because he wanted to know how/why they were connected and he’s known from the beginning that he was hiding/lying to him about something. And if I’m remembering correctly he also suspected the reason his life was ruined had something to do with the thread and it being connected to the ML. Am I supposed to believe that just because he fell in love that all of those doubts and suspicions didn’t happen at the beginning of the story? This wasn’t some fly by night thought, he had suspicions the entire time all the way up until the stuff that happened in the warehouse(?).
That’s why I can’t get behind his reaction. It doesn’t make sense. Him doing a complete 180 and falling in love after basically nothing was already a lot but this on top of it just doesn’t make any sense. ML tossed MC aside like garbage 5(?) chapters ago and MC forgave him at the snap of a finger but this thing that he did when he was a child is what pushed him over the edge? Absolutely not.

Emotions don't really work like that. Even if Hangyul pursued first and even if he was suspicious at the start, there has been plenty of time for him to forget or repress that especially with everything that has been going on. "This probably is the person who ruined my life" also genuinely isn't the first thought that would enter my mind if I thought someone was lying to me. Being suspicious doesn't impact the the severity of the lie. Saying Hangyul should have known better sounds an awful lot like victim-blaming.
Also him falling in love was not basically nothing. Hangyul suffers from shitty life syndrome and Eunhan provided him relief from the torment of the spirits, which makes him feel like Hangyul's saviour - him falling in love is natural even with all of Eunhan's bullshit. When you're deeply traumatised like that, clinging onto any relief you can find is natural.
To be clear I don't think what Eunhan did as a child should follow him all his life. It wasn't his fault and he was manipulated into it. However, adult Eunhan is an entirely different story. To put it into perspective: Hangyul's suffering has spanned over the majority of his life. He lost his parents. He's been tormented by spirits and ended up in debt and lost all opportunity at a normal life. Words cannot understate how shitty that is. And to then find out the person he thought of as his saviour and lover kept it from him that he was the reason all of that happened to him? That's absolutely devastating. Eunhan and his uncle are the reason for all of this, even if Eunhan is not to blame. And to be perfectly real, no, Hangyul doesn't have all the details, and yes a large part of his anger is misdirected. But why exactly should he stay to hear Eunhan out about his lie? Eunhan has been manipulative with him before. And on top of that Eunhan keeps demonstrating that he cares more about himself than Hangyul. What's to say Hangyul can trust anything that comes out of his mouth? His reaction is fully understandable.
If this was a real life situation I wouldn't blame anyone for running for the hills, in fact that would be the safe thing to do unless your partner has given you a VERY solid reason for staying, and even then it would require copious amounts of therapy to work it all out. Yeah it would have been great if Hangyul knew what happened to Eunhan, but he doesn't because Eunhan never tried to tell him. All he knows is Eunhan was going to take it to his grave if this didn't happen. He has no reason to stick around and find out or potentially be manipulated more.
Again, the issue isn't with child Eunhan, it's with adult Eunhan. The uncle is to blame and the worst piece of trash, and he's the one who deserves the brunt of the anger. But Hangyul doesn't know that, and Eunhan being a victim himself does in no way justify him lying to and manipulating Hangyul and getting into a relationship with him without coming clean about what happened first. Even if it's understandable why he turned out that way.
That’s what I like to see. Tell him to kiss your ass!!
Update end of chapter 44: