People. Arent some of us overreacting? Just enjoy the story. You're not convincing anyone. I personally dont think anyone should judge so hard on fictional characters. Are you sure you're not blaming the character for any discomfort feelings you have? I think so. Someone even started making things up. Not a good sign. Those criticism is not constructive therefore should be put to an end. Pease kindly keep your judgmental opinion on this fictional manwha to yourself and work on your own emotions, please.
Because what if, what if, the source of the problem is not within the characters, but your way of thinking? BOOM. CHANGED MY MIND.
I'm curious, how old are you?
You don't have to answer on this, if you don't want.
I think we have rights to judge character in movies/manga or books. They are fictional, but their behaviors are this same what humans in real life. That why they moved people.
We can't just judge people for their opinions, but on this forum are a lot of this.
Someone even say, that he hate people, who like Yanek. Like wtf (⊙…⊙ )
It wasn't enough to judge people in real daily life, they even judging fictional character now. Honestly I feel tired seeing society these days, I delete all my social media, I still watch Youtube though, and wow the comment section are literally toxic, it's like Witch Hunting, they burn the witch even if you aren't one.
I agreed with you, the problem is the way they are thinking. It has nothing to do with this but I've been living my life being judged just for everything, because my body not skinny (I'm not fat, it was normal based on BMI but in the eyes of others I was Fat), Or because I'm so bad at sport (I got Top Score in other subject though) and just because I dated handsome guy but he is delinquent, I let the criticism get to me, I tried so hard to live up to people standard, but it was never enough, there is no way you can live up to people expectation, before I knew it I lost myself, and now I'm so tired of living but too scared of dying.
Deleting social media seem a good choice for you. In my humble opinion though, if i could give you some advice: there will always people around you who's going to hurt you. Self-love is important. I mean, it's not about what people think about your body but do you love your body, all good and the bad? We are the first one who should accept our imperfection. if you already did, then im very glad. After we are more comfortable in our own body, maybe a little social media wouldnt hurt. Im sure you'll find some people who are nice. Not everyone is evil, right? Also, what's important to me is your boyfriend treating you right, is he?
Im sorry if the situation you are in sucks balls right now. Are you in high school? We all gone through some shit in social life. It's mostly the hardest around adolescence age. But things will change. People grow up, though not all. It can get better. Gain yourself back, life's worth it. Dont let anyone's labels become who you are. Let yourself define you. What do you think of yourself? What do you want to become? Work on our current-self to reach our ideal-self. In the process, please be kind to yourself :)
Laaasstt thing, no one should suffer alone. You deserve to have friends who support you. You can always talk to me, or anyone who's really significant to you. Best wishes for you
I do agree we all have rights to judge fictional characters. I just wish we dont have to be so hard on them, you know? :(
Most people judge others too quickly and inaccurately. They dont really know the person but put negative labels on her/him anyway. Now though, how well we know these fictional characters? We know them even less (just from what were shown to us by the author) so guess how objective we can be to these fictional characters? People read manhwa and suddenly they all the truest judge of character? Huh. We can judge people, but still open to redo/renew our judgement on them for the purpose of being nice, kind, respecting, and human. Because what's the point in judging, feel bad because of it, and being mostly inaccurate about it? Wish we could just be nicer and more forgiving.. We should never take one or two mistakes become the only thing that defines a person.
I heard somewhere that when you read a story, you basically reading yourself first. I thought it was interesting point you broght up candytuft, but I doubt people will stop spreading hate for no reason. it sad but well...it better it ignore them I guess.
still I agree with you that I wish people will stop hating and attacking other's in the comment sactions ( ̄へ ̄)but well hoping is not going to change what people do. if they want to attack other's and spread hate, there is not much we can do.
Diesel is extremely beautiful (even a simple ponytail looks perfect on him *sob*) but i noticed odin is also very cute :3
Anyway, Yanek could teach Diesel how to fight, put fear on people, be stronger, not to bow down on anyone else and let them exploit him. Yanek could even fuck him senseless. But Ein just opened his mouth and said one thing that has a possibility to steal Diesel's heart (well i can say at least my heart was stolen by him there) Such a gentleman, Ein is. What Ein could offer is affection, deep care, and tender love. Ohohoho just what Diesel actually deserves. (im being a sap and its cringy i know ugh cant help it)
Damn. Now this is just unfair. Big mistake sasabe honey, big mistake. Shouldnt have asked shiratori to be your pair. It was never supposed to happen. Now the drama just intensifies. Shit just got more complicated. But what can i say? Im disappointed in sasabe, yes, but he's just an imperfect person, like anyone else. Couldnt hate him for making mistakes.
I'm going to read this manga until the end. I want to see how sasabe realizes his mistake, his denial of never being in love with shiratori, and among all things, paired or not, you cant help but long for the one you love. That means, sasabe will actually "defeat" fate doesnt it? Fate says he should be with his pair, shiratori. But every part of him wants utou and no one else. HA! We'll see how sensei makes a happy ending for utou and sasabe!
This shiratori guy is kinda suspicious though. I used to like him, seems like a good guy. Kind, considerate. But after this chapter.... Hmmm. I know sasabe was the one who asked, but i dont get why shiratori went with it. What's his motives? I dont think he loves sasabe. Does he just want to have a pair? To simply check his bucket list or something? Wants sasabe to move in with him, support sasabe financially, he even wants sasabe to transfer work. A control freak? Nah.. A lonely guy perhaps? He said he doesnt believe in fate. What does that mean? He lacks of sentimental? A guy who is clueless about love, i say!
Shiratori is actually an investor in a company that is developing a drug that could anul a pairing and he's actually experimenting it on sasabe and then later when the drug is effective sasabe will run into the arms of our poor Utou and will beg him to be with him even tho he's an omega and utou an alpha---is how far my imagination have gone.
Id be laughing rh if this was really the case but I guess it's impossible ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Hmmmm so does Diesel have the tendency to fall (or develop affection) for someone who take him home and take care of him? Sounds like a dog's trait doesnt it? Except the human part in him also develop sexual attraction too? Hmmm. Or maybe he thought this affection he felt towards Yanek and Ein gotta include sex in it? Like, "i have this huge affection towards Yanek and Ein so sex is one way to show them my affection?" Hmmmmm.. Maybe this is why he's still questioning himself if he truly loves Ein or it's just the loyalty and attachment his dog trait talking here. Oh poor boy doesnt know what love is :') love is love ma boi. No use questioning if it's right or wrong. If he loved Yanek, it's fine. If he thought that he used to love Yanek, even without clearly understanding what love is, it's fine too. All the love you had just make you able to love Ein in a better way baby *smooch*
Really? Yashiro is still doing it everyone? It cant be right! Doumeki! you shouldn't have said those words